18:56 ST
March News Discussion
Insigne:  Yeah, what I think I am going to do is get rid of the black av backgrounds for the couple of GCS colors that have them and then just sell a plain dark av background in the shop for a lowish price so that GCS colors aren’t “stuck” with the black background (but can still have one if you want)!
Posted 03/11/15
Yess avatar backgrounds!! The pastel one is perfect for Ambrose, though his luscious hair covers most of it hahah
Posted 03/11/15
Hey! Nameless is in her little cave, now! Too bad she covers the torch… I don’t suppose there’s a way to code it so the image gets flipped for male and female portraits…? So neat stuff like the torch doesn’t get hidden.
Posted 03/11/15

Ineki and their giant heads :|||||

There isn’t any way to designate different male/female versions with avatar backgrounds unfortunately.

Edit:  It makes me giggle when I think about all the time I spent doing the Hidden Waterfalls background only to be like “wait… 90% of this is going to be blocked by a giant head.. >:|”

Posted 03/11/15, edited 03/11/15
At least the hidden waterfall is aptly named? 8)
Posted 03/11/15

.... pfffft… Crow… >U>

*shows it off before it gets hidden foreverz*

Posted 03/11/15

I’m trying to get at least one of each so that I can use them all. Hehe.

Here’s what I have so far!

Posted 03/11/15
Ahhh backgrounds! I want them all…*goes to blow my nuggets on everything*
Posted 03/11/15
Another background added (made by King)!  My goal is to fix the black background on the GCS coats and get the black background in the shop today or tomorrow too.
Posted 03/12/15, edited 03/12/15
Oh nrrgg, it’s so pretty.
Posted 03/12/15

I love these background doodads so much. :‘3 I only have the pastel one, at the moment, but I now know what will be sucking up all my nuggets for a good while. XD

Who did the art for them? Are they all different artists or just a few? c:

Posted 03/12/15

Bunnii - If you head over to the Item Listing Page you can click on each of the backgrounds to see which artist made them. :)
It looks like Myla did all of them besides the new one from King and the Serene Twilight one from Eluii.

Posted 03/12/15

Ah thank you Kiwi! 8D Totally forgot about that page for some reason. o-o; I must need more coffee!

Ohh well they did a lovely job! 8D

Posted 03/12/15
Must. Obtain. 8l New King bg. Slurrr. Don’t even know who I will use it on yet but pretttyyy.
Posted 03/12/15
The new one is gorgeous! Thanks for that, King! I want to try it on my Briers once I get fodder to use the shroom on~ :D
Posted 03/12/15

We have two new additions to BBCode! They will be added to the BBCode guide shortly.

Floating elements

You can now use




to float elements to the left or the right of the page. Subsequent elements that you add to your post will appear next to or between such elements for as far as they fit. If you want to make it so that the next thing you have “clears” any floated elements, you can use


and the next thing you put will appear below any previous floated things. For example:

This is some stuff.
Lots of stuff over here isn't it nice.
This is some other stuff that's beneath the floats.

results in:

This is some stuff.
Lots of stuff over here isn’t it nice.

This is some other stuff that’s beneath the floats.

Spoiler tags

If you want to add a spoiler to something, or just require someone click to see something, use spoiler tags:

[spoiler]zomgs this is so secret[/spoiler]
zomgs this is so secret

You can change the clickable text by adding a parameter to the spoiler tag:

[spoiler=omg click for awesomeness][img]https://www.mycenacave.com/images/events/mystery/slipofpaper_orig.png[/img][/spoiler]

results in:

Posted 03/16/15

I’m sad about the Avatar backgrounds because Raynali takes up her entire square so I can’t use one haha XD I don’t foresee myself using a different avatar any time soon though (I’ve been tempted, I like to keep the same avatar though).

Also yay new BBCode stuff. I need to make a character cavern or something to play around with the fun BBCode stuff someday.

Posted 03/18/15
Irefe I’ve always liked your custom for exactly that reason XD
Posted 03/18/15, edited 03/18/15
Oooh new and fun coding things! 8D How exciting!
Posted 03/18/15

yaaaasss!! things can go to the right now!!!!!!
*dances all over all these words to the right*
*right right right*
*right is right!*

Posted 03/18/15
Sweet Dreams is beautiful. D: Waaaant.
Posted 03/18/15
Sweet Dreams IS really stunning. O:
Posted 03/18/15

Why is Essence of Love still not in the Magic Puddle? I WANNA PLAY DRESS UP!


That new coding though is AWESOME! Thanks glitch! :D :D

Posted 03/18/15



Let me tell you how this makes me feel.

This makes me D A N C E ~!

Dancing to the right \\o!
Dancing to the left! o//
Dancing in the middle! \o/
  • dancing
  • in
  • a
  • line
Dancing on tables!
Innnn the box! I’m dancing in the boxxx~

What why are you dragging me in he— OH NO, MY FEET CAN’T STOP, NOW I’M DANCING TOO!

[21:55:03] glitch: :D-<
[21:55:08] glitch: :D|-<
[21:55:10] glitch: :D\-<
[21:55:16] glitch: :D[-<

Posted 03/18/15, edited 03/18/15

the EoL won’t show up in the puddle until you’ve grown one of your babies. :>

Posted 03/18/15



Thanks <3

Posted 03/18/15
:( But I want mine to stay a baby… *pets Maggie* So no EoL dress up ever for me? Unless I someday either buy one from another player or get one from a changingshroom. Are EoLs even in the changingshrooms?
Posted 03/18/15

EoL’s are “secret ineki” so they’re not in the Changeys :>

they… might possibly be in the glowing changeys? :? idk about that one.

Posted 03/18/15
I believe Myla said somewhere that EoL will be moved to a normal coat category once the full adult form has been revealed (so soon maybe?) which will make them eligible for changingshroom in the future - but only the default color (pinkish?). So all the special drifty colors are, well, special LOL.
Posted 03/18/15

Oh yes, thanks for the reminder! :D They are now event coat colors so they’ll show up in the magic puddle!  And you can pull the original-colored version out of changingshrooms. 

Toot toot!

Posted 03/18/15