![]() The Cave, despite its vast array of denizens and lively settlements, remains largely unmapped. Its tunnels run endlessly deep, and new, previously unknown pockets of Mycenian life seem to constantly be discovered by those who make adventure their lifestyle. Most of these distant caverns exist largely solitarily, connected to the Main Settlement by nary more than a thin supply line—just in case. Driven by Kerric and his Adventurer’s Guild, and aided by Ambrose and a small collective of like-minded Mycenians who have begun to call themselves the Mapmaker’s Society, more concentrated efforts into mapping out the Cave have begun to take shape. Together, they make journeys into the unknown depths of the Cave, drafting maps and uncovering whatever information they can about any previously unknown settlements they come across. There is always a flurry of excitement when someplace new is found—and the discovery of Cobbletown and its surrounding cavern is no different. With the townsfolk’s okay, the call has been sent out to invite adventurers and researchers alike to investigate its secrets and, ideally, create a lasting bond between its denizens and the rest of Mycenian society.
Posted 07/21/21, edited 07/25/21
The summer event Soup, Stones, and Snakes has launched!
Please check out the Town Square for updated event information as well as the event directory!
Posted 07/25/21
Edit: it may be that all the games are not properly giving out credit. glitch is troubleshooting the issue! Everything should be fixed now!
Posted 07/25/21, edited 07/25/21
For those of you who want a text list of activities, here you go: Daily things: Non-Daily Things:
Posted 07/25/21
I can’t answer all of the questions asked so far, but both the issue with the memory game and the question about an adventure tag were both passed on to glitch! However, I can answer Nyfeaena - you are most certainly allowed to use event submissions to fulfill creative collective requirements!
Posted 07/25/21
I figure this might get lost in the Discord, so best to bring it here—It seems like there might be something wrong with the daily reset timing of the new games. Both Snish and the First-Time Forager game did not reset at 00:00 site time, but the Bumbleberry Brew game did!
Posted 07/26/21, edited 07/26/21
Posted 07/26/21
KeeperGreymuzzles Yes, I clicked the “walk away with x” button, but it didn’t reset. It did add to the number of rounds played the more times I clicked it, but, other than that, nothing changed.
Posted 07/26/21, edited 07/26/21
Posted 07/26/21
KeeperGreymuzzles Clearing the cache and hard refresh did nothing. :( I use Firefox as my main browser, but I tried logging in via Chrome as well and it was no different.
Posted 07/26/21