01:09 ST
Digis Custom / Zaf pet recreation finally online!

Yeah. Solved it over IM! They can be edited whenever.


Posted 07/15/13

T_T I missed a memo somewhere, but why is it that only Zafa or customs can be made? (Makes me sad because I never obtained a Zafa and my luck to obtain a custom did not happen until the end of digis (she will forever be an inbox baby.)

Please don’t smite me, I am just a wee bit curious that is all…

Posted 07/16/13

Oh, one more question that just came up, which is in no way applicable to me :P

What happens to sketch/scribble/april fool’s zafs? Although they’re zafs, I don’t think too many people looked at them as ‘full-fledged’ zafs because they were regularly purchasable (with YP) and that made them way less rare than other zafs.

Are these included?

Posted 07/16/13

Akuma:  We decided it to limit custom re-creations to customs and zafs because those are generally what people invested heavily in monetarily.  Also, we needed some sort of restriction for the artists’ sake, as even recreating just submitted customs and zafs will take a lot of time on our end when we also need to be focusing on creating new features for our site.  Eventually, we’ll open up regular custom slots for people wishing to convert regular pets/new creations/other customs.  I’m hopeful that your inbox baby will someday be a reality for you. :)

Juney:  We are not going to count the April Fool’s zafs, because they were relatively easy to obtain like you mentioned. XD

Also, just a general note for a common private inquiry I’m receiving:  we’ve decided that we will put on angel (zaf-esque) wings on Ineki for Zaf recreations upon request, because of the importance of wings to many of the zaf’s characters in RP and such.  We will later be releasing some generic colors of the same type of wing as an item, and once regular custom slots open, people can add wings to their future customs if they wish at an additional cost.

Posted 07/16/13, edited 07/16/13

Akuma-Neko, to go into a little more detail:
we limited this to zafs, customs and gen2s to limit the number of pets that we were committing to do for as cheap as they are. This effort really isn’t a “sale” event for Digis users. We made this promise when Tofu said she was probably going to close Digis, and our intention was to try to ease some of the pain of having characters that you love and that probably cost you a lot of money sitting on a site that was likely to vanish. While it doesn’t look like that’s going to happen anymore, a promise is a promise so we’re honoring it. I’d love to give everyone two free (or cheap) customs, but the amount of time that goes into each one makes that something we simply can’t do.

Posted 07/16/13, edited 07/16/13

Will it be possible to see these angel-esque wings before the deadline?

Edit: Also, sorta related but sorta not, will it ever be possible to get an image of the different linearts to fiddle with/color for possible custom plans/previews?

Posted 07/16/13, edited 07/16/13

Sure, I’ll post the winged versions once I have them finished, which I’ll try to do way before the deadline. :)

And yes, I’ll get some uncolored/shaded lineart versions ready tonight or tomorrow and get those uploaded for people to mess with. <3

Posted 07/16/13



Posted 07/16/13

Here they are until we get a place of permanent access.  These linearts are for personal use only, in order to help you design customs. :)

Posted 07/16/13, edited 07/16/13

I put this question in another thread, but maybe it’s best suited to be posted here:

Are any of the other artists besides yourself and DFA able to do customs if they are willing? Wren did my custom on digis, and I’d really like her to recreate him again. Of course that’s totally up to her, if it is allowed.

Posted 07/17/13

All of the artists will likely be helping with custom re-creations, as much as our time allows anyhow. :)

Regarding artist requests,  I’ve commented that we aren’t going to do artist preference because of the complications that comes with doing that.  If you have strong feelings about which artist colors your custom to the point where you don’t want it done unless X does it, you need to contact me or glitch privately about it, and have to be willing to be put back in the pool if a different artist draws you out/be put at the very back of the line for whomever you’re requesting does your custom.

