18:21 ST
Real Money Shop is finally here! And we also have a Terms of Use update

Hi everyone,

You have have suspected this was coming soon due to our recent move to https, and here it is: we’re finally ready to open up our “real money” shop!

First things first, I just updated the Terms of Use. The only change is towards the bottom, where I’ve added a “Payments are final” clause. Please read through it carefully before making any credit-card purchases. Seriously.

With that out of the way, check out the Cave Exchange - our little shop where you can buy gems for dollars. As time goes on, we may offer “bulk deals” or sales or other such things, but for now it’s pretty simple: 10 gems for $10. We’ve chosen to accept credit cards only (as opposed to Paypal, which you may have been used to from Digis), because Paypal is pretty horrible for a lot of reasons. All credit card information is handled by Stripe.com, who are pretty awesome, fully PCI compliant, and handle your information extremely securely. Stripe is doubly fantastic because their system is set up to let us process charges without us ever even seeing your credit card information — which means god forbid we get hacked someday, your information will be safe.

If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to let me know either in this thread or via echo, or find me on IRC.

Posted 09/06/13, edited 09/06/13

I tried it and something broke, but it says it has emailed you and I wasn’t charged.

Is it possible to be able to make larger purchases so that multiple transactions aren’t needed? (Say someone wanted to get 20 bucks worth of gems, you’d have to buy 2 10-gem packages, at the moment.) Like a cart system or just larger bundles?

Posted 09/06/13, edited 09/06/13

Yup, I see the failed transaction - seems Stripe is still in “test mode” where it’s refusing “real” credit cards (so indeed your card was not charged!). I’ll get to the bottom of this and let you know when it’s ready :) UPDATE: good to go :)

Regarding bulk orders, that’s on the todo list, but we’re not quite ready for that just yet. Actually yeah we need this pronto, at least for smallish values like 20 or 30 or something. I’ll work on it and hopefully have it ready in a couple of days.

Posted 09/06/13, edited 09/06/13
That’s really disappointing that you won’t be offering paypal, it’s all I can use because at the moment I don’t own a credit card, and my parents probably won’t let me use theirs, so I guess I won’t be buying gems any time soon, and I was really looking forward to getting these monthlies, too 8( I just don’t have the time to play cave in for hours every day.
Posted 09/06/13
Ooo, more progress and updates! Yay!!
Posted 09/06/13
Irefe: for now, we can do paypal stuff on a case by case basis if you really want to use it, but it’s got to be done manually so you won’t get the gems instantly like you would with a CC. Send me an echo if you want to do that, and we’ll get it sorted out.
Posted 09/06/13
Well it’s good to know you’re willing to offer it at least, if I was able to use a credit card I would, but unfortunately I just don’t have access to one. I’ll send you an echo then, thanks :3
Posted 09/06/13
While I probably won’t be able to buy from the Cave Exchange, just wanted to say that the little bat-lizard guy is adorable and is looking to be a suave fellow. xD If the banker looks anything like him, oh boy…
Posted 09/06/13

Yay! This will very much come in handy for next month’s colors!

As for paypal… good choice. Though it is limiting to only accept credit cards. One service I know of is https://www.dwolla.com/about . I honestly don’t know anything about their reputation or how they operate, but I have heard good things from friends who run home businesses. They do charge a small fee ($0.25) for transactions over $10, but I think it’s free otherwise. It might be worth looking into. :) Hope it helps!

Posted 09/06/13
The exchange fellow has some fabulous hair~
Posted 09/06/13
Roan: actually we’ve been talking about Dwolla quite a bit between the admins :) The one downside is it works only within the US, but it’s definitely an attractive possibility.
Posted 09/06/13

Cave Exchange dude looks like he should be wearing sunnies or have wing-bling.
or mustache and be the director of some crazy cave porno
He’s awesome, does he have a name?

Thank you for the shop! :D

Posted 09/06/13
Bahahhaha… I’ll have to add some bling to him. ;)  He does look like a rather shady character…
Posted 09/07/13

Yesssssssssssssss. /shopping spree

I have my items now. \o/ (Now to save up for mushrooms and Tanukis!!)

Posted 09/07/13
Ack! Will I be able to use Paypal for the customs at least? (The ones moved over from Digis, that is.) It’s the only thing I can use too, I’m afraid D=
Posted 09/07/13, edited 09/07/13

I’m concerned by the “Credit Card” only thing as well.

Does this ONLY apply to the shop?  Or as Juney asked, is it going to affect customs as well?

I have been raised to feel Credit Cards are just a way to get in trouble; so we don’t, and likely never will have any.  I still have a custom in queue from the digis offer.  Am I going to be unable to pay for him when he comes due because you guys aren’t taking paypal? 

What about debit cards?  Would you accept those as “credit cards”?  (Some sites allow for it, some don’t).  That would be my only other option.  Though I’d definitely prefer paypal myself.  Personal pref there though.  =/

Posted 09/07/13

Juney: the recreation stuff isn’t changing, so yes you’d still pay for those with PayPal. For the moment we’re also accepting PayPal for the gems manually, which means it just takes a little longer- if you want to buy gems with PayPal just send me an echo and we’ll sort it out.

Coretta: as far as we are concerned, debit and credit cards are equivalent, so yes you can use debit cards :)

Posted 09/07/13, edited 09/07/13
Yup, I just used a debit and got my precious baby Harja!  :D
Posted 09/07/13

I’ve been waiting patiently for this :)
Thanks so much!!

I’d like to suggest some smaller amount to purchase gems at too.
Maybe 3 and 6? Since you might only be interested in the items themselves.

Posted 09/07/13, edited 09/07/13
Ohh, you can use debit cards? That’s even easier for me! XD I will have to try that the next time I buy gems (which might be soon *cough* totally just to try it).
Posted 09/09/13