Arintol, they are from just a few weeks ago actually! If you were here for/remember the Choose Your Own Adventure Event, that’s what they are from! ^___^ There will be another breeding raffle at the conclusion of this event for those who buy tickets!
Posted 04/14/15
Besides the obvious changes, the Sacred Tree page has gotten a little bit of a makeover! Instead of just listing your various pets in genesses, it now shows pretty links to the actual geness pages :)
Posted 04/17/15
I really hope Professor Mariel’s coat color becomes available, she is just too cute. ;-; I also wanted to say that the Blue Banded Bee is just simply fantastic. The colors go so well with each other, and the edited fluff is the best. <3 I also really appreciate the ‘adoption’ feature, this makes me extremely happy! I just wanted to say thanks to the entire staff!
Posted 04/18/15
Khaliffa, those butterflies are adorable! I am shocked they were not an available item in the shop. Last spring event, the ‘NPC’ was a lovebird ineki… which was released as a Oots pet. >>;; One can hope, right?
Posted 04/18/15
Miku I shall cross my fingers and hope, then. 8|
Posted 04/18/15, edited 04/18/15
Here’s the nekkid shopkeeper. She’s an Orange Baboon Tarantula and was made by feyers: fey and I both love insects/arachnids, and the Orange Baboon Tarantula is an awesome species of tarantula. People who own them call them “OBTs” or “Orange Bitey Things.” They’re beautiful but recommended only for more experienced tarantula owners because they are pretty aggressive! When they go into their “IMMA BITE YOU” pose (front legs raised), you can see the bottom of their lil feets which are turquoise. * U * ... So… don’t make Professor Mariel mad? :D
Posted 04/18/15, edited 04/18/15
Thank you Myla! I thought for sure she was based off of a wasp, that is really cool that she is actually an arachnid! I’ve recently just studied Arthropods in class, so I am all giddy over all this. x3
Like this? :DD
Posted 04/18/15, edited 04/18/15
Some more updates!
More to come soon :D
Posted 04/18/15, edited 04/18/15