18:45 ST
[Event Survey] Mycena Summer '15 Event Feedback Poll - Results Posted!
Results here!
Did you participate in our recent event, Stellar Spelunking?

If you did, please take a minute or two to help us improve our future click-style events by providing feedback on this one!  If you leave us feedback and (optionally) provide your user ID, then you will be entered in a raffle to win Star Stuff.

You can access and fill out the form here.

Thank you for joining us in this event and helping us prepare for future events! :)

The deadline for filling out the feedback poll is Friday, July 31st by 23:59 ST.

Posted 07/27/15, edited 08/04/15

Is “pie” appropriate feedback?

Edit: I submitted my feedback and didn’t include pie

Posted 07/27/15, edited 07/27/15
Oohh! Fill-out-forms! This will be nice!
Posted 07/27/15

Ah good, I could submit my suggestion regarding the terrifying bell. And the weird fact that “honor” is not a valid word. O_o

But mostly I just took issue with the terrifying bell.

Posted 07/27/15
As for me, it was never long enough. Always my thing. But, just because I wanted so many things! I just can’t get enough xD!
Posted 07/27/15
I had a great time :) It was my first ever event though, so I don’t have too much to base it off haha.
Posted 07/27/15
Answered ! Had some feedback, it’s very nice of the staff to ask our opinion on this. Thanks again for the event !
Posted 07/27/15
Such a thorough survey, and I love the open ended feedback/question box! Left some thoughts.
Posted 07/27/15
@tehuti88 You know you could turn the bell off, right?
Posted 07/27/15
Malkav people had problems with the Bell not staying off. They’d go get letters and then it would default back to on
Posted 07/27/15
Filled out the form!
Posted 07/27/15
I filled it out to the best of my abilities QUQ
Posted 07/27/15
My brain is being weird today; for some reason I was skipping all over filling in the bubbles, and now that I’ve submitted it, I think I forgot to fill in the one about time? I meant to give it a 3 aka perfect amount of time. :D; Oh, well.
Posted 07/27/15
Thank you for the responses so far!  We’re getting lots of helpful feedback, and it’s good to hear from so many of you! :)
Posted 07/27/15

I forgot to use some of my star stuff… cripes. I had 700 left….
Regardless, this event was fun! Poll tiiiime <3

Posted 07/27/15

Mycena Summer ‘15 Event Feedback Poll
Your response has been recorded.


Posted 07/27/15

Sent, but forgot to add that I would rather like it if the ‘enable bell’ option wouldn’t reset every time I submitted a word. This was probably just an oversight, but that bell startled me so bad on several occasions and I would like it if it didn’t happen in the next event if at all possible.

Posted 07/27/15, edited 07/27/15

Filled out form.

I managed to get most of the items during the event and traded extras to get the ones I didn’t. Think I managed to get all but two of them. :O No duplicate ‘shrooms though. XD I happen to be lucky to get all three in just three tries.

Posted 07/28/15
Survey Results + Star Stuff Raffle

Thank you for taking the time to give us feedback! We received an astounding 301 feedback responses!

We drew 30 users from those who chose to enter their user ID, and below are the results:

We will be handing out the Star Stuff shortly!

Summary of Survey Results
  • Comparison to past events
    • Compared to spring event: 35% of you enjoyed this event more than the spring event, followed by 30% of you who did not participate in the spring event, 19% had no preference, and 16% enjoyed the spring event more
    • Compared to last year’s summer event: 65% of you did not participate in last year’s summer event, 18% had no preference, 10% enjoyed this event more, and 7% enjoyed last year more!
  • Prices of things
    • Price of prizes in general:  Too cheap - 1%, Just right - 36%, Too expensive - 63%
    • Price of random bottles: Too cheap - 6%, Just right - 71%, Too expensive - 23%
    • Price of direct purchases: Too cheap - 1%, Just right - 21%, Too expensive - 78%
  • Duration of event: Too short - 41%, Just right - 49%, Too long - 10%
  • Did you get what you wanted?: Yes - 26%, Only the ones most important - 30%, No - 44%
Common survey feedback:
  • The bell -  The bell is a thing of evil and must be stopped!  We’ve heard you loud and clear on this one and will make sure our bell isn’t quite so startling, and give you the option to permanently disable it.  Thanks for letting us know!

