18:11 ST
[RAFFLE] The Summer's End Sunshine Swirl Raffle! (drawn)
This raffle has been drawn! See the results here

Welcome to our August Raffle!
[Important note about buying tickets here]

With summer drawing to a close, it’s the perfect time to raffle off this little cutie, Tamako‘s Sunshine Swirl!

In addition to the premade custom, we are also raffling off 10 Glowing Changingshrooms, since we clearly need more floating around site!!!

Here’s the full list of prizes for this raffle:
  • 1x: Sunshine Swirl Premade Custom
  • 10x: Glowing Changingshroom
  • 13x: Cave Capsule 2013
  • 15x: Cave Capsule 2014

As it has become customary, your first ticket is free and each additional ticket will be 500 nuggets. Due to the large number of Glowing Changingshrooms available, however, the August raffle will have a cap of 35 tickets in the bowl! This is a very special raffle with many awesome prizes up for grabs - so we wish you all the very best of luck!

Get your tickets here!
Posted 08/08/15, edited 08/14/15

*Buys 34 tickets right off the bat*

... Here’s to hoping luck is finally with me this round. If I keep maxing out it’ll have to work eventually.

Right? rIGHT?

Good luck to everyone else, too.

Posted 08/08/15
Oh no. If I max out tonight I won’t regret it tomorrow when I have no interest from the bank, will I?
Posted 08/08/15

-buys ten-

better than nothing!

Love the prizes <3

Posted 08/08/15
I’m really short on change now but those prizes…. I might give this a try despite my absolutely terrible luck at raffles.
Posted 08/08/15
Awww so pretty… *stares at lonely little ticket*
Posted 08/08/15

After I spend all my nuggets on CC too -weeps-
Better try to play some games now

Posted 08/08/15
i never win anything ever ever but here’s hoping *tosses all monies into pot*
Posted 08/08/15
Oo! I’ve been eying that pretty custom since it was uploaded. Very cool! And very, very excited about the increased glowy shroom payout. Thanks & good luck everyone! <3
Posted 08/08/15
I hope I get it this time!! (A prize anyhow ;v;
Posted 08/08/15

TAKE ALL MY NUGGETS.  *throws at raffle*

Really, though, that custom is so pretty!  Love the colour palette.  >u<

Posted 08/09/15
Good luck everyone :D! -claims free ticket-
Posted 08/09/15
You guys sure know how to make people empty their banks in an instant, haha. >u> *Eyes the prizes.*
Posted 08/09/15
Oh man, I’m definitely going to have to max out my earnings all week to be able to afford all tickets. Of course this happens right as I blow all of my nuggets on a Changingshroom. Super excited for the custom though, its gorgeous!
Posted 08/09/15

Oh this is nice, it’s not like my wallet was already screaming at me or anything.

-starts buying tickets anyways-

Posted 08/09/15
*grabs as many tickets as possible* NEED CUSTOMS,NEED ITEMS
Posted 08/09/15

*paws sadly at glowies* :c

*also loves that custoooom hnnng dunno how to order preferences*

Posted 08/09/15

*actually buys tickets*
5 tickets. only 5.
*probably will buy more later*

Posted 08/09/15
Tamako did a beautiful job on the custom ineki! Good luck, everyone!
Posted 08/09/15
*growling* I maxxed out for the dayyyy *needs to buy tickets* gunna get em gunnaaa get emmmm *squeals* The custom is so cute!~
Posted 08/09/15
ngl, I have my eyes set on that custom. I have a character idea for it, and I just. Need it. Now.
Posted 08/09/15
A note on buying tickets and the ticket cap

Hi everyone.

It has come to our attention that some players are being asked to “sell their tickets”. That is, they are being offered nuggets or gems or similar in order to buy tickets under the agreement that should they win, the prize will belong to the player offering them the goods in order to buy the tickets. This is currently not against our rules, although it does subvert the spirit of the raffle (that is, it allows players to have more than 35 tickets to their name, but more importantly also to win more than once) so we will be reviewing whether to forbid this practice before holding our next raffle.

For now, please be advised that buying raffle tickets from other players is not a supported trade. As such, if you pay someone under the agreement that if they win the raffle they give the prize to you, and then they win and keep the prize for themselves, that is entirely within their rights and Mycena Cave will make no attempt to compel them to hold up their end of the agreement.

