Couple of weetle updates!: - Driftshrooms affect pondshroom eye colors (the vote was unanimous), so now your forum avatars should have weirdy driftshroomied pondshroomed eyes (this only applies if your pet is pondshroomed and driftshroomed, of course)! - Flowering Fawn is in the magic puddle if you want to play with it! Remember that the Seasonals will be switching over a midnight tonight (ST). GERDBYE WHITE WIND OF THE WESTERLY WONDERS AND HELLOOooo FAWNARD. - Prismatic Tiger and Lacey Magpie have had their auto-black backgrounds removed. I’ve also put a black background in Lands Within if you liked having a black background on them!
Posted 03/19/15, edited 03/19/15
Quick bugfix!
If you’ve tried to buy gems since January first, the shop has shown you a big red “if you are in the EU you may not use this form” message. This was only supposed to appear if you were trying to buy gems using IRL money, and was not supposed to appear if you were buying gems for nuggets. The error has been fixed: the warning no longer appears if you are trying to buy gems using nuggets. To make sure it’s completely clear: you are allowed to buy gems using nuggets from the cave exchange regardless of your location. The EU restriction only applies if you are paying using IRL money. I’m sorry for any confusion that arose because of this. I can’t believe that this bug has gone unnoticed for so long o_O
Posted 03/30/15, edited 03/30/15
Wasn’t sure where to post this but last night, I was going through my items & noticed that all the items from Ama & Firky’s dungeon event doesn’t tell you when they were released. Was hoping that could be added to their descriptions? I checked, & every other event set of items shows when they were released. :) Edit: Oops, missed
Posted 03/30/15, edited 03/30/15
Fixed! <3 Thanks for catching that :)
Posted 03/30/15