19:32 ST
Halloween event information
So, I’ve decided that I’m going to draw a rather large celebration picture. What I’m wondering is: If I were to ask some other users if I can use their characters in my drawing, would that be allowed? And if so, where would I ask? ^^;;
Posted 10/30/13
Yes, that’s definitely allowed!  I would ask through a private echo to the user. :)
Posted 10/30/13
Okie dokie, thanks, Myly. ^^ Might scope out the chat and see if anyone would be interested there, as well. c:
Posted 10/30/13, edited 10/30/13

Umm I may have read the instructions about 3 times but I still feel a bit lost.
I plan on working by myself and doing single illustrations and it says you have to use your own named pets only. Correct?
But what if I have an idea for the Bone Monster that doesn’t incorporate my own pet, is that ok? Can I do more than one illustration of the script but have them not be linked images?

Posted 10/31/13

I’m so excited about this! I’m planning on jumping in as soon as real life takes a break (midterms).

One question that comes to mind is in regards to the Critiques. What exactly will people be critiquing? Writing style, plot, characters? I ask because I am considering letting mine get Critiques, but it seems a little crass to have people negatively judge the plot and characters just because it’s not something they personally like. I wholly understand general writing critiques and quite welcome them, but character and plot nuances not so much.

Posted 10/31/13

Seeeriously worried that I won’t be able to finish in time… D: I still have like, two weeks to work on it, but I’m still worried… I worked on this all night, and I’m not even 5% done. ; n ;

*breathes in and out* Just relax, Tama. You’re getting worried because you’re tired. Go to sleep.~

*shuffles off to bed* Maybe what I’ve finished will look better with fresh eyes. ; c ;

Posted 10/31/13
=( Do we have to write to enter this event? Im really not in the mood to write and dont have the energy to keep up with any writing, as i work nights and sleep just about most of the day til i have to work again. XD;
Posted 11/01/13

When will the one or two chance based games be expected to come out?

I don’t like writing and have a con to attend the entire weekend, so yeah..

Posted 11/01/13


We’re expecting a critical analysis of what is written.  This primarily means you must determine if the objectives of the event were met (“Contribute creatively, working off of a given prompt. Contributions must be set within the backstory and must explore the prompt”), how well they were met, and if the writer/artist’s own intentions were fulfilled.  Was the story/art original, and were the characters dynamic (/doing something if it’s a work of art)?  This question would fall under being creative.  Do the story and characters fit within the canon of the cave, and did it include elements of the prompt?  If the answer is yes, then be sure to point that out in your critique, and list specific reasons the user excelled at meeting the objectives.  A good critique will point out areas that the user did really well as well something that could have used improvement.  It would be crass if whoever was critiquing said “I don’t like this plot because I personally don’t care for the humor you used” but beneficial if the user said “I don’t think this specific sentence has a purpose or strengthens your plot because _____.”


Yes, plot and characters are fair game for critique.  However, a person who is critiquing should be very specific in what they believe needs improvement.  The critique should relate to whether the objective of the author/artist and event is being met and not reflect the the person who is critiquing’s personal taste.

Here is a pretty good “how to critique a short story” article I recommend reading: http://www.ehow.com/how_4421613_critique-short-story.html

liela-dragon-rayne1:  Writing isn’t the only way to contribute.  You can also contribute artwork.  But essentially yes, this event does require creative input. :)  I’m sorry you’re pressed for time—I hope you’ll be able to squeak something out for the event!!

Lilael  We don’t have a specific release date for them yet, but it likely won’t be for a few days yet!

Posted 11/01/13, edited 11/01/13

Lilael: Ooh, what con?
The event does run two whole weeks :D You could do drawings, or papercrafts, or poetry, or puppet theater, or singing :3. And if nothing else, you could critique someone else’s work to get two extra raffle tickets!

Posted 11/01/13
I have a question about the Canon restrictions for the event, I plan on writing a story by myself and I Have one ineki who I will use but I plan for the other character to be a will-o-the-wisp. If I got a basic ineki and set her up as this character and planned to change her into a wisp could I then use her as a wisp in my story? I know that customs not yet made are able to be used so I am hoping it works the same for unavailable colors
Posted 11/01/13

PyroLuna: Canon stories need to be consistent with the Mycena Cave storyline. Since the Will-o-the-Wisp ineki do not yet exist in Mycena Cave, they can’t be part of a Canon story. Sorry :(

To clarify our position a little, the only exception for the Canon restriction of starring “finished” pets on your profile is for the custom recreations that are already in the queue, but that you have not received yet. Note that this only applies to pets in the recreation queue, and not to customs generally — as such it won’t apply in the future once our recreation queue is done and regular customs are being made. While we acknowledge that this exception may cause some inconsistencies in the Canon, the custom recreation is not something that will be a recurring issue, and since they are being selected by the artists in no particular order, requiring that they be finished on your profile would be unfair to those who simply haven’t been seen to yet.