Posted 07/17/13
Question: Do we personally have to pay for the custom, or could we get someone else to pay the $10 in exchange for art or nuggets? (I’m thinking of something similar to people selling FotM credit on Digis.)
Posted 07/18/13
Embyr: it doesn’t matter who pays for it. When your pet is up, you’ll get an echo letting you know the details on how to proceed. If someone else is paying for yours, just send them the relevant info :)
Posted 07/18/13

Hey guys! I come bearing gifts! You guys wanted to see the wings when finished, right? Well then:

Posted 07/20/13

Aw, these are adorbs.
Great job and thanks for working so hard for us!~

Posted 07/20/13
Those are cute and gorgeous! c:
Posted 07/20/13

Those wings are simply precious! ;w;
So round and fluffy! ahhh~

Edit: Whoop; Juney was nice enough to point out something I missed!
>> ignore the sentence that used to be here.

Posted 07/20/13, edited 07/20/13

Ooh, I’m so excited to see all the pretty new customs!  Thank you all for being willing to do this for us! <3

And those wings are so pretty! :D

Posted 07/22/13

I don’t mean to be a picky butt because I absolutely adore those wings because they look amazinggg, but is it just me or is the little tuff of fur between the female’s hind leg fur and the feathers down by her butt/tails missing it’s shading? (Does that make sense? ahah…)

In other words, I cannot wait to start seeing all the loverly customs from this. o3o!

Posted 07/22/13
We’ll fix that shading issue. :)
Posted 07/22/13

I have a few more questions.

If you are unable to pay at the time your pet gets drawn then your pet gets tossed back into the pool, correct? If that occurs are you placed in the back of the line like people requesting specific artists or do you still have a random chance of being drawn whenever?

Do artists individually select pets or are they randomly chosen for each custom? On that note, if you cannot pay and get tossed back into the pool when you are drawn again do you get the same artist as before or will a new artist be chosen? Or is that more of a case-by-case assessment depending on the artists’ schedules?

Posted 07/24/13

We (the artists) decide amongst ourselves who is coloring what custom. :)

As far as payment goes, if you don’t or are unable to pay at the time your re-creation is accepted, you will be added to round 3.  We’ve decided to do that so that people don’t just skip payment in hopes of getting a different artist faster than doing it by going through round 3, if that makes sense!

Posted 07/24/13

Just a quick question… can’t find the solution on this board, so I thought I’d ask.

A friend’s custom was accepted today, and because they are unable to get the money to you within a week, I have offered to step in and pay the fee. Who should I talk to in terms of confirming “yes I am ____ paying for ____’s pet”?


Posted 07/31/13, edited 07/31/13

Your friend should have received information on where to send the money (payments at mycenacave.com) when the custom was accepted.  All you would have to do is include the correct information when you’re paying for the custom, which is the artist’s username and their pet’s ID. :)

Posted 07/31/13
Include the correct information via the comment function on paypal?
Posted 07/31/13
Exactly!  Sorry for not being clear about that. :D
Posted 07/31/13

Not an issue! Just wanted to finalize all the details before I go through with it is all.
Thanks for your help.

Posted 07/31/13

Question: I’ve seen a lot of chimera Ineki - will these be compatible with all the same items as normal Ineki?

Also, on the female wings, what is that little extra bit of feathery stuff down by her rump? Is it a bird tail?

Posted 08/05/13

Jingles; Since I know the answer I’ll answer it.
The chimera ineki (as you put it; i’m assuming you mean different head/tail combinations) are technically compatible with the same items.

The site/programming/database uses what the HEAD is however as the “where to place the item”
So say for example there was a Tail-Bangle item added later on or something, and you were to equip it to one that had a cat-head but either fox/dog tails.
It’d look pretty wonky!
Of course some items will always look the same, like the glowey orbs (I have a pink one equipped to Nimamio) etc.

Posted 08/05/13

Uh I guess this was the best place to ask, so I will…
I saw that someone got an ineki with just one fox tail, instead of three. Is this something that’s okay to ask for everyone? Also maybe with just one cat tail, for example? I don’t know if it’s something that’s difficult for the artists to do or what, so I figured asking couldn’t hurt!
also: Agwees? Is it okay to ask for the little claws+fluff on the front legs?

I just want to be absolutely sure! <3

Posted 08/06/13