08:07 ST
Artist Applications - Customs/Breedings Specialist(s) Wanted [Update on 5/10]
Amaterasu Yeah, I can see why. :D No matter, just a suggestion.
Posted 04/14/15
Good luck everyone, seeing new artists on the site will be exciting. :D
Posted 04/14/15
OH, is there an age restriction to this (Besides, of course, the 13 year old minimum to be part of the site)? Such as 18 and up? I can’t find anything in the OP but I didn’t want to assume anything
Posted 04/14/15

Question. Would you even consider a new player in this? I joined a year ago but only started playing this week.

These points here make me think you’d prioritize someone with experience playing on the site, which is completely understandable:

- Help glitch and Myla make informed decisions about site policies and site directions
- Become part of a close-knit staff team

I’d like to apply, but if this is the case, I suppose I shouldn’t bother with it.

Posted 04/15/15
Pairo, it was mentioned that there’s no account age requirement, so I believe new players are as welcome as the ones who have been playing forever. :3
Posted 04/15/15

Cynderbark; I don’t believe there is an age requirement per se, but as listed in the requirements we do expect a certain level of professionalism, discipline and dedication that a younger person may not have developed yet. I’ll make sure to give Myla a nudge in this direction to confirm :)

Pairo; The incentives are there to give you an indication of what being part of the Mycena Cave team is like — not about what kind of a player we expect you to be. You may be new, or somewhat similarly, an introverted/shy/lurking player, who hasn’t or doesn’t interact(ed) with others publicly or the site in general very much, and still have a whole trunk full of experience that we could tap into & use — we wouldn’t deny anyone just because we don’t know you yet. Those points were listed so every applicant would have their expectations aligned with what it is like to be part of our team :) Of course if you’ve been a player for a longer period of time, you’ll know a little bit more about how we work, and that could give your expectations even better shape, but as long as you feel you understand what kind of a place Mycena Cave is & think you can contribute, we’d love to see your application!

Posted 04/15/15, edited 04/15/15
I’d love to see the completed vases/simulated orders. It would be pretty neat if staff favorites or the top few or whatever could be posted; wouldn’t need to attach artist names to them, of course, but it seems like a decent idea in my head to see them. :P
Posted 04/15/15, edited 04/15/15

Cynderbark:  We do not have an age requirement, but Juney is right — we (whether it is you as the artist, or the team in general) have to deal with some tough situations sometimes, and being able to handle those situations mentally is important.  There are plenty of younger people who have that ability, but we do like to know ahead of time if we have a younger artist.

The other two reasons we ask about age are in case anyone younger than 13 tries to apply — although this is a 13+ website, that’s pretty easy to circumvent and we really need to make sure we don’t accidentally take anyone who is under 13, and the other reason is because we offer USD as a compensation option, and we’d need to make sure that was okay to do if we were thinking about adding someone younger to the team. :)

Pairo:  I can confirm what Juney has to say about this!  glitch and I have brought previous artists onto the team who we didn’t know too much about but who had great applications and responses to application questions.  Glitch and I have had very good experiences doing that!  I understand how a newer user, a shy or lurky user be a little intimidated about those two points you mentioned (a lot of times when a new user/lurker/shy user has to message me for one reason or other, they mention that they’re scared of me or were scared to send the message), but we don’t expect new artists to jump right into those two roles, and there are different levels of involvement depending on your comfort level.  We will also have a slow introduction process and will have one of our artists (the mentor) help with that process.

For some specific examples, as you grow into your role and get more comfortable with being an artist, you may have a great idea about an event you’d like to help develop, a new shop, a game, etc and we give our staff a lot of freedom to put together things like that because our staff has a ton of talent!  On the other hand, this isn’t a requirement and may not sound appealing which is why it’s under “potential incentives.”  There are also a lot of smaller things that go on — glitch and I will ask opinions about various site changes, or even ask for help with wording on posts.  If you happen to have opinions or advice, we welcome the different perspectives of all of our staff members.

Lena:  Applicants are welcome to post/show off their vases if they’d like!  We will likely not be posting them officially though since we’re looking at the application as a whole and not just basing our decisions off of the vase part. :)

Posted 04/15/15
Good luck to all the applicants! <3 It’s exciting to see more people added to the art team!
Posted 04/15/15
Myla, what about Paint.net.  It’s better than most art programs and photoshop programs, and its all I can afford(It’s free).  Could we use that?
Posted 04/16/15
Myla, what about Paint.net. It’s better than most art programs and photoshop programs, and its all I can afford(It’s free). Could we use that?Fyrlen

There’s lots of great art programs out there, some of which are free or very cheap. Our art program requirements aren’t so much regarding which programs are “best” but rather which ones are compatible with our workflow. Unfortunately Paint.net isn’t.

If you’re concerned about cost, the first post in this thread has a link to Photoshop CS2 - if you register an Adobe account you can download it for free.

Posted 04/16/15
Okay, thank you Glitch.
Posted 04/16/15
hmm, doragon is trying to encourage me to apply, but i’m afraid i won’t have much time until the summer. should i still apply even if i have limited time (i would make that clear in my application)? i saw that you’re looking for artists who can do one custom a week; is that a hard-and-fast requirement or would you consider artists who may be slower than that? obviously i would expect you to take someone with more time over me, but is it worth applying anyway?
Posted 04/19/15

baekhesten:  The primary reason we’re looking for a Custom Specialist is to cut down on the queue wait time, so we need someone who can work steadily (not necessarily super fast).  Being able to accept ~1 custom a week (once they’re a green artist) would be ideal.

If your schedule is such that you can only work regularly during summers, then we would look at the applications with people who have a steadier schedule first.  If all of our applicants had irregular schedules, then we’d start looking at those who had the most time available.  The most important thing is that once you accept a custom, you need to be available to complete it in a timely manner and communicate regularly with the buyer; if that sounds stressful to you, then I would recommend not applying.

I know that’s not the most straight-forward answer, but it really is up to you if you’d like to apply or not!  I hope that helps with your decision. :)

Posted 04/20/15, edited 04/20/15
thank you! ^w^ i probably won’t be applying as with an internship + pr exec board position and a full class load i probably shouldn’t take on anything more, haha. but good luck to everyone applying! perhaps if you’re looking for more artists in the future and life calms down a bit i will apply.
Posted 04/20/15

Haha, I’d make an attempt, but I honestly can’t go past flat colouring.
I can never properly do highlights, shadows, or textures for some reason.
It’s a curse.

Posted 05/03/15
Update for Applicants

Staff will finish up giving input and voting on Round 2 applicants by Friday evening.  We plan on sending all applicants a message regarding their status this weekend!  Hopefully on Saturday, but possibly on Sunday.

Thanks for being patient! :)

Posted 05/07/15
Update for Applicants

Echoes to the applicants have been sent out!  Four applicants have been invited to move to the extended applications. :)

Posted 05/10/15
Congratulations and good luck to those of you going on to the next round!
Posted 05/10/15
Nice! I can’t wait to see who it’ll be! :D
Posted 05/10/15
How soon can we know who got through? c:
Posted 05/10/15
We will officially announce once we know who our trial artists are, after the extended application.  The artists who’ve applied are free to be transparent with the information they’ve received (whether they got through to the extended application or not), but are not required to say anything. <3
Posted 05/10/15