  • Invasion of the Astral Wraiths - Some of you felt that the aliens were far too pervasive.  The probabilities of the coats were 40%, 40%, 20%.  The actual stats of coats received were 39% Starchasers, 42% Astral Wraiths, and 19% 99942 Apophis.  While the two ineki coats were pretty evenly matched, the less popular Astral Wraith saturated the market and appeared to be more abundant.  This is a hard problem to combat since we must try and have the foresight to predict which coats will be more popular with users, and then make the the more popular ones have a bigger chance of being pulled.

  • The dictionary - Roar, this dictionary thing just keeps haunting us.  The user created dictionary left some people wanting, too.  “____ wasn’t a word” was feedback I saw a few times.  We were happy to see that the main word sent out wasn’t “qi” this year, though (it was last year)!  It looks like we’ll have to keep working on this dictionary issue.  I have to say, that this user’s comment made me giggle: “Also, I assume the dictionary used was the one we put together? If that’s the case then burn it. We made a terrible mistake.”

  • Individual Mushroom/Item Prices - This also came across in the survey results, but the prices for the individual items/mushrooms were too high.  As we have mentioned, the individual items are not the primary sale of this event, and the prices that are balanced to the event are those of the bottles.  However, we had considerably more satisfied users last summer using the same method, so clearly we did not strike the right balance for this event.  A lot of you were very intimidated/defeated by the individual mushroom prices especially, and also did not like to have rely so heavily on the RNG and trading to get the things that you wanted.  Thank you for your honesty, and we will be taking this information into account when calibrating similar style events.

    Thanks again, everyone!  I really appreciate the feedback because it helps us figure out how to make our event mechanics better for the future! <3 I feel like I should end this with a corny space pun, but alas, I am not glitch, so I’ll just end with some empty space. ;)




Posted 08/04/15

Tbh, I’ve never understood the complaints about event items/shrooms being too high because there always seems to be a surplus of goods after each event that are nigh unsellable because no one wants them? If items were too hard to get then there should be plenty of people looking to swap or buy after each event. Instead you have people literally taking pocket change for items from events a year or so ago. People are still desperately trying to pawn off watermelon shrooms, etc. from forever ago. They sell for less than monthly pets. IF they ever sell at all.

It seems like people are always capable of getting a fair amount of items/shrooms they were after. I see plenty of people with every coat color from each event. And, again, if people were actually unable to attain their personal goals they should be popping up in sales threads looking to buy/trade? But they’re nowhere to be found? Anyone looking to swap/sell after the first couple days the event shops open are largely ignored. To me it seems like supply outweighs demand in the end every time. I don’t want things to be too difficult and I realize this is a hard line to maintain, but sometimes it feels like things are a little too easy to get? idk! ;; I wouldn’t terribly mind having something to work toward later down the line if I miss out. I’d rather have to put in a little extra effort (either during the event or by grinding to buy things later on) than to have a bunch of “worthless” items cluttering up my inventory. (I also wish I had remembered to add this to my comment box when I did my survey. oops!) /ramble

Either way, I enjoyed this event. I really like these word-based clicky events because they straddle the line of being “easy” (ie something I can pop in to do w/o stressing) and still offer me something to think about rather than just mindlessly clicking a button every 15 mins. I mean.. you’re still mindlessly tapping, haha, but putting words together (especially for the mini-game!) is largely enjoyable. I had a few issues with the dictionary, but overall I think it worked more smoothly than last time? *shrugs* I really loved the items/theme this time around too! The star stuff were very cute~ uwu

Posted 08/04/15

Qi should just become an official Mycena word xD!

Again thank you for the event.

I think Corvani what it is, is that people who have a decent amount of gems/nuggets (or the ability to spend their money to get them) and are able to buy the shrooms they wanted. As well as items. I did see other people were trying to trade other site currencies for them as well.
I think the reason for some of us having more supply than demand is that we have no Ineki in which to use the shrooms on D:! And if we can pawn off the shrooms or items we have more nuggets or gems to buy the fodder Ineki we want to use some of last year’s shrooms on. Oh I would have loved to have every coat color but, I had to trade my Starchaser shroom away for the Wraith (I wanted that one for sure.) Would have loved to have more Wraith too, such an awesome color! And something I could actually get my hands on.

*I would love it (I should have though of this during the survey) if one of the prizes was to obtain fodder Ineki!*

As for the items, I want to have more only because I can dress up future pets. However, I am not buying them right now. And I think that’s where the so-called worthless items come from. Those who have money (in any currency or form) can buy them if they want more. The rest of us, want but can’t afford. Or are saving up so, don’t want to be depleting from the current goal.

