07:36 ST
Digis Custom / Zaf pet recreation finally online!

Hey everyone,

My computer was stolen yesterday evening which unfortunately means that customs are going to take a little longer than expected to make their way onto your profiles. I’ll try to do what I can from my little android tablet thing, but this thing is essentially a large phone that can’t make calls so what I can do is pretty limited until I get a replacement. I’ll see what I can do about borrowing one from my friends from time to time in the interim. Don’t worry, your pets won’t fall through the cracks and I’ll get them up as soon as humanly possible.

as for the questions,
Wings: not sure, I’ll leave that question to Myla or Daffu
Chimera: as Sapphy said, items will match whatever body the head is of
Single-tail fox: i believe this was done as a tail edit
Agwee claws: yes, assuming your agwee is a custom (see sapphys pet’s claws)

Sorry for the terseness, and any autocorrect fails, tablet keyboards are the devil.

Posted 08/07/13
:( [hugs the Loomus]
Posted 08/07/13
D: Oh my! I’m so sorry glitch that’s awful! :( *huggles*
Posted 08/07/13

Holy crud. D: Sorry to hear that glitch! Hope there wasn’t anything too important on there or that you get it back! (I realize the chances are slim)

and yes, tablet keyboards are the devil.

x__x I wish you the best of luck.

Posted 08/07/13

I’m sorry glitch :< Wish there was something I could do D:

Good luck in the meantime, and don’t worry about missing some time - we can hang here for a bit without a problem.

Posted 08/07/13
Sorry for the silence!  I’ve been camping this week and had limited internet access.  It looks like the only unanswered question was the wings one:  that part down by the rump is a bird tail. :)
Posted 08/10/13
And I’m back with a new laptop :) It’s going to take a while to get it all configured and such, but I’ve managed to get my basic dev tools installed and a copy of Mycena Cave running on it, so I’m good to go! So…. expect customs to resume :))))
Posted 08/14/13
Yay! :D
Posted 08/14/13

That’s good to hear glitch! :D

D: sad that I bet you lost some work with the laptop but.. At least you got a new one now and can keep Rollin!

Posted 08/14/13