19:24 ST
June News Discussion

to weigh in on the gender box thing….the last two posts in this thread say it pretty well what I think, but there is another thing related to Juney’s post. if the admins were to allow a gender box(either fill in or drop down, whatever) and had the burden of deciding whether something is an appropriate gender descriptor, well…I don’t really like the feeling of that, like what if there’s a gender label someone uses and it means a lot to them, but then there is another group of people who think this gender label makes all the transgenders look bad, and want it gone….do you see where I’m coming from with this? that’s a headache for the admins but it’s also a little bit stressful to anyone out there who takes on a non traditional or lesser known gender label to describe themselves. and I would rather avoid that conflict entirely. (if it /were/ even a conflict, I don’t think it would belong to a discussion on site policy for a petsite, it would strictly be a within-community thing for non-cis folks. if that makes sense.)

anyway we now have a lot of fancy formatting codes to use for making the petpages pretty to our own tastes, so I think it is good to leave gender designated there instead of the box. one side for technical pet info, the other side for character info. good and simple.

Posted 06/04/15

Just a quick note, it still says that one way pet trades require a 3 gem fee when you click on the trade history/active trades/initiate a trade page.

Posted 06/04/15
Oo thanks for the heads up!
Posted 06/05/15

Just had the worst joke/pun imaginable come to mind when thinking about the removal of the gender box….


Posted 06/05/15, edited 06/05/15
Toothless that gif is perfectly amazing for this discussion xD
Posted 06/05/15
Toothless, I can’t stop watching. It’s so perfect…
Posted 06/05/15
*peeks in* are we gonna a heads up when the forever coats switch out?? im really excited for them but i also wanna know how long i have to pick up a lil sunbeam cutie before it becomes a lot more expensive to do so haha
Posted 06/05/15
Lol Toothless, I love Miles XD
Posted 06/05/15


Forever coats will switch out on the day of our Mycena anniversary, the 21st of June.  This is incidentally also the first day of summer, so the seasonal will ALSO be switching at the beginning of the 21st.  Reminders and previews of the new coats will go up a week before this change over occurs. :)

Posted 06/05/15

Somebody might have already asked this. If they did though, I missed it.’

If we’re getting new forever coats and the old ones are going to be in the shop, does that mean the old ones will also be available through changingshrooms?

Posted 06/08/15

Arintol:  I believe we decided that we would change their category to “other” so that they will be available in the changingshroom.  I’m going to double check this is what glitch and I decided on when he gets home shortly though, haha.

Edit: yes indeed ^^

Posted 06/08/15, edited 06/08/15
Just as a heads up, it looks like the Custom Credit shop is open.  I see some purchases have already been made. ^^
Posted 06/09/15
Hey, does anyone know if there’s another way to forum search aside from going to this announcement to utilize it? :)
Posted 06/11/15
I have actually been wondering the same! :O I haven’t found another link to access it anywhere yet. Hm.
Posted 06/11/15
Is this it? It’s below the ‘Sticky forum threads’ next to the ‘recent posts’ link on the front page. c:
Posted 06/11/15
Yes, it is, thank you for your help :). Is there any way it could be added to “search” under help, too? That way users wouldn’t have to go to the default page to access it. If not, that’s fine, can always just add it on my profile.
Posted 06/11/15
Gah! What happened to the users online page?! Why is it suddenly alphabetized not by user number?
Posted 06/14/15
Oh! I just noticed that, too. Hm… wouldn’t it be better if staff’s names were on top?
Posted 06/14/15
Woah. I kind of liked it numbered, but I guess it doesn’t matter either way. Bit of a shock, haha.
Posted 06/14/15
No no… No warning, bad change. It’s always been by numbers, in all the sites I play that have an easy to find whose online list it’s sorted by numbers.
Posted 06/14/15
I’m glad it’s alphabetized now; makes more sense with the whole “users are a name, not a number” mentality. And it’s easier to look for people. :3
Posted 06/14/15
I kinda like it alphabetized too. I never know people’s numbers, but I know people’s names. :D;
Posted 06/14/15

I know you guys are busy, but if you find time to make a toggle between numbered and alphabetized, that would be cool ovo!


Posted 06/14/15, edited 06/14/15
Ahh! What’s up with it now?! Little boxes around our names and all the names all lumped together? Nephy is just confused now… :(
Posted 06/15/15
Oh wow… I’m also confused by it now. It’ll definitely take me a while to get used to the new online list layout.
Posted 06/15/15
Oh um. What’s with the little dots beside our names? I’m guessing that could mean mobile? The boxes are a little harder to look at than the list version I think.
Posted 06/15/15
You can tell when someone was last online, too, by hovering over their names..
Posted 06/15/15


Interesting…. It seems raus that they are an activity monitor? “Last seen X minuets ago” pops up when you hover on them.

edit: ninjaed! >_<

Posted 06/15/15, edited 06/15/15
Mm gotta say not a huge fan of the userpage right now owo
Posted 06/15/15
It will take a little getting used to, but I kinda like it. :D
Posted 06/15/15