18:44 ST
[RAFFLE] The Caramel Catpuccino Raffle! (drawn)
This raffle has been drawn! see the results here.

Hello and welcome to May’s raffle!

It’s been forever since our last general raffle! And this time, we’re raffling off a unique ineki (a.k.a. “premade custom”), the Caramel Catpuccino by King:

Besides that little hipster/punster, we have a great bunch of prizes lined up for you:

  • 1x: Unique Ineki: Caramel Catpuccino
  • 3x: Glowing Changingshroom
  • 7x: Changingshroom
  • 10x: Cave Capsule 2013
  • 13x: Cave Capsule 2014

As has become tradition, your first ticket is free.

All subsequent tickets cost 500 nuggets apiece, and you can have a maximum of 25 tickets.
The ticket shop closes at 23:59 Server Time on May 18th.

Posted 05/10/15, edited 05/19/15


Good luck everyone :D

Posted 05/10/15
I really, really love the design of this custom!~ And my first ticket was the number 6, which just happens to be my lucky number ^^ (it’s a sign! :o)
Posted 05/10/15


All the love! :D <3

Posted 05/10/15

I want the thiiing.
Those shades of Brrroooowwwwn aaah!

Posted 05/10/15
Woow! The details are lovely! And to model her after latte art, I am so pleased. Latte art is a beautiful artform. I will have my fingers crossed to win her! <3
Posted 05/10/15
i’m so glad that mc lets everyone have 1 free ticket, i’m too stingy to spend money on raffle tickets but mc gives me a chance nonetheless, even if it’s just 1 ticket and the chance is very low. even if i never win a raffle in my whole life i will be satisfied with my single ticket’s worth of chance… *rubs my face on the ticket*
Posted 05/10/15

Ooooh! Such a pretty kitty! And I always love the chance for a GCS! *runs off to max out on tickets*

At the rate I’m saving, I’ll never get that fawn :(

Posted 05/10/15
Posted 05/10/15
She looks absolutely gorgeous! :o
Posted 05/10/15
This kitty is the cutest thing ever.
Posted 05/10/15
Barely have enough for all but definitely going to try. This girl is gorgeous!
Posted 05/10/15
She’s GORGEOUS! Good luck everyone!
Posted 05/10/15
My MC life would be complete.  O_O Must win!
Posted 05/10/15
This will be my first general raffle: does the custom ineki come in mushroom form like the bee/spider shrooms from the past event, or is it another pet?
Posted 05/10/15
WeyrLeader It comes as a pet. ^^
Posted 05/10/15
What a cutie, I must do my best not to get too attached… ;3; She better go to a good owner!
Posted 05/10/15
This is beautiful! I’m so glad that everyone gets a free ticket. Will be back later for more tickets!
Posted 05/10/15
Ahhh it’s so cute!  I bought a few tickets and I am excited!
Posted 05/10/15

wow, she is adorable! good luck everyone!

Posted 05/10/15
Welp there goes my savings XD
Posted 05/10/15
Cat must have ;D;
Posted 05/10/15
She’s amazing, I LOVE COFFEE! Now I want a cappuccino. :3
Posted 05/10/15

Oh my goodness, she’s adorable! :D

I hope she goes to a good home!

Posted 05/10/15
Wow what a cutie! :D I’m pretty short on nuggets, so I’ll have to stick with my 7 tickets~ Good luck everyone! :D
Posted 05/10/15

King omfg I need this in my life
*shakes fist at*
let me just sit here and make it into a salted catpuccino haha… ha…..

Posted 05/10/15

Sonk!! Do NOT as-salt King’s kitty!

(This pun brought to you by avoiding screaming children)

Posted 05/10/15

I waaaant o.o

So gorgeous, I love how talented the artists here are!! ^.^

Posted 05/10/15
Legitimate question: Is it possible to edit pre-made customs? Would we have to pay for those edits?
Posted 05/10/15

Shima; I’m not completely certain if you can get edits for pre-made customs; I do believe so, as in, once you’ve obtained a custom (or similarly, a baby) it can be entered into the queue like any other — or at least I don’t think we’ve set up any rules for that yet that I’m aware of. But IF you can, you would absolutely have to pay for them.

I’ve always seen the idea of offering pre-made customs as allowing the artists full creative freedom and at the same time offer players custom coats through raffles, instead of raffling off a ‘custom slot’. The reasoning I do believe is twofold; A ‘custom slot’ makes it impossible for artists to plan the slot into their schedule — such a slot could be claimed/filled by the winner at any time, and that could be a time when a lot of artists are very busy. It’d in essence be like a ‘one way queue skip’ slot. Additionally, artists sometimes enjoy some play room & freedom (for that same reason there are artists that prefer doing babies over customs, and why players have no say in the design of their babies) in their custom designs. Offering even more ‘extra edits’ on top of a ‘free’ (yes, raffle tickets need to be purchased, still) custom is both a) reasonably unfair to both offer and request and b) hard to put a limit on.

Posted 05/10/15