Posted 11/01/13, edited 11/01/13
It seems like it should be a given, considering the purpose of this event, but I have to ask: As far as existing canon goes - such as the bone monster and the sorceress, are we allowed to embellish or use our own interpretations of the backstory? I just want to make sure before I jump in, since what my group has plotted out would fall into that kind of gray area. Strictly adhering to canon, but also building on it based on interpretation. Just want to make sure! :D
Posted 11/01/13
Whew! Just finished posting my story. I hope it meets all of the qualifications. I didn’t really stick too much to canon-designed activities per se, though the story is completely in canon. I hope one of the people running/judging the event can tell me if it fits well enough so I can change it if I need to. Is that a possibility?
Posted 11/01/13, edited 11/01/13
Roan Yes! Be careful that your story does not affect things in such a way that it would conflict stories that don’t involve your new ideas — that is, if you’re test-driving some new Canon lore, try to do it in a way that would mostly only affect your characters — but by all means feel free to explore what the Canon means to you :)
Posted 11/01/13

I have a slight question about the due date…
“To receive a prize, your contribution must meet minimum participation qualifications by the deadline.”
It says the minimum participation qualifications… So, if I was doing a roleplay with someone, would it need to be completely wrapped up by the deadline to count? Or would we just need to have 1500 words each?

Posted 11/05/13

This is nice, but cuts out people who do have time for clickers but not the time or capacity for writing.
I think you should have a mix of both to please your diverse group of users.

Posted 11/06/13
Another question: Is it okay to have improper English/phonetic spelling in character? Like write properly generally, but have the character speak improperly.
Posted 11/06/13

Nyfeaena:  Part of the minimum qualifications includes having a well-thought plot.  Unfortunately, that is hard to judge if we aren’t able to see what the whole plot is.  We’d appreciate if you would finish it since we will use components of people’s creations for our next chapter. :)

katt:  I understand that some people really do enjoy clickers, and I’m sure we’ll have future events that incorporate this type activity.  Since we’re still developing major features of our site, we didn’t want to invest a lot of our coding time on developing a clicker-based activity for this first event.

Jingles: Yes, that’s perfectly fine!

Posted 11/07/13
Can’t wait to get started =w= Gonna have Friday afternoon-Tuesday night to crank this out.
Posted 11/07/13
Can our pets coat colors be a bit loosely interpreted? Like making a Cave Shadows more of a blue than a turquoise, or reducing the spot-density on a Sunbeam.
Posted 11/11/13, edited 11/11/13
Sure, that’s fine. :)
Posted 11/11/13

...How main is a main character?

Like, an unnamed character, which is sort of a princess waiting to be rescued sort of thing, that says a few lines, that is present for much of the story - do I need to name an Ineki to take that role? I could try to marginalize him some more if I need to.

Posted 11/12/13

So sad I joined so late, otherwise I would have loved to enter a piece. Oh well, best of luck to the entrants I’m looking forward to seeing / reading the results!

Maybe I will join in the next event. :- )

Posted 11/12/13
Jingles: that should be fine :)
Posted 11/12/13
Hasi: There will be a couple of mini-chance Halloween games that you can participate in if you’d like!  We’ll probably release those some time today.
Posted 11/12/13, edited 11/12/13

Ahhhh! ; w; So glad you guys are actually doing some chance things. I was worried it wasn’t going to happen. Creativity is just not something I’ve been capable of the past few months. Preggo brain (abnormally bad, at that) + diclectin (which has a majour drowsy/disorientation side effect) just haven’t been allowing me to come up with anything at all for this event. Nor to cook without setting fire to the kitchen. ...Nor to sweep into a dustpan (after a good five FRUSTRATING minutes, I realized the dustpan was upside down… just walked away from it and let the husband deal with it). I’m capable of taking care of my kiddo and step-kids, but beyond that I’m useless. So, mindless chance stuff is very much welcome. <3 I really, really love some of the even items and coats, so I’m really thankful for just a chance at getting something. ; w;

Posted 11/12/13
Yay for minigames. Pretty sweet ones at that. :- D
Posted 11/12/13
GOOD EVENT, GUYS! It was a blast, and I loved participating. I was bummed that I didn’t have time for NaNo this year, and writing a story for Mycena really filled that void.
Posted 11/14/13
Myla - I’m trying to find these Halloween mini-games that are mentioned here on the 12th and also in the news post today.
Posted 11/14/13