The events are easy. In what the require. However, not always easiest for those with online time constraints. Those who work, go to school and such, can’t always be ready every 15mins. I did feel bad for those people. I can relate to the desire to get all the items but not be allotted the time to do so. And I wished there were a way for people with lacking time to be able to, catch up.

Posted 08/04/15

Ooh, I don’t usually have luck with raffles, but the summer event ones seem to be in my favour? OwO *Sits on the pile of star stuff.*

I personally didn’t have any difficulties obtaining everything I wanted, but there seems to be a huuge gap in how much star stuff people were able to collect. Maybe some sort of cap would decrease the gap? I wouldn’t mind being told that I’ve collected more than enough and can have a rest. >w>

Also, I love the idea of obtaining fodder pets from the events. I’m super picky about what pets I want in my collection because I don’t want to spend my gems (if I have any) on the fodders. >w<

Posted 08/04/15

A cap could be a good idea. I think there was one during a past event, right? I can’t remember how much it helped.. hm. I don’t mind being told to chill on my more overzealous days, haha. It could help keep me from feeling burnt out. o:

I’d love to be able to buy fodder pets with event currency or something too, haha. Not sure how viable that would be? I think that is part of my problem, perhaps, after reading your post, LAsDarkFireWolf. Events seem disproportionately “easy” compared to getting monthly sets/fodder pets. I feel like I put more work into nabbing monthly items/pets versus actual events. I’m not even a big monthly collector, either. But when I do go after one there’s a good amount of spellstones grinding involved. And on literally every other game event items/pets are always valued higher than monthly/basic ones.

... if that makes sense? ;; I’m not sure if that’s a universal issue or just me or.. what. haha. And I’m not really sure what the answer is there. This might be derailing event feedback, oops.

Posted 08/04/15

Corvani, I agree with you. There IS a disproportionate amount of effort involved in getting monthlies versus event pets. I’ve had to miss several monthlies (which is a shame) during months I couldn’t grind as much as I wanted, or choose between two month’s pets, but during each event I’ve participated in, I’ve managed to get the mushes I wanted.

My two cents, for whatever that’s worth.

That said, I really did enjoy this event. I thought that words, being limited only by a player’s creativity and time, were much easier to get star stuff from than the poop event, where we were limited by the preset number of jewelry, with their predetermined needed beads. Plus, I have to admit I liked this event’s prizes better.

Posted 08/04/15

A cap would be nice in that, I could feel less guilty when I want to get away and do things. However you are speaking to someone who spends near the entire month of June (when not working) on Neopets playing their once a year game.

If no one has hard of it, it’s Neopet’s Altador Cup. You play the same basic flash games over and over to rack up points and spend at the end of the month. So, being glued to my chair isn’t an issue like foregoing things during the week-two weeks for an event.

A cap hinders me in that the games, currently, are spelling and math logic, neither which I accelerate at. Sadly ._.;
So, with an event it gives me a drive to go: KEEP going!
Whereas with the doing the daily spellstones or cave-in (which I wished they would turn more like candy crush/tetris vs. the mine field type), I loose interest quickly. At least too with the word list to complete, it made spelling words at least to an extent easier to figure out. The events (like when we did the beads more so) was my time to shine :D! Why? Cause there you need X,Y, and Z beads put together to make an item.
Lol, one of the few times I felt like I was advancing in the game, rather than just doing the dailies of the bank and fishing. So, for the small group like myself that have a hard time with the current games, a cap kinda cripples the few times we get to possibly go further.

But, again I LOVE playing dress up, so, you know excessive itemage is, <3!

I get what you mean Corvani, I do agree I love the monthly coats. I hate missing the ones I like but if I have no gems. And no nuggets. Then I have no Ineki. I do love to strive to get them if I can but, I tend to have my plans spoiled by outside forces. Yay for bad luck xD.

So, I concur with that the little I have, I don’t want to spend it on ‘fodder’. Because Mushrooms only knows what the next month coat could be. And then you kick yourself going: WHY didn’t I wait D: ?!
(Plus if it takes you months to save up cause you hoard fish + don’t do many games, this just compounds the above self-loathing).

Posted 08/04/15

I really enjoyed this event — I have to admit this set of items has been my favorite so far. I ended up getting all of the items I wanted, granted I did make some trades in order to get all of the ‘shrooms. I don’t think items were too hard to get, although I was one of the people buying bottles as opposed to directly purchasing the items.

