18:20 ST
[RAFFLE] The three-part every-which-way raffle (done!)
Since there’s only one ticket to draw, I’ll be doing it in chat :)
Posted 09/23/15

Everyone on the site’s reaction to any raffle offering sprouts:

Posted 09/23/15

LOL appropriate gif!  I wonder who will be the lucky winner?

And that earlier gif is my life xP try to fix one thing, only to have something else to add to the mountain of to do. 

Posted 09/23/15
Part 1 is being drawn in chat in about 5 minutes!

Part 2 will begin shortly after that :)

Posted 09/24/15
The winning ticket for part 1 was: #319, owned by [@Shrike]! Congratulations to Lai Fan and Dyia, who are expecting two blossoms to bloom soon at the sacred tree!
Posted 09/25/15, edited 09/25/15
Eeee, congrats Shrike! What a cute geness. o3o I bet they’ll have lovely sprouts!
Posted 09/25/15
Ahhh congratulations you two :D
Posted 09/25/15
Congratulations XD
Posted 09/25/15

^.^  Congratulations!!!

And for the next raffle ~ Your ticket numbers: 501   that looks a lucky number.

Posted 09/25/15, edited 09/25/15

I’m only gonna get my free ticket in this 2nd raffle. I don’t have any cool customs and I haven’t Rp’ed enough here to have a super awesome Geness yet.

Good luck to all the entrants! I can’t wait to see who the winner is :3

Posted 09/26/15
I’m only grabbing the free ticket too - I am very interested in seeing how many tickets other buy though :0 I wonder if the number will go up much more.  I expected there to be several thousand already!
Posted 09/26/15
I think part of the reason people are so hesitant to bye tickets is that there will always be somebody richer with more tickets, and when there’s only one prize, the chances of winning fall drastically. Maybe if there’s ever another uncapped raffle there should be two or three prizes?
Posted 09/26/15
Personally, I’m waiting to see how many tickets will be purchased by the last day to see if it’s even worth buying more. IDK, there are probably plenty of people like me, too.
Posted 09/26/15
and when there’s only one prize, the chances of winning fall drastically. Maybe if there’s ever another uncapped raffle there should be two or three prizes?Arintol

Yeah I agree, multi-prize raffles are a lot more fun too! The thing to be said for single-prize raffles is you can easily tell your probability of winning: # of tickets you have divided by # of tickets in the bowl. Still, we’ll be experimenting for a while so we’ll probably try that too ^^

Posted 09/27/15

i have never been so determined to win a raffle as i am this one.

i only have a .516% of winning. i am a lot less determined right now.

Posted 09/27/15, edited 09/27/15

*crosses fingers for next raffle*

C’mon baby… give me and Blemy babies!

Posted 09/27/15
I have 3 tickets. *dares to hope anyways*
Posted 09/27/15

You currently have 1 ticket in the bowl.


Posted 09/27/15
I have 5 tickets for the 2nd raffle. I was just going to do 1, but my idealism knocked out my realism with a baseball bat while my pessimism was occupied elsewhere.
Posted 09/27/15

i have ticket #420 and my birth year
I’m guaranteed to win now

Posted 09/27/15
I hope we get some fun statistics when this one is through.  Like, how many tickets the winner had, the largest number someone bought, how many people only claimed the free ticket, etc. ouo
Posted 09/28/15

I’ll definitely post some post fun statistics! :D
But only ones which don’t uniquely identify anyone (so, for example, I may post how many tickets the top-10 ticket buyers had in total, but since the winner is public I won’t post how many tickets they in particular had, etc)

Stats edit (Hawkins):

  • 60 players purchased at least one non-free ticket
  • 279 players claimed their free ticket but did not buy any additional tickets
  • The top-15 ticket purchasers averaged 264 tickets (equivalent to 132,000 nuggets!)
  • 55% of the tickets were purchased on the last day, 33% purchased in the last 5 hours
Posted 09/28/15, edited 09/29/15
The winning ticket for part 2 was: #586, owned by Kiwi! Congratulations to Kiam Ranogra and Solitude, who are expecting two blossoms to bloom soon at the sacred tree!
Posted 09/29/15
Raffle 3 is up and posted! Please note that with the large number of prizes (90!!) I won’t be drawing this one in chat, but simply posting the results in this thread.
Posted 09/29/15

ty glitch!! <3

and oooooh, congrats, Kiwi!  and Shrike who I just realized I never congratulated!  I’m so excited to see all the new sproutssss *-*

I’m diggin’ how not-bank-breaking it’ll be to max out this raffle.  I just might this time :0

Posted 09/29/15
glitch Just to double-check, since I’m getting a sprout from Shrike and my geness, I’m disqualified from winning anything this current raffle, right?
Posted 09/29/15
Losty: nope! The only people who are ineligible for this raffle are Shrike and Kiwi :)
Posted 09/29/15
Is there anywhere that lists the contents of the cave capsules?
Posted 09/29/15


They contain every OotS item from the year listed on the capsule - so all of the OotS equippables and coat mushrooms from that year have a chance of coming out of the capsule :D

And the wiki lists the OotS and the year they were available: http://mycenacave.wikia.com/wiki/Out_of_the_Shadows_Shop

Posted 09/29/15
Oh nice! Thank you for the info Diglett! :D
Posted 09/29/15