19:38 ST
June News Discussion
Oh boy, new forever coats! That is something else :D Cannot wait to see what you guys come up with for those~
Posted 06/02/15
With the new forever coats, will the old ones still be available for 7 gems/nugget equivalent, or will the price increase?
Posted 06/02/15

Pine:  The new forever coats will have the same 7 gem/nugget equivalent price!  It’ll work exactly the same as the old forevers. :)

The old forever coats will likely be going up in price. Because they’ll be going into Fungimental Magic, they will only be available for nuggets.  Also, for the old forevers, only the mushrooms, not the pet itself, will be available.

Posted 06/02/15, edited 06/02/15

This is all very exciting! :D

While it’s wonderful that gender has been totally disconnected from pet pose, I also wish there was some type of fill-in gender box on the pet profiles. In part, I understand why it’s been totally removed… On the other hand, I feel like people could easily misuse the ability to name pets or anything else, so I’m not totally satisfied with the reasoning behind its complete erasure.
Ah well, guess I best be altering all my character cavern posts.

Posted 06/02/15

I like the changes that are being implemented.

I was just wondering why you chose “upright” and “active” as the pose names rather something a bit more Mycenified?

Just throwing it our there.

Posted 06/02/15
Partially because we don’t want to confuse any newcomers with any odd terminology in the poses (and partially not confuse ourselves!). We actually had a hard time deciding how to rename the poses that would be inclusive of both the Drasilis and Ineki as their poses vary quite a bit. We were debating using terms like “leaping” versus “standing” but that wouldn’t work/be inclusive for the previous female Drasilis pose or the previous female Ineki pose.
Posted 06/02/15
Neato updates! :D
Posted 06/02/15

mellomyst:  Hahaha yeah, trying to find terms that would be inherently obvious was… a bit of a challenge, like Ama mentioned!  Since the images are not listed with the pose names in all instances, we wanted people to be able to visualize which ones we were talking about.  Since the formerly female ineki and formerly male dras were just kind of sitting there, and the formerly male ineki and formerly female drasillis looked like they were walking/running off, we thought upright and active best described both dras/ineki. 

Nyfeaena: I definitely understand why you aren’t completely satisfied.  I have tried to brainstorm a way we could make the official pet profile gender row work while still being respectful to people who are gender fluid, or variant, or agender and want their characters to reflect that.  Gender is a surprisingly sensitive topic and so I feel like providing a box where you can put whatever you’d like could potentially hurt that group of people since there is a lot of misunderstanding among the general public.  On the other hand, providing a list of options is pretty unwieldy and is bound to leave groups and characters unrepresented as well.

glitch and I have an idea of how we could potentially make the row work, but it is something that needs more staff discussion and would require more work from the mods, and more work code-wise.  For now, I thought it would be good to get rid of the strict gender/pose association before even more time goes by since this is something we’ve been wanting to do, something that’s been frustrating for a number of users for a long time now, and we finally figured out a way to do it that didn’t involve major structural changes.  I understand that it’s a big pain for people who have certain ways of laying out their profiles and don’t necessarily want to have to list pronouns/gender, and it’s convenient to be able to just look and see a row on the profile page, so it’s something we are continuing to think about!

Posted 06/02/15, edited 06/02/15
Ahh, thank you for the direct response! I certainly wasn’t expecting one, but that actually did clarify quite a bit for me. It’s wonderful that you are so all so thoughtful toward the community, and I do believe I’d rather not have the gender option on profiles than have people hurt by misunderstandings.
Posted 06/02/15
Quick note regarding gender and species changes:

Currently, if you feed a mushroom to a pet which alters its species (e.g. ineki -> drasillis), the pose that it ends up with still matches what would happen if we were using genders. That is, an upright ineki will turn into an active drasillis, and an active ineki will turn into an upright drasillis.

This is a bug that we will be fixing in the near future: correct operation is for an upright ineki to turn into an upright drasillis, and for an active ineki to turn into an active drasillis.

If this bites you before I fix it, just send me an echo and I’ll swap the pose out for you :)

Posted 06/02/15

“This is a bug that we will be fixing in the near future: correct operation is for an upright ineki to turn into an upright drasillis, and for an active ineki to turn into an active drasillis.”

