18:37 ST
The Fancy Shmancy Freebie 'Spensive Raffle
Skye RPs are sometimes considered when it comes to breedings. :) We actually have a pair of kids with traits influenced by their parent’s RP. Also, even if your karass pair happen to be the same coat, our artists find ways to make the kids unique. :)
Posted 09/05/14

Oh, yeah… I suppose I could see that now that CC is gone for the moment. But, like, mine for example has all the needed CC sitting there on my account. I -can’t- do anything with that money, it’s literally already fully bought and paid for. So it’s basically just like waiting for something to ship after paying for it on Amazon (Just zero risk of it ‘getting lost in the mail’. lol). Only difference is even if I backed out or changed my mind, there’s nothing at all else I could do with that money. (So it’s a really bad idea to do that.)

Though related to that, I suppose there -could- be the problem of someone setting up a custom order, getting a breeding with certain pending info, and then changing the idea before the end result. Which would be totally uncool and abusive of the system.

And Ooo!!! That’s good to hear at least, Firkasa. ‘Cuz my only one in a karass is a Kheper coat…. With one of Roan’s. That’s -also- a Kheper. XD But that fear of the other options along a hue slider for that coat… So depressing! DX But! If they take -some- RP details into account (like noted more prominent colors/patterns), it could still be pretty!

I suppose there is also just… Shoving other charries into a karass that should be in one anyway (We just haven’t RP’d them together yet, so were waiting on it, but… Eeh.), and might yield more interesting color combos. But… Q.Q I love my ‘OTP’ the most, so if I were to ever get anything as super rare and awesome as bbys, I’d want it to be my favorite pairing.

I dunno why I’m even worried, It’s not like I’ll win… But it’s an addictive thing to fret over, like dreaming about winning the lottery. XD (I ever win the lottery IRL, I’m buying land and having a small castle built. True fax.)

Posted 09/05/14
Are different species allowed to breed?
Posted 09/05/14
Considering babies come from flowers, I assume so Aether. Don’t quote me as fact on that though. ^.^;;
Posted 09/05/14
Yes, I am about 100% sure species can breed together. c:
Posted 09/05/14
Different species can be part of a karass and breed last I heard. If there is a parent who is a rarer species, then there’s a small chance that one or both kids end up being the rarer species.
Posted 09/05/14
/ frantically tries to max cave in by tonight
Posted 09/06/14
/waits impatiently
Posted 09/07/14

on o;;;

Prize time!

Posted 09/07/14
I wanna see who got the fat loots!
Posted 09/07/14
Goodluck, everyone. :‘c I’m excited to see the eventual babies.
Posted 09/07/14
-waits eagerly for results-
Posted 09/07/14
I only had 2 tickets, so Im not expecting to win anything. But I’m still so excited to seeee!!!
Posted 09/07/14
-excitedly bounces-
Posted 09/07/14
*peers curiously*
Posted 09/07/14
Posted 09/07/14
Posted 09/07/14
*bounces and flails*
Posted 09/07/14


Now it’s all over the walls!

Posted 09/07/14

XD awww.
*starts to clean up Elsa’s excitement/impatience*

Posted 09/07/14, edited 09/07/14
Posted 09/07/14, edited 09/07/14

Eeew. Phrasing.

Kismet, don’t tough that! You don’t know where it’s been ...

Posted 09/07/14
Glitch isn’t even on xD
Posted 09/07/14

He ran away from our excitement. Damn.
((he was on earlier right when it closed xDD))

Posted 09/07/14



Posted 09/07/14

LadyHawkwing: Really?!?!

also: GLITCH! COME BACK!!!!!!!

Posted 09/07/14

-squirms impatiently-

Posted 09/07/14

# Results!

- ticket number 529 (owned by Ariadne and Stevie with 13 tickets) wins a Breeding!
- ticket number 420 (owned by Irefe with 13 tickets) wins a Glowing Changingshroom!
- ticket number 477 (owned by feyers with 13 tickets) wins a Changingshroom!
- ticket number 823 (owned by Zookie with 4 tickets) wins a Changingshroom!
- ticket number 13 (owned by Plasma with 13 tickets) wins a Cave Capsule 2013!
- ticket number 303 (owned by Dove with 13 tickets) wins a Cave Capsule 2013!
- ticket number 773 (owned by Prince with 13 tickets) wins a Cave Capsule 2013!
- ticket number 880 (owned by BrokenGlass with 11 tickets) wins a 5 Gems!
- ticket number 1098 (owned by Darthcat2002 with 1 tickets) wins a 5 Gems!
- ticket number 600 (owned by Firebrand with 1 tickets) wins a 5 Gems!
- ticket number 328 (owned by Taranel with 1 tickets) wins a 5 Gems!
- ticket number 994 (owned by raus with 13 tickets) wins a 5 Gems!
- ticket number 1131 (owned by Pink Chocolate with 13 tickets) wins a 5 Gems!
- ticket number 755 (owned by Guaif with 5 tickets) wins a 5 Gems!
- ticket number 825 (owned by raikdow with 1 tickets) wins a 5 Gems!
- ticket number 800 (owned by KeeperGreymuzzles with 12 tickets) wins a 5 Gems!
- ticket number 840 (owned by King with 13 tickets) wins a 5 Gems!
- ticket number 712 (owned by Kay Mentrae with 13 tickets) wins a 5 Gems!
- ticket number 254 (owned by Lilael with 11 tickets) wins a 5 Gems!
- ticket number 509 (owned by Miku with 3 tickets) wins a 5 Gems!

Congratulations to the new parents, [Priscilla](https://www.mycenacave.com/profile/pet/676) and [Mae](https://www.mycenacave.com/profile/pet/1652)!

Thanks for playing everyone! Prizes will be handed out shortly :) ((sorry for the wait, I fell asleep >>))

Posted 09/07/14, edited 09/07/14
Congrats winners!
Posted 09/07/14
Congrats winners! I can’t wait to see your babies and a (hopefully) new color from the Glowing Changingshroom!
Posted 09/07/14