15:33 ST
The Fancy Shmancy Freebie 'Spensive Raffle

## This raffle has been drawn! See [here](https://www.mycenacave.com/forums/viewthread/1/1992/2#post_fc91efe005) for results!

###What did you think of the format? Respond to [this post](https://www.mycenacave.com/forums/viewthread/1/1992/3#post_2a0196010c) with opinions!


It’s raffle time again!

We’re experimenting with something a little different this time: **Your first ticket is free**. After that, each ticket will cost **1,000** nuggets, and you can have a maximum of **13 tickets** (i.e. you can buy a maximum of 12, after you get your first one for free).

Tickets can be [purchased here](/event/raffle) through 23:59 server time on September 6th.

Our prize list is pretty fun too:

- 1x Breeding
- 1x Glowing Changingshroom
- 2x Changingshroom
- 3x Cave Capsule 2013
- 13x 5 gems

Which means we will have whopping 20 winning tickets. This is up from our usual 11 or 12, because with the free ticket we anticipate more participation.

Good luck everyone! :)

Posted 08/29/14, edited 09/07/14
AHHHHHH!!! SO EXCITED! I hope I win something! *Explodes* 
Posted 08/29/14
Yay! There goes my Golden Tiger fund though lol
Posted 08/29/14
Oohh, yay for the free ticket! *Buys the other 12 and sobs at the emptied bank anyway.*
Posted 08/29/14, edited 08/29/14
Whee! I like this! Now I can participate in a raffle without emptying the bank. :D
Posted 08/29/14

That breeding slot.
THIS TIME.  This time.  X3

Posted 08/29/14
Ahhh a new raffle! And just like that I’m broke all over again. XD
Posted 08/29/14
I like all this new stuff you’re trying out lately! 
Posted 08/29/14

-claims ticket-
/Is too broke for another

Posted 08/29/14

I like getting all my tickets at once so I’ll have to wait a bit to get mine ;w;

Curse youuuuu.

Posted 08/29/14
We got this Rettikins~ <3
Posted 08/29/14

oh mai. theres breeding on here? this I did not know yet….

*is floored*

someone pick me up so I can go get my freeeee ticket

Posted 08/29/14
haha, I’m super broke so I can’t buy any tickets, and I really appreciate the free one. I’ll be lucky if I win anything, but it’s nice to have the chance!
Posted 08/29/14
*speechless* I hope I can win something! I’ve also ways wanted to be able to win at least once! :D
Posted 08/29/14

*stares at prizes*

Okay. Now I need a karass. *looks around*

EDIT: Grr… why is a Blushroom so pricey? D:

Posted 08/29/14, edited 08/29/14

Well, guess who’s going to have to try to squeeze in cave-in this week…!
I can only buy a grand total of 2 tickets as it stands now.
I’m still recovering from the last raffle/holding on to my current funds to make a pancake and get the September OotS set >>;

Posted 08/29/14

Thanks for the free ticket!

Now, I just need to max out on cave in for the next few days to buy the rest of my tickets. XD I want that breeding! *grabby hands*

Posted 08/29/14
- if you’re worried about your pets being breeding compatible, they can be the same gender and still breed :>
Posted 08/29/14
I assume well be able to trade prizes if we didn’t have a mate, right?
Posted 08/30/14
You can re-order the prize list by clicking and dragging each ‘item’ on the raffle page. If you don’t have a karass for the breeding, then I assuuuume the thing to do is move the breeding lower down the list, so things don’t get complicated should you be lucky enough to own the first-drawn ticket
Posted 08/30/14, edited 08/30/14
If you don’t have any karasses when the raffle is drawn and you would have won the breeding, you will instead win the next entry on your prize preference list. If the breeding was your last choice and you would have won it, then you won’t win anything at all… but that would literally mean that your ticket was the very last ticket to be drawn and every single one of the 19 other winners ranked 5 gems over the breeding — which I can pretty much guarantee will not happen ^^
Posted 08/31/14, edited 08/31/14

I have a question.

Let’s say I won the breeding. And I picked which karass I wanted babies for. But one of the inekis involved is soon to be replaced by a custom (like the order is in the queue and/or currently accepted and being worked on). Would the artist use the future custom version of that ineki or would they use the current non-custom version when creating the babies? (I know sometimes they try to incorporate different aspects of the parents into the babies)

Posted 09/05/14
Foxcat we generally like to be accommodating to this sort of request but after discussing it with Myla we think it would open up a whole can of worms that we don’t want to open when it comes to raffles and breedings. So: the artist doing your breeding is going to go off of whatever is on your profile when they look at it.
Posted 09/05/14

Oh yea, we don’t want worms.

Thanks for the quick reply!! :D

Posted 09/05/14

sad sad saddddder mcmeannnieee mcmeannnnnn

Posted 09/05/14

Wel, maybe THAT one worm is okay.

Posted 09/05/14


Oh no little wormieeeeeeeeeeee nuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!!

I-I-I meant we don’t want any otherworms! Because you’re so awesome already we couldn’t handle any more!!


Posted 09/05/14
Posted 09/05/14

I actually had the same question as Foxcat… And Drat! :<

Aah, well, at least that decided whether or not I was going to buy more tickets. v.v I can afford to max out on them, but with pending custom-ification status on my one pet in a karass thingy… Super buzzkill. (Especially since both pets in it are the SAME COAT. OTL. -Just- taking the coat colors into account would make those babies -super- disappointing since babies are SO rare.)

Kinda regret buying the tickets I did buy now. x.x

Do breedings at least ever take RP details into account?

Posted 09/05/14
Crow and I actually had the same question, but this is okay because we have another pair we’d be excited to win grand prize with too. 8D I think it would be difficult to take customs in the queue into account as much because - technically, if you got there and somehow no longer had the means to pay for your custom… I donno I could definitely see problems cropping up with breeding results that are pending on the /possibility/ of customization on parents.
Posted 09/05/14