Edit: Wait I reread this. GUH. Why I shouldn’t reply at nearly 3AM. Ignore me ;o;.


Posted 06/02/15, edited 06/02/15

These are some cool updates.

One thing though, new forever coats…think about it xD

Posted 06/02/15

These are some cool updates.

One thing though, new forever coats…think about it xD





They’ll live on forever… in your heart. :D And in the Fungimental Magic shop. :D???

Posted 06/02/15
Oh and another quick reminder: the seasonal coat in the Fungimental Magic shop will also be changing on the 21st!
Posted 06/02/15
Is there any chance the blushroom itself might return (perhaps as an equippable item) at some point? I’ve been looking at my small store of them in my inventory… It is a really cute item and it would be a shame to waste the art already done for it. Perhaps a while after the new “pose changing” item substitutes it, as not to cause too much confusion. Just a thought. :3; You can never have too many mushroom equippables!
Posted 06/03/15

It’d be cool if the blushroom returned with a similar effect as a pondshroom. Maybe it could turn eyes/paws/ears pink, and kinda heart-y instead of.. pond-y? ...Actually, that sounds like a nice Valentine’s Day item for next year.

Posted 06/03/15

I blew all my saving on gems for a trade like, three days ago.
*silently qq’s in a corner*

Posted 06/03/15
Loving the updates, especially with the genders (I have a thing for the “jumping” ineki :P). Am wondering if those of us with blushrooms could exchange them for the new shroom once it’s here?
Posted 06/03/15
The blushroom will turn into the new item so that you don’t have to repurchase the changing item if you’ve stocked up on them!Myla


Posted 06/03/15

Given how inactive I have been here (and elsewhere online) in the last few months I’d say I’m just passing through today. Still, when I saw this discussion I knew I had to add my thanks to all those involved in the pet gender system change! I’m non-binary and have always loved that there is an avatar/human character here that better reflects that, but my pets still had genders/sexes. I’m very happy that I can now easily have pets of various genders/non-genders (in whatever pose I prefer) without feeling that I need to write complicated explanations on their profiles.

In some ways I do think a fill-in-the-blank for their more official profile space would be nice, but at the same time there are tons of other things I like to include in my description/profile of a character I have developed that can’t go in that space. I’m totally fine adding gender into my own profile sections (when it makes sense for the character) and not having it show up in the official/site-specific space. I’ve always viewed that space as more about the coloration/digital entity that is the pet and less about my specific character anyway.

So again, thanks! You all are awesome!

Posted 06/03/15
I feel like we’ve gone from one extreme to another with the gender boxes. :O I personally would have preferred a fill in the blank box like the name box because that would let people put whatever they wanted there and not be limited. No one would be left out, and no one could be hurt because people are just putting what is accurate to their character there. But I understand getting rid of it completely, so I’ll be content with whatever Mycena decides. Y’all are right, we can just state the genders on their profiles/cavern posts. :) Thanks for the explanations!~
Posted 06/03/15

I can just see a text box being abused is all. people could literally just write ‘poopnugget’ into their gender box. Honestly, I don’t see why people have an issue just writing it out in a very simple profile write up. I think leaving it blank was the best course of action. This was a site dedicated to roleplay and building your characters, so writing them a bio with their important information just seems natural.

Also, I’m not sure if it’s been address already, but is there a plan to remedy just how much people can accumulate in CC at a time and/or a way to meter/monitor/regulate??? (not sure on the wording..) the CC shop so it’s not closed for months at a time again?

Posted 06/03/15, edited 06/03/15
i do know it’s already in place, that people can’t have any more than 200CC on their account? if you try to buy someone CC and it will put them over 200, then the transaction won’t go through. c:
Posted 06/03/15

I can just see a text box being abused is all. people could literally just write ‘poopnugget’ into their gender box.
Lady Hawkwing

But what if that is it’s gender? What if the character is a nugget of poop (though I guess that would be race? XD) and that’s the correct terminology in their canon world? Then what? And how is it any different that having ‘poopnugget’ be their name? If something is is inappropriate then it’s breaking MC rules and would be removed for those reasons. As of right now, I can’t think of a way/what words someone could put there that would offend someone as long as they’re being accurate to their character and not purposefully trying to offend someone. And if people are trying to offend someone else then they’re just a troll and would be reported and dealt with.

