18:53 ST
[RAFFLE] The Caramel Catpuccino Raffle! (drawn)

The reasoning I do believe is twofold; A ‘custom slot’ makes it impossible for artists to plan the slot into their schedule — such a slot could be claimed/filled by the winner at any time, and that could be a time when a lot of artists are very busy. It’d in essence be like a ‘one way queue skip’ slot. Additionally, artists sometimes enjoy some play room & freedom (for that same reason there are artists that prefer doing babies over customs, and why players have no say in the design of their babies) in their custom designs.

For anyone requiring further reading, please refer to “Raising & Caring for Artists: A Comprehensive Illustrated Handbook” :3

Bought as many tickets as I could afford, myself. Fingers, crossed!

Posted 05/10/15

;3; I care very much for our artists! -fluffs their fur & feathers & scales & cheeks-

I don’t think I’m very suitable to raise any, however..

Posted 05/10/15
Ah okay, that makes a lot of sense. I figured you’d have to go in queue and pay for it. But I was wondering because it’d effect how I put my order of preferences in the raffle.
Posted 05/10/15


Just confirming what Juney said: if you win the Caramel Catpuccino, it arrives on your profile exactly as though you had just been through the queue and approved it as the final version. For all intents and purposes it is considered a custom like any other, which means that you can indeed buy edits for it, which would involve going through the queue for the edits, and then paying for them :)

Posted 05/10/15
oooh what a lovely cak, i can’t wait to be a part of this :D
Posted 05/10/15
Posted 05/10/15
I want this cat so bad hnng
Posted 05/10/15
We’ve just added a fun little thing on the raffle page to let you see the bowl’s history :)
Posted 05/11/15, edited 05/11/15
Statistically, it’d be nice to have a chunk of tickets 500-1500 atm.
Posted 05/11/15

*reassigns tickets 500 through 1500 to cavebopper*
sorry everyone

Posted 05/11/15
Those were all of my tickets glitch >:C
Posted 05/11/15
Nooo, my ticket number 666, give it baack. D: *Bites glitch.*
Posted 05/11/15
I am ok with this.  :p
Posted 05/11/15
-jumps on glitch and cavebopper- GIMME MY TICKETS BACK
Posted 05/11/15

I can’t even look at this Ineki without being bombarded with the scent and taste of caramel and coffee @-@

I must have that kitty!

Posted 05/11/15
wow look at that graph it’s an almost perfect graph of like a square root or something idk I love statistics!!
Posted 05/12/15

Bought the max number of tickets :D Here’s to hoping it pans through for me.

I’d be happy even winning one of the changingshrooms. There’s a lot of coats I’m still missing and one of those would be great.

Posted 05/12/15
All these prizes would be amazing to get! I just sunk all my nuggets into this. Looking at my bank account, I now have 127 nuggets exactly. But totally worth it for a shot at the catpuccino. This is an amazing (and tasty) looking custom!
Posted 05/13/15
I bought 25 tickets here’s hoping for the best ^^
Posted 05/14/15
-runs off with free ticket-
Posted 05/14/15
Sorry if this is a dumb question but with the multiple prizes (like 3x Glowing CHangie etc) is it one per winner (like 3 people will win one) or does one person win the three?
Posted 05/15/15
mosh one per winner.
Posted 05/15/15
Thanks Kite~!
Posted 05/15/15
I feel like such a noob for asking this, but what’s a cave capsule? :O
Posted 05/17/15

Cave capsules contain all of the OotS items from their respective year (this includes the OotS Mushrooms as well) :)
So you’d have a random chance of getting one item or mushroom from whatever year the capsule is from.

Posted 05/17/15, edited 05/17/15
I got my free ticket! *pokes lonely little ticket* I have horrible luck with raffles. I just can’t bring myself to spend my hard earned nuggets on more tickets.
Posted 05/17/15
Good luck everybody!
Posted 05/17/15
Spent all my nuggets on tickets CX I’m gonna try to max out today!
Posted 05/18/15
I’ve been away from the computer and so busy lately I forgot the raffle ended today. Hope I win something since I maxxed out the tickets with half an hour to spare.
Posted 05/18/15
I wonder when the draw will be… I maxed out so here is to good luck to win anything!
Posted 05/19/15