[RAFFLE] you're not allowed to win because I want all the things >>
It’s raffle time! And this one is *extra* special. For the first time ever, we’re raffling off a “premade custom” — a unique, limited-edition-of-1 pet — with no mushroom-fodder pet necessary! Please say hello to the **Winter Birdsong**:

But that’s not all. We’re also raffling off the very first **Glowing Changingshroom**. There’s been some speculation on the forums as to what it does, and at last you find out: much like the regular Changingshroom, it transforms your pet to a new coat… but into what, you ask? What indeed… you won’t be disappointed :D
There’s also a regular Changingshroom in the prizes, as well as gems.
Tickets are a little more expensive than usual. The ticket price is **500** nuggets, and the ticket cap is **25** tickets. When you’re ready, head [over here](/event/raffle) to buy them. The ticket shop will be open until August 11th at 23:59 Server Time.
May the odds be ever in your favor.
## The raffle has been drawn!
- ticket number 440 (owned by glitch with 25 tickets) wins a Glowing Changingshroom!
- ticket number 1154 (owned by glitch with 10 tickets) wins a Unique Ineki: Winter Birdsong!
- ticket number 1662 (owned by glitch with 25 tickets) wins a Changingshroom!
- ticket number 51 (owned by glitch with 25 tickets) wins a Changingshroom!
- ticket number 2114 (owned by glitch with 25 tickets) wins a 10 Gems!
- ticket number 580 (owned by glitch with 25 tickets) wins a 10 Gems!
- ticket number 916 (owned by glitch with 25 tickets) wins a 10 Gems!
- ticket number 2318 (owned by glitch with 25 tickets) wins a 5 Gems!
- ticket number 1126 (owned by glitch with 10 tickets) wins a 5 Gems!
- ticket number 829 (owned by glitch with 25 tickets) wins a 5 Gems!
- ticket number 1770 (owned by glitch with 25 tickets) wins a 5 Gems!
- ticket number 1308 (owned by glitch with 1 tickets) wins a 5 Gems!
- ticket number 1330 (owned by glitch with 25 tickets) wins a 5 Gems!
- ticket number 1824 (owned by glitch with 25 tickets) wins a 5 Gems!
- ticket number 1593 (owned by glitch with 2 tickets) wins a 5 Gems!
........just kidding… >>
- ticket number 440 (owned by Blemy with 25 tickets) wins a Glowing Changingshroom!
- ticket number 1154 (owned by Shima with 10 tickets) wins a Unique Ineki: Winter Birdsong!
- ticket number 1662 (owned by LadyHawke with 25 tickets) wins a Changingshroom!
- ticket number 51 (owned by Insigne with 25 tickets) wins a Changingshroom!
- ticket number 2114 (owned by ABlankMask with 25 tickets) wins a 10 Gems!
- ticket number 580 (owned by RoseQuartz with 25 tickets) wins a 10 Gems!
- ticket number 916 (owned by Skye with 25 tickets) wins a 10 Gems!
- ticket number 2318 (owned by Hina with 25 tickets) wins a 5 Gems!
- ticket number 1126 (owned by King with 10 tickets) wins a 5 Gems!
- ticket number 829 (owned by Tidda with 25 tickets) wins a 5 Gems!
- ticket number 1770 (owned by Darktornathore with 25 tickets) wins a 5 Gems!
- ticket number 1308 (owned by PyroLuna with 1 tickets) wins a 5 Gems!
- ticket number 1330 (owned by Ariadne and Stevie with 25 tickets) wins a 5 Gems!
- ticket number 1824 (owned by Tamako with 25 tickets) wins a 5 Gems!
- ticket number 1593 (owned by YvaiaTheDemon with 2 tickets) wins a 5 Gems!
Congratulations! Prizes ~~will be handed out shortly~~ have been handed out :) Thanks everyone for playing
Posted 08/02/14, edited 08/12/14
Oh wow, this is exciting!
