October is finally here! This month’s OotS coat is the Orange Bitey Thing! Items-wise, we have the delightfully spooky Fangs and Suspiciously Red Beverage. Items and coat were both made by feyers! You can pick up a pet or some items from our Out of the Shadows Shop! ![]() Shedding Season Mini-Game Professor Mariel once again requested help with her research - this time by having players identify coat samples from various creatures throughout the Cave. We ended up with a mysterious, unidentifiable sample, which needed further investigation to identify. Thanks to Firkasa for putting on this mini-game! Shimmers in the Water Our Shimmers in the Water event is currently ongoing! Set to be wrapping up in the next few days, we’ve spent the last couple of weeks helping Ambrose track down a mysterious river monster. We’ve got to be getting close now! ![]() Potions Master Updates Playtesting is continuing for our Potions Master game! The more everyone plays, the more data we collect for a faster full release! We saw a few updates to the game this past month, the most notable of which being an increased size for your “thought bubble” viewing window. Hopefully this will make it easier for you to compare colors. Thank you for continuing to play and enjoy Potions Master; we are getting closer to its completion. Raffle trio We are currently holding the third round of our first raffle trio! This was created in response to discussion held about how we could experiment with and improve our raffle system. Round one gave one free ticket to everyone who signed up, and capped at that ticket! Round two had no ticket cap at all, and sold tickets at 500 nuggets a pop. Each of these rounds offered one lucky winning geness sprouts. Round three offers smaller prizes, but a LOT more of them - a total of 90 prizes are being raffled off! Round three will be drawn tonight at midnight, so purchase your tickets today if you’d like to try your luck! Raffle results are being posted here and you can purchase your tickets here! A new flock of friends! Three new corvids joined us in the Leetle Companions shop. The Crow, Albino Crow, and Magpie are now available for you to purchase if one of your pets is in need of a new companion. These little birds were brought to us by feyers. ![]() ![]() ![]() Rules update On September 8th we released our new content rules for your review and discussion. We will be making some minor tweaks to phrasing for clarity based on some of your feedback! These rules will officially go into effect sometime in November. You will be alerted to their release date at least a week in advance. A shift of seasons September 23rd marked the first day of Autumn, and as such, we had to say goodbye to our Summer seasonal, the Gerbera Daisy. Taking its place in Fungimental Magic is our new Autumn seasonal, the Grim Harvest by Morgan, as well as last year’s Lammergeier by Plasma. ![]() ![]() A milestone! We recently hit our 5K users mark! The site has grown tremendously in the past few years and we are thrilled to be home to such a warm, friendly group of players! We hope to maintain such an amazing community even as we continue to grow, and are excited to celebrate many years and milestones to come. To celebrate, five new tattoo items were placed in Feathers and Flame - and we allowed each active user pick one for free that day! These items were brought to you by feyers! ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Updated item coding! glitch is currently working on updating our item coding! The changes made will help take advantage of our current pet layering system. You might not notice a difference at first, but this will permit us to do some really neat things going forward. We’ll let you know some of these awesome features once it’s released! Myla will be going through and checking all current items for the update - if you have noticed that any old item’s placement is awkward, shoot her an echo with the title “Item - [Item Name],” and she’ll take a peek and see if there’s a better place for it. CC Shop Under Review We are currently re-evaluating the Custom Credit system. Many excellent suggestions have been made for its improvement, and we are carefully considering what the best course of action will be at this point. We will keep you updated to any changes that may come about! Fall event coming Farmer Marcy will be helping us celebrate the Fall season this year by putting on a Harvest Festival! The celebration is expected to begin November 1st, and will run through the 10th. He’s put a lot of preparation into the event and hopes you enjoy his crops & games!
Posted 10/01/15, edited 10/01/15
Bewildebeest I’m guessing that someone paid for a custom/sprout order shortly after it closed, which is why it’s currently at 98%.
