18:41 ST
Out of the Shadows appear August previews!

Here’s a little something some of you may have been looking forward to:  the first monthly!  What better way to start it than with a mischievous tanuki ineki?

Posted 07/29/13


(What you do to us.)

Posted 07/29/13


Edit: okay, more coherent… SO FLIPPING CUTEEEEE

Posted 07/29/13, edited 07/29/13

Gdi I want that color so bad!!

It’s so cuuuute!!!

Posted 07/29/13
Leeeeaf hat! :D
Posted 07/29/13
That leaf hat is awesome… So awesome.
Posted 07/30/13
These are adorable! And that Leaf Hat, and the Sake!!! :D These are awesome!!!
Posted 07/30/13
...time to go play Cave In! for hours on end.
Posted 07/30/13

Fan service for Animal Crossing players, amirite? ;D
I like the female better… and the items are adorbbsssss

Also, will these be available for purchase through a shop with RL$?

Posted 07/30/13, edited 07/30/13
I need this so badly!  -cries-
Posted 07/30/13

Seeing all the comments about the leaf hat make me want to point out..

XD I love it. Going to need to give it to Fisk maybe… either that or just camp on it for later for another character ouo

((all the items need all the love for all the hoarding all the time))

Posted 07/30/13

Sapphy: There’s totally nothing in the sake bottle.. it’s just decoration of course… erm. >_>

Lycan:  You won’t be able to buy pets directly with RL currency, but we’re aiming to have gem purchase with RL currency available before the end of the month.  We’re still tweaking things and making sure our system works for people who don’t want to pay money, so I can’t give a hard deadline on that feature yet.

Posted 07/30/13

Does that mean items will be available for nuggets in the shop?
Because I would love items I don’t need to buy with irl monies. ;o;

Posted 07/30/13

Nothing will have to be bought with irl monies—you will always be able to exchange nuggets for gems whether from other users or from us (http://www.mycenacave.com/shop/gems). :D

I can’t remember if we were doing the items for gems or nuggets, but I’ll get back to you shortly on that.  Monthly items will be for gems too, though for fewer gems than the new species will be.  This aspect is pretty similar to how Digis worked, except there you could only buy the monthly items/colorations for $, and here you don’t necessarily have to because of our nugget to gem converter. :)

Posted 07/30/13, edited 07/30/13
Posted 07/30/13
Right. If you don’t want anything in the sake bottle, let an admin know and we’ll, um, take care of it…
Posted 07/31/13

Ooh, ooh!!! Can I volunteer to help empty some of those Sake bottles for people who want empty ones?! :D

Sake bottles are great, when empty, you can store new things in them! Like… Water, or milk, or, ooh!!! Glitter, or small pebbles or something!!! :D :D

Posted 07/31/13

I do apologize for the shifting navigation menu again - it’s going through some growing pains at the moment so please bear with it: the pet shop is now in “Monthly”, although if i can find a nice way of consolidating items and pets for the Out of The Shadows shop then that may end up going back inside “Shops”. Also the menu doesn’t follow your screen anymore until I can figure out how to make that not be unbelievably annoying on mobile :)

Hopefully soon I can stop moving everything around so much!

Posted 07/31/13, edited 07/31/13
HOW DAREEEEEEE YOUUUUUUU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11111111one
Posted 07/31/13

Oi, great to know that we’ll be able to buy them with cash through gems and that items aren’t RL$ only. I’m hoping gems aren’t incredibly expensive? Like 10 gems is $10 at the very most? (I’d love for it to be cheaper but… I know you have to upkeep the site too.) And items at $3 at the very most?

Quite honestly, it was extremely annoying that we couldn’t get monthly items through normal pet site currency before, Once I was able to get a hang of getting it the online currency, I had a good amount left over I just… was upset I could buy monthly items ;; 

I’m just really worried I won’t be able to make nuggets in time of a month, because I really suck at making it without posting earning you gems…

Posted 08/01/13

And it’s up!! :)
I managed to consolidate items with pets, so the menus are back the way you remember them

please let me know if anything/everything/something explodes

Posted 08/01/13, edited 08/01/13
glitch, will it be possible to buy a Tanuki mushroom? Or are the mushrooms going to be released some other way?
Posted 08/01/13
Ama—I’m sure we’ll be releasing the mushrooms for gems, too.  :)  I’ll send a reminder to glitch to get those up.
Posted 08/01/13, edited 08/01/13
Thanks Mylyface! <3
Posted 08/01/13

kyaaaaa >.<
omg omg they’re so adorable!
I want! o:

Narf I never get 10 gems till the end of the month >o<

Posted 08/02/13, edited 08/02/13
So by the end of this month we can buy gems for IRL currency?! :o If so, that’d be great because there is no way I can play Cave In and earn all those gems x__________x
Posted 08/04/13
Do we know if paying for monthlies will be up before the end of the month/an update on it? I’ve been gone all august with little time to actually be on here and would love to not miss out on the tanuki. So I’m trying to figure out if I’ll be able to buy one with gems purchased with IRL or have to dump the entire savings of nuggets I have. Thanks guys ^^
Posted 08/22/13