That custom is simply gorgeous e.e
Posted 08/02/14
oooooooohhhh that custom pet is darling… ;~; i want her, ahh… LOOK AT THE LIL TINY PEEPS. NNGH
-immediately buys 25 tickets and then sits anxiously waiting for the next week-
Posted 08/02/14
“There are a total of 4 tickets in the bowl”
>Buy 2 in rapid succession
Ticket number 15/16
“There are a total of 66 tickets in the bowl”
Posted 08/02/14
Oh gosh that custom is simply adorable! >v<
I’ll be sure to buy some tickets~ :D
Posted 08/02/14
Interesting. Very interesting…
Posted 08/02/14
There goes my savings ;u;
But if I win then it’ll be totally worth it. The custom is gorgeous, and I’m also curious about what the glowing changingshroom does.
Posted 08/02/14
Posted 08/02/14
And the mystery of the glowing changingshroom deepens…
Well that custom is pretty so I’m gonna have to enter! Goodbye nuggets ;-;
Posted 08/02/14
Who just threw about 90% of her money into this raffle?
Posted 08/02/14
Oh wow… That custom! She’s beautiful! *hides link to raffle so no-one else can enter* 0:-)
Posted 08/02/14
Guess who just spent all their nuggets on raffle tickets. :‘D
But seriously tho, that Winter Birdsong is so pretty~ *o*
Posted 08/02/14
that is the sweetiest little thing ever ahh! I love her scarf and her pretty speckles. LOL every time I get a bit of nuggies they’re gone in a flash!! too many wonderful things o3o
Posted 08/02/14
Eee~ Pretty :3 Good luck everyone!
Posted 08/03/14
Wow. Winter Birdsong is a gorgeous, little thing. :> I was originally saving up for a Fairy Dust Ineki and Pancake Shroom, but I guess I’ll have to start earning for some raffle tickets, too. Good luck to everyone!
Posted 08/03/14
/ drains bank in a heartbeat *^*
I’m happy to see some new prizes pop up~
Posted 08/03/14, edited 08/03/14
Oh my… I’m in love. ; v;
With my luck in raffles, I’ll probably get nothing at all, but, uhhh, I’m going to go bankrupt and reach the ticket cap anyway. .3. Oh wait if I say I can’t win I really won’t, I need to believeee. D|
Posted 08/03/14, edited 08/03/14
Knowing my luck, I almost decided to pass, but bought one ticket instead.
The prizes are just too great for a 0% chance. ;;
And, good luck everyone.
Posted 08/03/14, edited 08/03/14
Ah yes, it’s that time of the day to go completely broke (’: Nah, seriously though: totally worth it. The custom is super cute O:
Posted 08/03/14
Oooh neat! Gah, there goes my 1,000 nuggets I had. XD
Posted 08/03/14, edited 08/03/14
My chance of getting this beauty is less than 2% and it keeps shrinking. D: *Tries not to lose hope.*
Posted 08/04/14
I wish good luck to everyone else as well because throwing that much money in should hopefully be worth it.
Posted 08/04/14
Indeed. Best of luck to everyone involved!
I’ll be lucky to even get 10 tickets in there by the end of the alloted time!
Posted 08/04/14
Another great raffle! Can’t wait to unravel the mystery of the changingshroom ;3
Posted 08/04/14
Managed to get max tickets in time -wipes brow-
I was worried I wouldn’t get a chance at that Beautiful custom <3
And the Glowing changing shroom! I definitely want to know what that does hehehe.
Posted 08/07/14
Such a pretty custom!! (I absolutely adore the little birdies~ :D)
Posted 08/07/14
In light of the unusually large number of participants in this raffle, we’re adding several additional prizes: another **Changingshroom**, another **10 gems**, and three more **5 gems**.
The new prize list is:
- 1x Unique Ineki: Winter Birdsong
- 1x Glowing Changingshroom
- 2x Changingshroom
- 3x 10 Gems
- 8x 5 Gems
Posted 08/08/14
That is totally awesome of you guys!
Posted 08/08/14