09:29 ST
[ACTIVITY] The Drawntlet 2022 (July 1st - July 31st)

The Drawntlet is a month-long activity that encourages artists and writers to challenge themselves as well as develop positive creativity habits. The goal is to create a unique piece each day, based on one of the provided prompts. This activity welcomes both art and writing, and will run in lieu of our usual Creative Circles this month.

We are excited to announce our third annual Drawntlet, beginning July 1st and running throughout the month! :D We’ve once again made several adjustments based on last year’s feedback, and will continue to hone things as necessary going forward. There will be a feedback form available at the end of the activity, and we encourage all participants to share their thoughts with us there! 

You can find the full rules and guidelines on the Town Square page, and the forum for this year’s activity is here.

Below you can read through the more notable adjustments we’ve made, as well as take a peek at the new coats and item prize created for this year’s activity.

Changes & Adjustments
  • Weekly challenges are back.
    Lots of players missed the weekly theme challenges last year, so we brought them back! This year, you have the choice of two challenges for each week, and completing a challenge will earn you extra points to spend in the prize shop! To count, all pieces throughout the week must adhere to the same challenge, so choose wisely!

  • Daily prompts are back, but with some options!
    While people appreciated the flexibility of the prompt banks last year, many players also felt as though it took away from some of the feelings of camaraderie since choices could vary so greatly. This year, each day has its own prompt, but there is a small bank of alternatives available each week to provide some flexibility.

  • Same as last year, 1 day = 1 point. But there’s 31 days.
    While this means you likely won’t be able to spend your points quite as evenly as last year, it also means that participants who complete the whole month will end up with an extra point to spend. The highest-tier prize in the prize shop still costs 30 points, so… enjoy your extra golden ticket? :D?

  • Some variety and adjustments have been made to the prize shop.
    Overall, the prize shop last year worked out well! There were some requests for prizes that were not included last year, though, so we’ve updated the shop to include some new choices. A simple run-down of the prize choices is below:

    • 30 points: discovered gcs coat of choice
    • 25 points: GCS mushroom | gold medallion
    • 20 points: choice of past oots set (mushroom + items) | choice of seasonal coat
    • 15 points: choice of past oots item set | choice of past oots coat | choice of BoW item | driftshroom
    • 12 points: choice of past oots item
    • 10 points: july OR august oots set (mushroom + items) | choice of cave capsule | bag of wonders | changingshroom | choice of past event coat
    • 5 points: forever coat | random cave capsule | july OR august oots item set | choice of past event item
    • 1 point: golden ticket


  • There’s a new prize for completing all 31 days!
    Completing the entire drawntlet this year will earn you a new avatar frame item!

  • The submission form will close at 12:00 (noon) ST on Monday instead of Sunday.
    Hopefully having an extra chunk of time after the end of any given week will help limit the number of forgotten submissions we get!

New Secret Coats & Completion Prize
  • Players who complete all 31 days of the Drawntlet will receive a Scholarly Frame
  • The ‘choice of GCS coat’ prize tier includes two newly added coats: Toile (by Plasma) and Inkpot (by Plaid & Puppy). These coats are also available from using a Glowing Changingshroom.

Remember to submit permalinks to your entries on the submission page!


Posted 06/27/22, edited 06/28/22
Heckin’ EXCITE! That kelph is so good omg!
Posted 06/27/22, edited 06/27/22
excellent! i get to make my 22 page document of lore for rood 50 pages now!
Posted 06/27/22


I’m stoked about weekly challenges being worth extra points, that’s great OvO Also I adore the avatar frame, and the new coats are neat!

Posted 06/27/22

Lol I am so tired I was like: awww man I missed most of this. Then realized it’s still June XD! Which is also why I could not find them in the puddle!
Oh I hope I can do all 31 days!!

Posted 06/28/22
Ohhh excited for the drawntlet! Hopefully I can get all 31 days done for the pretties. o(*°▽°*)o
Posted 06/28/22
Eee! This would be my first Drawntlet, can’t wait!
Posted 06/28/22
How many points do the weekly challenges earn? Is it an extra point per prompt in the challenge, or a set number of points per challenge?
Posted 06/28/22

Each weekly challenge earns you 2 extra points, and the challenge is only considered ‘complete’ if you complete the same challenge for all of the week’s prompts. In total, if you choose to do a challenge each week, you’ll earn 10 extra points.

Posted 06/28/22
Hell yeah. I skipped the second one since I was busy, so I’m ready to go this round (─‿‿─)☆
Posted 06/28/22
Oh boy this is so exciting! I’ve never done the drawntlet before, do our submissions have to be related to MC in some way or do we have free rein :3
Posted 06/29/22
I’m so excited omg! I cant wait to draw again! And that kelph is a dream!
Posted 06/29/22

As long as your submission sticks to the daily prompt (and, if you choose, the optional weekly challenge), your piece does not have to be related to MC!

