18:24 ST
[RAFFLE] The three-part every-which-way raffle (done!)

Hi everyone!

We’re experimenting with raffles again! In the near future we’ll be playing around with some of the ideas posted in the raffle ideas thread, and this is our first experiment. And today we bring you three raffles that will happen immediately one after the other. Please note that you may only win in one of this set of three raffles, which means that if you win the first raffle you will be ineligible to participate in the second and third, etc.

Please note that we have a new rule in place for raffles which is displayed on the raffle page itself, but it bears mentioning here as well: while raffle prizes may be bought or sold between players, it is against the rules to buy “rights” to other players’ raffle tickets. This means that you may not enter into an agreement with another player before the raffle is drawn that involves you receiving their winnings.

The first raffle (Sept 20 - Sept 24) — drawn!

has exactly one prize: a sprouting for a geness at the Sacred Tree. Tickets will be capped at a single ticket which means that everybody has exactly the same chance at winning, and participation in this raffle is entirely free. As always, the geness that you submit is the geness that will receive the sprout.

The second raffle (Sept 25 - Sept 28) — drawn!

is identical to the first raffle in every way except that tickets will be uncapped. That means you are welcome to spend an arbitrarily large amount of nuggets to buy an arbitrarily large number of tickets.

The third raffle (Sept 29 - Oct 1) — drawn!

will have a large number of smaller prizes (changingshrooms, cave capsules and gems), and will have our usual ticket cap of 25 tickets per person and a lowered ticket price of just 100 nuggets (which means you can spend a max of 2,400 nuggets in this raffle).

You can get your hands on tickets by clicking this link.
Good luck, and may the odds be ever in your favor :D

Posted 09/20/15, edited 10/02/15
*squeals* I drew ticket 18, my lucky number!
Posted 09/20/15
I have ticket #1. I feel like those people on youtube that are like “first comment!!!”.
Posted 09/20/15
Ticket 35, also my site ID. How amusing! Curious to see how this all goes and glad feedback was considered.
Posted 09/20/15
I have ticket #1. I feel like those people on youtube that are like “first comment!!!”.incubus

So you took my ticket before I could grab it >:| I got ticket #5

Posted 09/20/15
So many prizes! So much excite!
Posted 09/20/15
So if I don’t have a genes that’d make me eligible for the raffle, would my free ticket count only towards the first raffle, or does it go towards the second? Out of curiosity.
Posted 09/20/15
LaraAelric: If you don’t have a geness, then you won’t be able to win either of the first two raffles. That said, each of these raffles is separate, so in each one your first ticket will be free :)
Posted 09/20/15, edited 09/20/15
I have ticket #1. I feel like those people on youtube that are like “first comment!!!”.incubus

This made me laugh out loud… XD

Posted 09/20/15
Thank you so much staff!!! This event is so much fun so far, and i appreciate the openness to new approaches and things c:
Posted 09/20/15

glitch I will trade you #1 for your shoes.
Give me your shoes. /reference

Posted 09/20/15, edited 09/20/15
[@incubus] keep the ticket #1. I’ve taken it every single raffle so far and I haven’t ever won ;) except that one time but I had to redraw because I’m not allowed to win.
Posted 09/20/15, edited 09/20/15

The first raffle is fun for everyone :D
No stress, just nabbing that nice free ticket!

I have feeling I’ll only being buying one ticket for the second one, since uncapped raffles are much more risky and I have no real “goal” threshold to earn up to. Meaning in my mind, it’s virtually useless to spend my nuggets unless I’m super rich.