I agree with you though that we can just state gender somewhere else. For me personally I would have preferred a box but I’ll be fine without it.

edit: I think too once the queue moves quicker with the addition of new artists that will help the backup of so much CC, thus opening the shop more frequently.

Posted 06/03/15, edited 06/03/15
Also, can’t people abuse their bios right now? Honestly, abuse of the text box wouldn’t really even effect anything haha. I dunno, I would prefer the table - though it isn’t something heavily weighing on me right now :D. Just formatting wise I think it would look prettier. Though if it was up to me that box would become a slew of information, but I’m just weird and like things to be neat UoU.
Posted 06/03/15

I appreciate the move toward inclusivity, but I don’t really see how moving gender from the tables to the bios will prevent anyone from being offensive. Moving the potential offensiveness from the left side of the page to the right side of the page doesn’t seem like a huge win, y’know?

Clanheart has a pretty comprehensive gender drop-down selector for user profiles - I was thinking Mycena could just borrow something like that:


Non-disclosed seems like a pretty good default, IMO.

That said, love the update and I realize that this isn’t necessarily up for debate at this point. :3

Posted 06/04/15
I like the idea of a box where you either enter what you like or there’s a drop down box.  Those are good ideas.
Posted 06/04/15

I’m loving the change to how gender is handled. I already list genders in my character bios (sometimes in direct conflict with the then gendered poses). I don’t like gender options being restricted to ticky boxes or drop-downs because sometimes I don’t feel like jumping through the hoops of trying to figure out what label my character fits under.

If you’re talking about people using the pet biography to be offensive with gender then you’re really talking about people being offensive with the ability to customize their profiles in general. That has nothing to do with the ability to type in your own gender. Regardless of how you input gender into a pet profile, someone can still add “futa” to the bio if they really want to be derogatory. If you see a pet profile or trainer profile that you find offensive then report it to the mods.

Posted 06/04/15

I was personally (just to be sure: personal opinion, not ‘staff opinion’ or anything, at all ^^) a little worried about ‘fill-in-your-own-gender’ boxes because a gender box gives the impression that the site supports/officially accepts any gender a user could put in there — it looks more official, in a sense.

The worry is because I know from experience that different people appreciate different definitions of the terms used for gender, and I’d rather not someone use a term for a gender there that someone else finds offensive, only to have it reflect negatively on Mycena Cave for having allowed its usage in a seemingly official/supported way. I don’t mean using terms that don’t fit our ToU; Those have no place either in a fill-in-the-box or a pet bio, but words for which the ‘definition’ is still somewhat up in the air because there are multiple camps that may or may not find a term derogatory.

Having that information listed in the profile more clearly indicates it was a user-chosen gender and keeps the ‘factual’ data (part of the Mycena Cave database, which defines the ‘pet’ as we save it in the system) from the ‘character’ data.

This all made sense in my head — Not sure if it does so much, now that I’ve written it out, ahah; I reread my text three times to make sure I didn’t say anything ambiguous that could be interpreted negatively (I’m notorious for doing so), but if something offends/upsets you, please let me know & rest assured that I meant nothing of the sort.

Posted 06/04/15

I agree with Juney’s thoughts on the gender box. Prior to this new change the only user-chosen character descriptors that were part of the “official” pet profile were the gender and the name (perhaps arguably information about the pet/character’s partner(s) as well, since linking them is a site function as well as a character descriptor). The name, obviously, is necessary and it makes sense to include it there. However, if gender is no longer linked to the pet’s pose then I don’t think it makes much sense to have that be part of the “official” information when nothing else is included there. For example, for some characters their sexual orientation, race, ability status, age, etc. would be just as important to who they are as their gender, but these aspects are not included in “official” boxes. It just seems unnecessary to put gender there…it almost seems to impose the idea that gender is the most important aspect of any character and that may not be true for every character (especially for characters who exist in a genderless society or who do not identify as having a gender). That’s just my take on it though.

(I guess I was slightly more than just passing through… I really need to fit pet sites back into my schedule/life.)

Posted 06/04/15