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This event will be somewhat similar in composition to last year’s Halloween event, broken down into two alternating main parts: investigation days, which involve aiding Ambrose in his search by solving puzzles and uncovering clues across the site, and activity days, which involve participating in a number of small creative activities and games related to the investigation. The event begins on September 19th, 00:00 MC time and ends on October 3rd, 23:59 MC time, although you will have until October 6th to finish up any last puzzles and activities. INVESTIGATION DAYS Each investigation day will result in a clue and some preliminary observations, which will be recorded by Ambrose in your fact file. Puzzles will not require you to go off-site, open additional programs, or dig into any html. There will be a total of seven investigation days over the course of the event. In order to receive credit, all daily puzzles must be complete by 23:59 on October 6th. ACTIVITY DAYS Activity days will consist of small forum-based creative activities and puzzles. Participation requirements for each activity will be clearly outlined at the time of release. In order to keep things organized, each player should create their own thread in the event forum to fill up with their completed activities. More information as to the required format can be found in this thread. In order to receive credit, all activities must be complete by 23:59 on October 6th. PRIZES Unlike last Halloween’s event, you will not be awarded daily item prizes. Instead, these will be available in a prize shop, which will open at the end of the event and remain open for one week. Due to the nature of the event, prizes will remain a mystery until the prize shop opens, but will consist of four items and two event coats. The event coats will be available in your choice of pet or mushroom form. Prize shop points will be broken down into two forms of ‘currency’ - coat tokens and item tokens. Each day is worth 1 coat token and 1 item token. When the prize shop opens, the event coats will cost 5 coat tokens each, while each item will cost 2 item tokens each. In essence, this means minimum participation in order to obtain one of every prize can be achieved by completing 10 of 14 days. Completing more than 10 will award you extra tokens to spend in the prize shop. Duplicate items may be purchased from the shop, but each player will only be able to achieve a maximum of two coats from this event. POST-EVENT RAFFLE & PROMPT After the conclusion of the event, a raffle will be held for some extra prizes. Entry into the raffle will require players to respond to a prompt which will be posted following the event’s conclusion. More information as to when the raffle will be drawn and the exact requirements for being entered will be posted along with the prompt itself. EVENT RULES
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Posted 09/11/15, edited 09/19/15
Whoa, this event seems rather complex. I hope I can keep up with it when it starts. On a side note, does this mean that both the wearable items and the coats will be kept secret? Or will it only be the coats? Excited to try something new, though! It’s been a while since I was involved in a not-clicky event.
Posted 09/11/15
Posted 09/11/15
question: when it says you can only get “two coats” does that mean a) only one of each coat and if we have extra coat tokens, will we be able to do anything with them?
Posted 09/11/15
baekhesten - From what I can gather the event will last 14 days, which means you can only gather a total of 14 ‘coat tokens’. Each coat is worth 5 tokens, so even if you participate every day you’d only earn enough coat tokens for two coats before the event’s over with. :)
Posted 09/11/15, edited 09/11/15
baekhesten Edit: But yes, “technically” there would be those 4 extra tokens hanging out, which is why it was decided to max it out at 10, so folks don’t have to stare longingly at them haha. (Edited again for grammar whoops)
Posted 09/11/15, edited 09/11/15
ahh! can I just say mycena is SO great about listening to player feedback and really actually finding things that have a lil bit of everything for everyone?? like im so impressed this event sounds SO FUN and it incorporates both kinds of activities that old events have so that people who enjoyed either one can be happy!!! and also this is so watery themed!!!!! which is so exciting bcus I totally said in the last event’s feedback we totally need some water-themed stuff and look!!! I mean its called “shimmers in the water” and wowie im so excited for these wearables and coats ahhh like wow kudos to mycena I am CRAZY excited for this because the Halloween event was CRAZY fun last year and its gonna be wild fun this year too I aint gonna get NO sleep haha because of my ridiculous school and work schedule but idec
Posted 09/11/15, edited 09/11/15
okay I am so excited about this????? [/kisses u all (if u want kisses if u don’t have platonic hugs ok? or a friendly wave if you don’t like contact)]
Posted 09/11/15