The third one depends on the prizes, quite honestly. I’m not sure what constitutes as “small prizes.” If it’s capsules and regular changingshrooms, I’ll probably just hold onto my nuggets for next month’s OotS :X

/ general comments

Posted 09/20/15, edited 09/20/15
The first raffle (Sept 20 - Sept 24) Bone Monster

...*carefully nudges a calendar close to the Bone Monster showing today is the 21st that the raffle is starting on and then runs to safety*

Though I suppose since all the tickets are free and you only get one anyways it doesn’t matter much, as long as people are able to log in and grab their ticket in time xD

Posted 09/21/15, edited 09/21/15
I’d love to join in, but I have only a vague clue that a ‘genes’ is like a family unit, or a bond between two close friends.  I don’t have one as I haven’t learned enough about them yet, but can I create a ‘genes’ with two of my pets in order to be able to join the raffle?
Posted 09/21/15
OregonCoast, (Oh I hope I got that ping thing correct…) you can form a geness at any time at the Sacred Tree between two (or more, but it costs a gem per additional pet) active pets, and as soon as you have one you will be eligible for the Raffle. But, be aware that it’s not easy to break the bond (there’s a shroom you can buy for 20,000 nuggets that does it) so it’s probably good to be sure that you’re not going to regret it later or be ready to spend a large chunk of nuggets if you decide the pair isn’t what you wanted. :)
Posted 09/21/15

Dracogryph you did indeed get the ping correct,  thank you for the guidance! 

The raffles look like amazing fun.  Your ticket numbers: 184

My first geness too ~ whohoo! ^^

Posted 09/21/15, edited 09/21/15
*Jumps up and down with my ticket number hoping i get a sprout for my lovely geness* x3
Posted 09/21/15
OregonCoast:  To add onto Dracogryph’s description, you can actually form a geness with just one pet if you do not want to look for a partner(s) for your pet as well.  Someone recently asked about this in the help forum: go here to read more about it!
Posted 09/21/15
Myla  thank you so much!  I’d no idea about the creation of Sprouts, nor that you could pledge the Mycenian to themselves to have a single alliance. 
Posted 09/21/15
...*carefully nudges a calendar close to the Bone Monster showing today is the 21st that the raffle is starting on and then runs to safety*

Technically it launched 43 minutes before the 21st :D

Posted 09/21/15
Myla Oh, I didn’t know about the single pet geness business! That is very interesting to know, and I’ll have to try to remember that in the future, it sounds like an interesting thing to do sometime! Thank you for the clarification!
Posted 09/21/15
Dracogryph:  No problem!  It is understandable that it isn’t common knowledge because our mechanism for the one-Mycenian geness is not very good or intuitive!  We eventually plan on making the one-Mycenian geness easier to figure out. *^*
Posted 09/21/15

Oh dear, making the fact that you can form single-pet genesses more intuitive has been on my To-Do list since May 2nd :< There just always seems to be so much else to do. It’s probably time I block off another day again to work on all the small things that keep getting punted by bigger stuff like games, events and new features.


Posted 09/21/15, edited 09/21/15
^ that gif. Story of every programmer’s life.
Posted 09/21/15
Technically it launched 43 minutes before the 21st :Dglitch

You and your technicalities xD

I was going off the timing on the announcement thread. Since it only says stuff like “5 hours ago” I looked at my clock and was like “just after midnight huh?” and forgot I’m an hour ahead of server time

Posted 09/21/15

I’m looking forwards to this first raffle :D Not a huge chance, but it’ll be interesting to see how it plays out.

I can’t see myself buying more than ten tickets for the next one, but who knows~ O^O I’ll have to watch people’s spending habits and buy on the last day.

So cool to see you guys experimenting with format.

Posted 09/21/15
i’d enter the first two raffles, but i’d feel bad making genesses just to get a baby when there are people who roleplay characters who want a baby…
Posted 09/21/15
So, the “number of tickets in the bowl” is deceitful since glitch, and possibly others, have tickets in the bowl that are not actually eligible, you mess with our statistical analysis mr. ticket number 1, or 5…
Posted 09/21/15

PyroLuna correct! Your chances of winning are 0.00315% higher than they may appear (is my math correct?), although this probability will continue to go down as people claim tickets :)

EDIT: ah, it occurs to me that you are perhaps referring to people who have claimed a ticket but have not selected a geness (as opposed to the fact that both Myla and I have a ticket but neither of us is allowed to win).  Yes, there may be people who have claimed tickets but are ineligible as they have not selected a geness.

Posted 09/21/15, edited 09/21/15