OnyxMalvolio Chibi Envy Chan Week 3 has now been tallied & challenge prizes handed out! If I missed you, please reach out to me so I can fix it. :D
Posted 11/23/20
Thank you Crow for checking. I should have been more specific I am worried I spaced week two. I am pretty sure I did. I need to set reminders on my phone or something lol.This month sure has been something crazy. You guys do a crazy amount of work for these. I appreciate it. It’s keeping me sane in quarantine.
Posted 11/23/20
Posted 11/23/20
(Due to Facebook’s upload limitations, the spotlight entry for day 20 is posted separately!) Week 3 features work by Akira, Ollieshark, Dracogryph, Diglett, Gabriel, Hoax, and Chicken! You should all receive a Bag of Wonders shortly, and please disregard unrelated flavor text. Bags of Wonders have been sent out! The continued creativity is just amazing, and we’re almost to the finish line!! :D Ollieshark, in regards to your question, I am checking on that now! Edit: The answer is yes, 2019 and 2020 Cave Capsules will be created and will be included in the prize pool! :)
Posted 11/25/20, edited 11/25/20
ah thank you for the feature!! and answering about the capsules—i figured there’d be ones for 2019 and 2020 but the prize thread didn’t mention adding those to the pool. and thank you Chou for the art of richie!! he looks so so so so so good! i might be crying just a little lol. edit: and a big big thank you to Thyme for the art of bertilak! he looks great!!
Posted 11/26/20, edited 11/30/20
Crow Hi! I think you sent me the wrong fodder? I believe I said active golden glow but I got an upright tainted smoke :O
Posted 11/30/20
snafflewyrm Stanari
Posted 11/30/20
Week 4 features work by Airadea, Nyfeaena, DelightfulDragon, Asher, Nobo, Miranda, and Hawkins! You should all receive a Bag of Wonders soon, and, like always, please disregard unrelated flavor text. Bags of Wonders have been sent out! Congrats to everyone who took part in the Drawntlet! What an amazing burst of community creativity. We loved seeing all of the entries! Week 5 will have a spotlight in the next few days, too!
Posted 12/02/20, edited 12/02/20
Week 5 features work by Stanari and Reggi! You should both receive a Bag of Wonders soon, and, like always, please disregard unrelated flavor text. The Bags of Wonders are sent out! And that wraps up the Drawntlet spotlights! Week 5 was a short one, but the entries kept coming - congrats to everyone who participated and thank you to all of the spotlight volunteers over the month! We loved seeing the creativity!
Posted 12/05/20, edited 12/05/20