Posted 06/29/22
I couldn’t find the weekly challenges?  I’ve seen them mentioned, but where is the list we can chose from?
Posted 07/01/22

Each week’s challenge options are listed in the corresponding week’s submission thread, along with the week’s prompts!

Posted 07/01/22
@Crow thank you for letting me know where to look!  c=
Posted 07/01/22

I made a google sheets calendar for myself to keep track of my Drawntlet plans, and then made a template version in case anyone else would find it useful! The link to download it is here and you can see a preview of it below :D

Posted 07/02/22
I am absolutely head over heals for Inkpot omg
Posted 07/02/22

Week 1 of the Drawntlet was short and it’s already almost over! How are you all doing?

We just wanted to remind everyone that you may not skip ahead by posting prompts beyond the current date (but you can play catch-up)!

We understand that real life happens, though, and while we hope to keep the spirit of the month long day-by-day event, we don’t want to be a roadblock either. If you have an extenuating circumstance such as travel or no internet and need to post certain entries early, please echo Cien or Crow and we can go from there. (Please note that we are not asking for personal or private details, only share what you’re comfortable with - we really only need to know what day(s) you are requesting permission to post for!)

For week 1, because it was such a short week, we will not be following up on posts that did not follow this guideline, but in the future we will reach out about it!

As always, we do collect feedback at the end of the event, so if you have any thoughts or suggestions please be sure to let us know!

Posted 07/03/22
Got a question on the weekly themes for this week! Do we have to stick to a single color/new experimental style for all entries for the week, or can we use a different color/style for each separate day’s entries? Thanks!
Posted 07/04/22

You could interpret it either way! If you want to focus on a single new style or single color theme for all your pieces, that works! If instead you’d like to do a different style or color theme each day, that works too!

Posted 07/04/22
Remember to submit your week 1 entries to the submission page before 23:59 ST tonight!

The thread will likely lock first thing in the morning, but we will be checking submission times!

Posted 07/04/22
Question in advance for Week 4’s challenge! For Crossover, if creating fanworks, must it involve multiple fandoms/a cross between original characters and fandoms (the typical definition of crossovers), or would a work created for a single fandom suffice? The wording seems to imply the latter but the word Crossover is throwing me, lol.
Posted 07/04/22
Question about weekly challenge point calculation, are they automatically counted on the submission page or are they going to be calculated later?
Posted 07/06/22

Aw man.. first now I’ve gotten to read this, thought it only ran for a week, until I just today noticed the top-click-link thing… A shame I missed the first week… ( yeah real life has been a annoying stressed buzz for me lately ) and for certain will miss the period of 10-18th as my irl family out of the blue decided to drag me to a summerhouse in the middle of nowhere ( aka no wifi around )  but that inky-coat is pretty *puts it on my forever growing wish-list despite knowing I wont ever be able to afford it* the frame is also up my alley but alas… *shrug*

However I Hope you all will have fun with it <3

Posted 07/08/22

For ease of reference, Azurrys’ question was answered in the Discord by Crow - entries do not need to be a literal crossover, and can be fanart/writing using someone else’s character/world/etc. Crow has updated the challenge name!

Rowyn - we currently do not have a way to add the weekly challenge points to your running total on the submissions page, but we are tracking them in a sheet! We’re still figuring out how best to display these, but in Crow’s words, if you haven’t received an echo explaining why something didn’t count, just assume that you have the extra challenge points available to you!

The spotlight for week 1 is live! Find the collection on Twitter and Facebook!

Week 1 features work by Huli, MmeLibertine, and WindyFox! You should all receive a Bag of Wonders shortly, and this post will be updated when they’re sent out!

Prizes have been sent out!

Week 1 was short but strong - it’s been a great start to Drawntlet 2022, and we’re looking forward the rest of the month! :D

Posted 07/08/22, edited 07/08/22
Gotcha! Thanks so much for the clarification! ^^
Posted 07/08/22
Yes, hi hello. I was half-awakedly putting my entries into the index and I mixed some of them up, so they’re kinda outta order?? x_x But I submitted them all? 8);; I suppose it doesn’t really matter what order they’re in? But if it does, can someone fix it please? @_@ Cuz I tried to fix the order, but it was like, “NO U SUBMITTED THAT ONE ALREADY!”
Posted 07/11/22
I just realized that I called my submission for the 9th “unfinished” instead of “incomplete”. Please don’t hold it against me? n__n;
Posted 07/16/22

OverTheWolf Thanks for letting us know, that should be fine! :D

The spotlight for week 2 is live! Find the collection on Twitter and Facebook!

Week 2 features work by Parasitic Candy, Oxton, Catbee, theoryofaghost, Starling, Gabriel, and Ibis! You should all receive a Bag of Wonders shortly, and this post will be updated when they’re sent out!

Prizes have been sent out!

Week 2 was our first full week for Drawntlet 2022 - and as of right now, week 3 is still open and it’s Productivi-weekend! Keep up the good work, everyone!

Posted 07/16/22, edited 07/16/22