22:50 ST
[EVENT] Soup, Stones, and Snakes (July 25th - Aug 25th)
Luminary Oh no, I’m so sorry D: It’s still possible to get unlucky with it but I hope your luck improves!!
Posted 08/10/21


It looks like we had a minor fragment-tallying issue, resulting in some scores being lower than they should have been. In most cases when this manifested, it undercounted the score by 1, although in one case it undercounted the score by 4. The fragment counts have been fixed, and I apologize for the mistake!

All players affected by this issue are ping’ed below — if you are not on this list then your fragment count was correct.

Purr Tesla DeepRiver1995 galeu Adaris OnyxMalvolio Oxton Rhyme Ollieshark Chimerical odin Lullaby Nyfeaena yuriayana apiphily Sherushi Caesium

Posted 08/17/21
Oh cool, thank you! I was curious why the activity was still orange but just chalked it up to it just being how that activity was, since it can take multiple submissions haha. I see it’s marked as complete now. <3
Posted 08/17/21
ah thanks for letting us know!!! I was curious as to why it was orange!
Posted 08/17/21
Oh thanks for the fix and the heads up! I didn’t even realize. 8D
Posted 08/17/21
Ohh, thank you so much! I was also wondering about the activity being still orange, but I kinda forgot about it after a while. Oops. >>;
Posted 08/17/21
Thank you, glitch! I also thought the activity was orange just because it had the option to submit multiple entries. :‘D So glad it got fixed! <3
Posted 08/17/21
Thank you Glitch <3
Posted 08/18/21
Thank you for fixing it. :)
Posted 08/18/21
Thank you for fixing it, Glitch! :D
Posted 08/18/21
Are we able to do the adventure again with the event ended? I did want to do another run with the path I did not take, with a different character, just for fun, but I see we can’t access it from the adventure page. I also realized I totally forgot to start it before the event ended. If not, I understand. I just wish I had remembered to start it before now.
Posted 08/25/21
No problem, raus! I just published it so you should be able to access it now. It’s called “Exploring the Soup!”
Posted 08/26/21
Woo! Thanks, Myla! <3
Posted 08/26/21