[Event Survey] Mycena Summer '15 Event Feedback Poll - Results Posted!
But I do agree and will say it again, thank you for the event. They really make the site fun!
Posted 08/04/15
I’d say I’m more of a casual player here. I drop by daily (or try to) for a few minutes every time, except during events like this one where I’m on Mycena as much as humanly possible around sleep and work. I seriously burned out this time with the 15-minute intervals. I don’t have a cell phone so for me events like this mean being shackled to my home and laptop because I want so many of the items and know I can’t afford to buy them all from others after the event is over. It was my choice of course and I loved the event overall, but I can understand people being frustrated if they weren’t able to be here for the hours upon hours required in order to get the items and pets they wanted.
I make the same decisions as many other people on this site when it comes to collecting pets. If I don’t LOVE it, then it’s doubtful I’ll even try to obtain it because I just don’t have the time or funds to be a completist. To be honest the ‘fodder’ pet prices still bother me a bit as well. Here I am spending all this time earning star stuff and on top of that I still needed to buy a pet to use the mushroom on. I’m curious why these events can’t give you the choice of getting a pre-shroomed pet, or the mushroom itself?
Posted 08/04/15
Rats, I was hoping for another pretty star stuff. At least I got one. c:
Personally, I absolutely agree that some of the first few events left the market completely saturated. It was terrible. And this one seems to be the same way, in that at least there are tons of Wraiths still floating around, it looks like. But I do think the prices were a tick too high this time. I was extraordinarily lucky to get the shrooms I wanted from the RNG in the spring event, as well as the items that I wanted, and didn’t end up with a huge surplus. This time around I got two Wraiths and straight-up refused to try the RNG again. No way. I saved up for the rest of the event for that darn Dras.
And that’s where the problem comes from. The market isn’t flooded because prices were too low. The market is flooded because RNG wasn’t giving people what they needed. Okay, maybe the bottles were priced a little too low? I dunno. All I know is that after two freakin’ Wraiths (which wasn’t too bad because I did want one, it was just upsetting because I knew I’d never find someone to trade me for a Starcatcher) I wasn’t going to risk not getting anything else I wanted and opted to get my Dras without a trace of a doubt. Had I gotten everything I wanted from the bottles, heck yeah, I would have had a TON of extra star stuff. But instead I ended up with two Wraths, the Dras, and like three of the items.
So. I’m honestly not sure what the answer is. But I am kinda miffed by people saying they’d rather have a challenge. If you want the challenge don’t dive headlong into the event, I guess. Because I definitely thought there was a challenge. I was on mining for letters as often as I possibly could to get what I wanted and I still came up short. And I do not have the funds to just go out and buy all the things I didn’t manage to grab from the event shop. That seems pretty challenging to me, idk. Personal preference, I guess.
Posted 08/04/15
The problem with the Wraiths was that they were not nearly as popular as Starchasers, so people didn’t want to do 1:1 trades. I think maybe doing a popularity poll before the event (oh god, what am I saying…it is late and I feel like I will regret my words) would be really helpful! Like people could select their favorite coat out of the event shrooms. Suppose 10% of users like the Wraiths, then there would be a 10% chance of obtaining it through a bottle and bam! More happy users. Actually, I’m not really sure how this would work out
Posted 08/04/15
I honestly played pretty casually to, uh, moderately? The first few days I was pretty intense, I guess, but after that I kinda just played when I could. The second week I played very minimally because I was at my bff’s house for her birthday for several days and then after that I had some other engagements to attend to, so I didn’t play very seriously at all. So, my total play time probably evened out to a more casual player’s overall. Really, aside from events I usually just hop on to check dailies and echoes (or stare at my cavern and say “i should work on that” and then.. don’t).
I guess, yeah, this time around individual shroom prices were high but otherwise bottles were really cheap and individual items seemed feasible? The shroom bottle may be a bit high, idk, your mileage may vary on that one. But, if you plan on collecting every single coat + items then of course you should have your work set out for you. I’m not saying it should be impossible or unenjoyable, but I don’t see how doing the work required whether it be during the event or after is a bad thing? ;;
Idk. I’m not a collector by any means, so again my play style is different and I guess not a good standard for how most people seem to play. lol.
Although, if items/pets were valued more highly taking chances on bottles would be more lucrative for people all around? If you pull a shroom you don’t want you should have less trouble swapping with someone. Granted, there will always be unpopular items every event, but still. The RNG doesn’t seem to be the problem, to me. Glitch has posted percentages for that plenty of times and it always works in line with how it was intended.
In the overall scheme of things, however, I think largely the issue is that Mycena difficulty goes like: events > fodder/monthlies > seasonal -> glowing/custom pets
Whereas, I feel at least, it should be more like: fodder/monthlies -> events -> seasonal -> glowing/custom pets
I still feel like too often event items are disproportionately low and monthlies are a tad too high (I also think glowing pets are disproportionately high but that’s neither here nor there atm). But the latter can really only be fixed with more games in the future, I suppose (and more chances at glowy shrooms lol). Allowing people to buy their pet outright from the store rather than a shroom, as a few people suggested, seems like a good starting point though. c: Anyway I’m probably getting off-topic here again, so I’ll shush. oops. I tend to ramble. orz
Again, I really did enjoy this event and especially loved the theme so kudos and thanks to the staff for that. <3
Posted 08/04/15
I really enjoyed this event and really do not want to compare it with past ones. It was fun enough said.
To address the issue of items being readily available…what???? I played everyday and still did not get the rarer shroom. I didn’t in any of the past events either. I traded for them later on and paid a rather decent amount for each one which I have still been unable to use because I can’t afford more fodder. I have a life and a job outside of my computer. I can not and will not spend every waking moment on this site trying to get every item. Spending that amount of time (like on Digis) trying to obtain an item only to not get it or to get only that one thing just isn’t fun. The more common items are uber cheap because most people would rather spend the shinies they manage to get and gamble on the rarer items than just get a rare item. Hence many common items are available to trade but no one wants them cause everyone has them already. The rarer items are so expensive that it is difficult to get them.
I have at least 3 Ochre? Ombre? Shrooms from that particular event because that is what I got from random bags….same for the last event and this one. I wanted the wraith this time so I was not upset to get 2 of it and 1 starchaser. But I was in the minority this time and few people wanted the wraith as much.
That’s my thoughts on it anyways. I always enjoy the games. I play as I can and enjoy what I do get. I traded for the items I couldnt get which proved not as difficult as the Shrooms. I think the items are not as hard to get but I could be wrong.
I am still on my quest to have over 1 million nuggets in the bank. I play to my cap everyday I can. I collect the interest. I stopped buying raffle tickets which didn’t hurt as I have terrible luck and never win anyways. I also stopped buying changingshrooms. I am focused on having enough nuggets to actually be able to afford the monthlies with my interst someday. So yeah…super expensive event items will not be on my list of priorities.
Posted 08/09/15, edited 08/09/15
I think, so long as you offer people the ability to buy exactly the shroom/item they want, even at a much higher price than the RNG item, they’re going to guage pricing off the individual items rather than the RNG ones. While I like having the option to buy specific items/shrooms, it seems like I was one of the few who only relied on that for one or two things I *had* to have and spent the rest on bottles.
Posted 09/02/15