04:21 ST
November News Discussion
Wheee it’s November!

Fewf! The second half of October was super busy with event stuff, so not all that much server-side things have changed. Still, we had some nifty things happen this last month.

First of all, we released the new version of chat! It’s not quite perfect yet and needs some tinkering, but it’s getting there and hopefully you enjoy the ability to create your own self-moderated spaces.

Next, we added several new items to the Feathers and Flame shop, so if you haven’t seen them already head on over and have a look!

We’re also officially bringing back the “Semi-canon” roleplay forum! As a reminder:
Canon roleplays must star pets that are on your profile, and must take place within the cave, follow cave lore and incorporate any relevant Story chapters.
Semi-canon roleplays must star pets that are on your profile, but you are free to include as much or as little Mycena Cave lore as you would like.
Non-canon roleplays can be literally anything you like.
Musings are roleplays that are just by yourself.

In addition, we’ve greatly increased the nugget reward for roleplay posts, to the point where it’s actually turning into a viable way of earning nuggets here in Mycena Cave. As a couple examples, an average 500-word post in a Canon roleplay is now rewarded by about 220 nuggets (compared to 96 previously), in a Semi-canon roleplay by about 200 nuggets, in a Non-canon roleplay by about 120 nuggets (compared to 38 previously), and in a Musings story by about 100 nuggets (compared to 38 previously). If you have a non-canon roleplay that qualifies as semi-canon, please let me know by echo and I will be happy to move it.

Finally, we’re hard at work on a whole bunch of “interface fixes”, making things like your inventory, multi-recipient echos, trades and so on less annoying to use, as well as working on displaying better on mobile browsers. If all goes well and no craziness crops up, we should have this ready by the end of the month!

Posted 11/01/14, edited 11/03/14

Awesome! OOMPH. Halloween was a tremendous amount of fun, but a heck of a lot of work! C:
I’m glad that the event was so great, and easy to keep up with too.

As for the semi-canon thread coming back, oh yes. Finally- I can go and populate that thread with the fruits of my random roleplays. Muwahahaha.
More nuggets for rping is DEFINITELY a grand change, because my 2k word responses were made slightly less enjoyable when that itty bitty nugget count popped up at the top.

My personal suggestion for interface changes is the first thing you should do is GIVE WAYS TO ORGANIZE AND PERSONALIZE INVENTORIES. PLEASE.

Posted 11/01/14

Thank you staff for all your hard work!
I really appreciate all the time and effort you put into making this site a fun and lovable place :3

Posted 11/01/14
Awesome! Glad to hear we’ll earn more nuggets. I also got the pumpkin pie ineki, which suits my character for a story I’m writing perfectly. What a cute little one!
Posted 11/01/14, edited 11/01/14

Oh gosh! I’m mostly excited about the inventory! I second Shizuo; I hope there will be ways to personalize it! Whether that’s drag’n'drop like the Ineki/Drasilli, or categories to choose from, like alphabetically, date of release, etc.! ^^

Also, I second this post! <3 you guys so much!

Posted 11/01/14, edited 11/01/14
The increased payout for RP will be SUPER nice! It will give me incentive to pay attention to posting replies. *is a terrible person*
Posted 11/01/14

Increasing the RP payout is great! :D I probably wont make use of that too often since it takes me forever to reply to roleplays, but that’s brilliant for people who don’t like playing the games!
Also semi-canon yesss! I was so sad when that was taken away!

And I third this! Thank you guys so much! <3

Posted 11/01/14, edited 11/01/14

increasing RP payout is super great but I just desperately want to buy the monthly and carve it on march the thirteenth next year

if you know what i mean

(and, yeah, thanks! mycenacave has been getting better and better— even though it was awesome in the first place. kudos!)

Posted 11/01/14, edited 11/01/14
Increasing the Roleplay payout is awesome too because it National Novel Writing Month! *throws confetti everywhere*
Posted 11/01/14
Wow thanks for the update it’s actually a lot nicer to know you’ll get more for typing all that out xD
Posted 11/01/14
The nugget increase omg. Now I sorta wanna RP canon stuff now oooooh! Thanks!!
Posted 11/01/14
Aww you guys are awesome, thanks for all your hard work. XD
Posted 11/01/14, edited 11/01/14

I don’t rp, but I do support the decision of increasing nugget reward for it. People put a lot of work into those posts after all :)

The Halloween event has been incredibly fun for me. It was difficult at times, had creative elements, fair distribution of prizes, and most importantly it didn’t require too much of my time every day, since I’m really busy this time of year anyway xD Thanks for putting it together for us!

Posted 11/02/14
Oops, I totally forgot to add the “Musings” (single-player RP) forum! That got an increase as well :)
Posted 11/03/14, edited 11/04/14
This is all great news!  I loved the Halloween event and can’t wait to see the changes coming in the future.  This places keeps getting better and better!
Posted 11/04/14


-delighted shrieking-

Posted 11/04/14
Too bad writing my thesis doesn’t earn nuggets… I am very happy about the increase for musings though! Now I have more motivation to actually write the stories about my characters!
Posted 11/04/14, edited 11/04/14
I hear you, 100swimmergirl ;)
Posted 11/04/14
Thirded, Condor xD
Posted 11/05/14
All of these updates are totally awesome. That is all~
Posted 11/05/14
Fewf! That about wraps up the Case of the Missing Necklace! That was fun :)
Posted 11/08/14
...I actually forgot what our regular banner looks like, glitch. :|
Posted 11/08/14

glitch, I have a question. Is it possible to get Mycena to support the ability to re-size an image to a certain pixel size/percentage? Or maybe add that to the list of eventual things to do? :)

Maybe? Maybe not??


Posted 11/10/14

What do you mean, Foxcat?

edit: ah, like in bbcode? hm… yes that should be doable

Posted 11/11/14, edited 11/11/14
Something like this. Being able to set the height/width of an image.
Posted 11/11/14

So I’ve been thinking about Driftshrooms, and I had an idea.

Did any of you ever play Worms? It had that awesome map-generation feature where it would generate the map based on stuff you typed in. So like you could type in “glitch is a butt” and you would get your randomly generated map, but you could get back to exactly that random map every time by typing in “glitch is a butt” again. You could share awesome maps you’d find with your friends and so on. It was pretty great.

What if we did something like that for Driftshrooms? Like, every day you could put in a new “code” (i.e. type in whatever you want) and it would drift your pet accordingly. That way if you found a really cool color you could always find your way back to it again, and could potentially share particularly splendid versions with others and so on. It shouldn’t be too hard to do…

Could be kinda cool, no?

Posted 11/24/14

It looks like someone drifted their Eclipse custom~

That would be really neat, actually. I don’t know if I’d utilize it necessarily - especially now that I have my drifted pet the color I want it forever. If something were to happen, though, it would be nice to go back to it at will.

Posted 11/24/14
omg yes please do this, glitch. It would be stupid fun, and it would also be really nice to save color combos that you like.
Posted 11/24/14
That’s a really cool idea! Then you could control the drifting more, but still do something totally random.
Posted 11/24/14

Would the code be set for everyone? Like if everyone typed the same thing, they’d get the same colour? Regardless, I think the idea is fantastic- it would make me want a Driftshroom for sure. I don’t care for them as they are at the moment because they are so random.

Edit: Also would you have to type something in for every drift? Or if you hit a random button, would it generate a code?

Posted 11/24/14, edited 11/24/14