Posted 08/09/15
35 tickets? YES!
Posted 08/10/15
I’m glad that’s finally being addressed. It completely undermines the random nature of a raffle if one person holds over 50 tickets because they paid off a couple of their friends who don’t care about the prizes, or bullied new players into selling their slots/winnings. It’s one thing for someone to decide to sell something they won in a raffle after the fact because they didn’t get what they wanted, but for one person to have dibs on more than the allotted number of tickets is unfair to everyone else.
Posted 08/10/15
Had no idea this was going on, admittedly, it’s disappointing to read. I thought the cap was in place to give everyone the same chance, otherwise.. well, what’s the point in having it? Maybe in the future you guys could hold some limitless raffles to satisfy those that would like to spend more? I like raffles because it draws money out of the economy, but being able to “sell tickets” to a third party gives people with more money in capped raffles an unfair advantage.
Posted 08/10/15, edited 08/10/15
I understand the idea behind a limitless raffle, but honestly I don’t think I would like that idea. There is such a divide between the rich and poor here that allowing those who want to spend that much money on a raffle might still defeat the purpose of a raffle at all. I feel it might become a battle of a couple rich individuals and that doesn’t sit well with me. That’s what auctions are for, not raffles open to everyone. If a limitless raffle were held I think it might be better done as an auction so that those who have the means can spend all they want on the items auctioned off without giving false hopes to those who can’t afford more than the free ticket plus a couple more. And it would still do the job of providing a gold sink, siphoning off at least some nuggets, perhaps even better than a raffle since those individuals can continue to bid. Maybe it could be some sort of incentive for those who try to gain an unfair advantage by buying others’ tickets.
Posted 08/10/15

Jeez I can’t believe people would be doing that.  Like, who knows how long it’s been going on?  Why do people always have to mess with a good thing. :|  I understand wanting to win a prize to gift a friend or something but man, how greedy can you be?  Ick.  Er, anyway.  -steps off soapbox-  I’m sorta with raus.  I understand the idea of getting money out of the economy when some people are super OP in the bank department, but as someone who rarely ever has money to spend, like… Please don’t just make a bunch of goldsinks because of a handful of users. :‘D

I think an auction could be in order, though.  I don’t believe Mycena has ever had an auction, has it?  Maybe it could be paired with a raffle as well. Let the people with lots of money duke it out while the rest of us sit on our raffle tickets and eat popcorn on the sidelines.  -shrug-

Posted 08/10/15
The main problem I see with an auction is that only one person will end up spending the money at the end of it, so it wouldn’t be a very effective currency sink. That being said, I don’t really see why we need a gold sink because I’m perpetually broke as it is :‘D
Posted 08/10/15

Well, I’m not suggesting that every raffle be uncapped — just one every now & then. I really can’t comment on the divide between the “rich” & “poor”, I’ve never asked someone how much they have in their bank because I wouldn’t want someone asking me :P. I’d need to see something posted from staff to show the division. I don’t believe that every rich person would dent their bank too much, but maybe that’s a bit biased because it’s something I wouldn’t do. Raffles aren’t guaranteed, I’ve seen on other pet sites (e.g. Aywas) people winning high prized items with 1 ticket out of countless.

That aside, I completely support the idea of having auctions in lieu of limitless ticket raffles. I do see people with more means dumping larger amounts into auctions because there isn’t a “risk” of losing their assets in the event that they don’t win.


The main problem I see with an auction is that only one person will end up spending the money at the end of it, so it wouldn’t be a very effective currency sink.Arintol

That’s why I suggested a limitless raffle, but if staff were to auction a few GCS & maybe other highly valued items, I see it being pretty effective. It wouldn’t draw money from many angles (i.e. 200+ players), but big chunks of gems/nuggets from richer users.

On the topic of gold sinks, most pet sites use them to combat/prevent inflation. MC is still very small compared to other pet sims, but I do think they do a good job at monitoring the economy & keeping things “in line”, for the lack of better words.

Posted 08/10/15, edited 08/10/15

Arintol there are actually some extremely wealthy players on the site who’s bank accounts and interest would probably make you weep. If you pay any attention to the gem exchange on a regular basis you can notice the same players routinely selling large quantities of gems for whatever low price they can get and making it harder for others to sell at a reasonable price for whatever meager gems they have. Just like on most other sites selling gems and CC is the fastest way to make nuggets. I’m not complaining, it is what it is. But it does concentrate large amounts of nuggets on certain accounts while the gems actually have a better chance of getting spent on OotS and fodder pets by the people buying them from the exchange.

The only problem I have with auctions is it would consistently be the same “rich” players winning the “good” auctions, with bids getting more and more ridiculous each consecutive auction and shutting out regular players . Don’t get me wrong, I like auctions. But they actually encourage hoarding and are not as effective a currency dump.

There does need to be some sort of reliable and worthwhile way to spend/dump nuggets. Right now the only way between raffles is the item shops and, well lets face it people aren’t constantly buying things from the shops.

Posted 08/10/15, edited 08/10/15