Hina Like I said, I’m new so while it was new to me and probably others who weren’t around months ago - I haven’t seen the new species being discussed while I’ve been here, anyway - I have no idea how many people were surprised by it. I was just trying to clarify what I thought Swan meant, before they edited their own post.
Posted 10/09/15
I was the one who posted the old baby lines. Sorry for ruining it for some of you. I honestly didn’t think it would upset anyone, given that the baby lines had officially been released by staff during Ask Me Anything. Will definitely avoid that in the future. I would appreciate it when I upset people that I’m spoken to instead of about. Again, really sorry, feel bad about it.
Posted 10/09/15
i’ve been here like…the entire time the site has been open and i never saw the old baby lines before they were reposted. that said, though, i didn’t expect it to be the new species. i just had a feeling that it would be something different(the baby lines look kinda like a drasilis with fins to me so i thought it was like…a beta drasilis lol) and didnt put too much stock in it. i did know there would eventually be new species beyond the drasilis/ineki, just not when they’d be revealed.
Posted 10/09/15
Ally I have a feeling you’re directing this at me? x) If anything, it amazes me how our predictions were on the nose, and that the surprise (new species!!) was a little spoiled for me. I know I’m not the only one that feels this way. How can we avoid that in the future? Is there a way to avoid that? Less hints? Is it even worth it? Should we have more censorship on the forums? I don’t know! Just talking. Again, not trying to make anyone feel bad or feel like I’m attacking.
Posted 10/09/15, edited 10/09/15
Swan I’m kinda impartial to the whole ‘they made it super obvious that there was gonna be a new species’ although I gotta say, just from the sheer amount of hints we were supplied with, I don’t… think it was ever meant to be a real surprise, you know? :0 Like. I feel like they’ve managed to be a lot more subtle about things in the past. I think this time they just really wanted to hype us up about it, and it worked! idk though, that might just be me reading… too… little… into what we were given. I saw a lot of hints and automatically assumed that they were just stoked and wanted us to be as well. ouo Either way! I hadn’t really considered that it might bum people out that that surprise was basically ruined. That’s kinda interesting!
Posted 10/09/15, edited 10/09/15
No, nothing was directed at you; I was talking to anyone who read my post whether they’ve posted or not (I’m sure other people feel this way) that was bothered by my actions. After you posting that, I can see why it would have upset you or anyone else. I see how it was a spoiler for members who don’t follow as closely or newer members. I was just excited & posted without thinking of other people. My goal is not to offend anyone, I can’t know that I’ve done anything wrong unless I’m made aware. Edit: again, sorry for ruining it for other people. :(
Posted 10/09/15, edited 10/09/15
I dunno, I liked knowing we were going to get a species? It let me build anticipation and get excited, and it was fun speculating about what it could end up being.
Posted 10/09/15, edited 10/09/15
WeyrLeader: Eventually, all OotS and event items will be made compatible. The pondshroom will also eventually be compatible!
Posted 10/10/15
Well if anyone paid attention during the event, it was clear you were finding something new and very intelligent. Can’t see how there’s any blame going around, but they’ll get over it. I had never see the old art before and thought it was interesting. Maybe because I put the context of the event story and shimmering waters together, but to each their own. Can’t wait to see what else becomes of the Kelph. <3
Posted 10/10/15
Lilael Well, how very nice for you… Must try harder to live up to your standards of observation next event. I agree the kelphi are wonderful and I really enjoyed the event, but that wasn’t a very nice thing to say.
Posted 10/10/15
Lilael I don’t see anybody ‘wallowing in blame and spite’, I just see you implying people are stupid if they didn’t anticipate the new species as easily as you.
Posted 10/10/15
Nah, people aren’t stupid over something so simple as a fun event on a pet site. The event story just is what it is. Anyway, that really is a pretty cruel thing to say and didn’t go in any of my posts, but I hope people don’t really beat themselves up like that over puzzles and pretend pets. I’m ending this conversation & don’t ping me again, many thanks.
Posted 10/10/15
I was looking around the Bone Monster’s profile and a thought struck me: I wonder how many posts the Bone Monster made on people’s threads this entire event? As of today it has 833 posts. I bet at least 300 came from this event. >..> ..unless I’m grossly overestimating - or underestimating. Hmm..
Posted 10/10/15
Miranda “You currently have 0 pet tokens and 1 item tokens.” *chews on lone item token* oonnnee is the loneliest numberrrr I’m happy to note I’m not the only one gnawing on my lone item token!
Posted 10/10/15
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