I don’t agree with imposing a cap. If someone has more time and is willing to play longer than others, I personally believe they should earn more than those that don’t. I’ve played a lot of virtual pet sims & it’s a common complaint. The more time you invest into a site, the more you “get”. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with that. I worked during the event, slept, and when I had the time/energy to play, I’d sit on the computer for hours to “make up” what I “lost”. I ended up earning ~2.7k points, which I thought was more than enough.

“To me it seems like supply outweighs demand in the end every time. I don’t want things to be too difficult and I realize this is a hard line to maintain, but sometimes it feels like things are a little too easy to get?”Corvani

I agree with this, that things are too easy to get. If you look at the prices of past event items, a lot of them are.. really cheap. I’d prefer getting less & having things be more “valuable”, but that’s just a personal preference. I like rarity, and personally having more of a challenge.

I love the idea of being able to purchase the event pet directly at a higher price, but not fodder. If they’re “too cheap”, I see people (like me), who’d buy fodder just to flip them. :P You could choose between “random event pet” & what ever coats are available at the moment.

Posted 08/04/15, edited 08/04/15

The event was pretty successful for me, all-in-all, but I shudder to think how I’ll do during the next event, which takes place during the academic year - there is no way I can spend near that much time on MC. Even this event I didn’t get everything I wanted, because my computer/internet took a while to load the mining page itself, which lead me to clicking away and not coming back until much later, since the mining page itself doesn’t alert me with the RING! signs. ;v;

I’m also sort of bummed about the pretty huge dependence on the RNG if you wanted to have any reasonable chance of getting more than one mushroom - that was pretty scary. The Solar and Lunar bottles were much more reasonably priced, as were the items in their tier, but the mushrooms? I’m not a big fan of randomness, and it felt really frustrating to not be able to plan ahead, because all your trading plans revolved solely on the luck of the draw. I mean, I understand having the individual shrooms themselves being priced highly, but I feel like the bottles should be cheaper, then? I don’t know, just throwing ideas out there.

I don’t think imposing a cap is a good idea, though - people who do have the time to spend should be allowed to use it to their advantage.

As for saturation of the market with cheap event items afterwards - well, I’m kind of happy about that? Full disclosure, I am a newbie, so I don’t have much experience, take my opinion with a grain of salt, etc. But, for me, a person who isn’t very good at/doesn’t enjoy/doesn’t have time for playing the games offered, and whose income is, suffice it to say, rather limited when concerning online pet sites, it’s kind of hard to get my hands on the shrooms/items/pets I want. I can kiss getting monthly shrooms/pets goodbye, unless it’s for an event related trade. So if cool event skins and items are cheap compared to the monthly ones? I’m all for that! Because they’re likely the only things I will be able to obtain until there’s a way for me to actually and consistently earn nuggets.

Again, this is the personal opinion of a very new player, so feel free to disregard. uvu

Posted 08/04/15, edited 08/04/15

-wiggles in-

Although not every event can be perfect, and there’s always going to be ups and downs - at least you guys are working really hard on fixing them as they come up! Thank you for making these events as fun as they are, and for always being ready to hear the good and the bad things about them from us. <3

Posted 08/04/15

I think the biggest issue is the hardcore versus the casual mycena player. Lets be real here, we’ve gotten a lot more casual players lately. I won’t mince words, those of us who are digis expies, we’re use to going hardcore. To get anything valuable in digis events was nigh impossible. So people conditioned themselves to play events, and play them hard.

This carried over on mycena, where the bar was set lower (“What do you mean I can straight up BUY the event shrooms I want?”) So the first couple events of mycena had a huge surplus. The surplus problem diminished over time as myla and glitch started balancing it more (the bug poop event doesn’t really have this issue.) along with more users coming from flight rising in droves (no offense to you guys but I assume that flight rising is your top site!)

However, they went a little overboard in this case, especially considering how the user make up has changed. And thus, yes, this event, things were too expensive. I had to be chained to my phone to get everything I wanted, which isn’t fun. Eventually I got the most valuable stuff, and got super lucky with my mushroom bottle (thank you dras, we do this every year.) I think those saying things are not expensive are those who play the event in a way that the general userbase doesn’t. And those few are not going to saturate the market.

Posted 08/04/15


Hmm surprised to see that I was in the minority on a few of these questions! Interesting…thanks for sharing!

Posted 08/04/15