21:58 ST
[ACTIVITY] The Drawntlet (Nov 1st - Dec 1st)
Crow  I’m trying to fill out Week 2’s form, but it’s not accepting the permalink copy/paste.  It keeps saying “Must be a number”
Posted 11/14/20
When I try to enter the permalinks for the submission form this week it says it has to be a number, but that makes it kinda difficult since permalinks aren’t just numbers.
Posted 11/14/20

rrgh sorry guys, I must have hit the same formatting thing I did the first week. I’ll get that fixed in just a moment.

Edit: Fixed! Sorry again!

Posted 11/14/20, edited 11/14/20
Crow  fixed!  Thank you so much, my entries went through this time c=
Posted 11/14/20
Hi, sorry but I forgot to fill out the submission form for Week 1, and apparently now the form is closed, is there any way you still accept my Week 1 entries?
Posted 11/14/20
KeeperGreymuzzles Thank you for the answer; I’m assuming that this week’s timing was an error so the forms normally are supposed to open at midnight site time at the start of Saturday?
Posted 11/14/20
Lala I believe that’s the time we’re generally aiming for, yes. There may be some variation depending on irl circumstances, though.
Posted 11/15/20, edited 11/15/20

The image hosting site I was using went down.. I don’t know if its going to go back up again. I was able to find a new one for this week, but I already submitted the form for last week with the old links, before I found out what happened.

Will they still count?

Posted 11/15/20
(KeeperGreymuzzles I, uh, think you meant to ping Lala 8); )
Posted 11/15/20

I just went in and double checked your posts, and all the images still showed for me, so you’re fine!

Edit: Unless I’m getting my weeks confused and you’re referring to week 1, which isn’t visible anymore, but I can double check with Crow if that’s been counted. I can still see week 2’s images on Mycena Cave, but going to the link itself throws up a ‘refuses to connect’ error.

Posted 11/15/20, edited 11/15/20

I was referring to week two, and they are showing up for me again as well. Strange that when I checked the images earlier, they weren’t working. The image hosting site is still down, but since the pictures are working again, I guess there’s no problem. Hopefully it will stay that way.

Thanks anyway!

Posted 11/15/20

No problem; I’m glad everything’s back up!

Posted 11/15/20, edited 11/15/20
Purr ffft yes I did mean to ping Lala there. Sorry about that—-guess I wasn’t awake enough to be talking to people at that point!
Posted 11/15/20
Question about this week’s challenge: Do the song lyrics we use have to use the prompt word exactly or can it be peripherally related? (i.e. For day 17, if I were to use a song about keeping things casual in a relationship that doesn’t specifically use the word “casual,” would that still count?)
Posted 11/15/20
WindyFox Peripherally related is fine! It’s up to you how you interpret song lyrics to fit with a prompt :)
Posted 11/15/20
Prose Awesome! :) I figured that was probably the case, but wanted to double check.
Posted 11/15/20
All Week 2 Challenge prizes have gone out!

Please reach out if I missed you.

Posted 11/16/20


This is the Drawntlet activity!! You can get one free forever coat for each weekly challenge you do!

Posted 11/18/20
Will completing the final ‘week’ net us an extra point? I just realized I goofed on my point earnings and may have skipped a week ^^:
Posted 11/18/20

Yep, the final week is worth 1 point, too!

Posted 11/18/20
The spotlight for week 2 is live! Find the collection on Twitter and Facebook!

Week 2 features work by Purr, snafflewyrm, -Bat, UnseenRangerGal, Blemy, teaunicorn, and Heather! You should all receive a Bag of Wonders shortly, and this post will be updated when they’re sent out! (And as always, please disregard unrelated flavor text!)

Bags of Wonders have been delivered!

Everyone is doing awesome! The great entries just keep coming, and we’re really enjoying seeing all of your creative efforts. :D

Posted 11/18/20, edited 11/18/20

(surprised pikachu face)
Wow! Thank you. :D Congrats to everyone else who’s been featured, too!!

Posted 11/18/20
...oh that’s cool, I wasn’t expecting that!!! :D Thank you for the spotlight, and BIG congrats to everyone else, everyone’s entries so far have been super cool ouo
Posted 11/18/20
Oh awesome, thank you!! And congrats to everyone else! I love snooping through everyone’s submissions, it’s so neat to see all the artwork and stories coming in over the course of just a month :3c
Posted 11/18/20
Ooo, thanks for the feature <3 All the submissions are so nice, so it’s cool to see!
Posted 11/18/20
oh wow i definitely wasn’t expecting a feature!! its an honour to be among such talented artists, thank you!!
Posted 11/19/20
Oh wow, thanks for the feature! Congrats to everyone, I love seeing all of these submissions :D
Posted 11/19/20

Congrats to those being featured!!

Crow  I know it’s a tad early, but right now is a good time for me to get my submissions for week 3 filled out.  Would it be possible to open the admission for week 3 please?

Posted 11/21/20

It’s open now!

Posted 11/21/20
Crow  Thank you so much!  I’ve filled it out, and it all went through smoothly =)
Posted 11/21/20