Posted 10/01/15
I’m glad the CC shop is being looked at. I’m a bit curious on percentages concerning off site trading for CC and the amount that is spent on GCS coats. (Though only public threads selling and buying this would only viable to check.) A general breakdown of where — as it what types of items or products — CC is used to buy might be valuable information.
Posted 10/01/15, edited 10/01/15
I think the days of a 20 day wait for a custom are long behind us xD There’s just too many users now. And the custom artists can only work so fast and now have the sprout queue as well. They have been slowly bringing the wait time down though. But even before they fell behind it was closer to a two month wait then 20 days
Posted 10/01/15, edited 10/01/15
I’m very excited about having a harvest festival! I also think that the interval will give everyone a chance to breathe after this ‘fest. Not gonna lie, though, I’m extremely disappointed that there won’t be a Halloween fest this year; it would have been my first. I also really hope the CC shop is not removed entirely. For those players for whom spending rl money on the site is not an option, it’s a really nice feature to have; it means that sprouts and customs are not entirely out of reach. Personally I agree with the “cap on amount of cc per account” suggestion, I think that might even things out a bit.
Posted 10/01/15
Ah well, I’d still like to see the number lowered, regardless. I don’t really feel like the average time wait has really gone down, though. I’ve almost been in the queue for 100 days with all artists selected. Even with times fluctuating, it’s been about the same wait 100 days ago when some of my friends got their customs. I guess it shows this is stable, but maybe I’m the only one that sees that number of wait days and get anxious for the artists. xD I’m pretty patient and willing to wait that long, but there is something about that wait time that unnerves me. I like that it’s there for reference, however. Also, I believe the sprout queue is also not very comparable to customs considering it is a lot shorter and it looks like more sprouts are made vs customs?
Posted 10/01/15
There are some artists who only do sprouts, as well. Is that, for lack of a better term, fair? I have no idea if this is true or not, but if certain artists only make sprouts, why are they even able to be selected in the custom order form? It gives the false impression that one may get their custom back sooner for having all (or most) artists chosen.
Posted 10/01/15
in the AMA last december (november? it was a long time ago) this lil babby was leaked as a “new species” preview… i’m… just wondering if it’s still relevant? cause this is what i was hoping would be released in this event, but instead we got the kelphie… were these lines/species-ideas scrapped in favor of the kelphie? :c ‘cause not to be mean, but if so that’s pretty disappointing :c
Posted 10/03/15
Yeah, I can’t imagine those baby lines being the kelphie’s. I certainly wasn’t expecting the kelphie as the new species because of its differences from the other species’, such as the head size. What I thought was that Sherriveau was going to be a new NPC (much like the Bone Monster). I do think it was a pleasant surprise, though. But, like doragon, I was certainly looking forward to that sneak preview bab. :>
Posted 10/03/15
I asked that last night and it was confirmed, the River and Sea are the different species types, so no pose changes. I also am a bit sad to see that baby line set not used. The Kelph is cool, it really is, but those baby lines I am gonna miss, if they were scrapped. ;;
Posted 10/03/15, edited 10/03/15
doragon & [@Frey]: Yes, we eventually decided to scrap them so those baby lines will not be used. We weren’t happy with many aspects of their adult forms; they entered a long revamping period where King and Eluii were attempting to make their poses more compatible for our items/avatars/etc. After many hours of work we decided that the new species didn’t achieve our initial goal of making something less cutesy and more sleek, and decided to completely re-make it. The new templates were made completely by King and Eluii who were able to create something that works better with our various systems and goals. :) I know that baby was super cute, and we’ll hopefully be able to find a new home for the set, or figure out something else to do with them! Miku: That’s correct, there is only one pose for the Kelphi. You won’t be able to use a Moveshroom on them — I believe it gives you a message about how they’re feeling too lazy or something, hehe.
Posted 10/03/15, edited 10/03/15
Understandable! Thanks for the explanation. So is there more of a push to have less cutesy, and more variety in the linesets now? :o Also are we going to be able to have Kelph customs in the future because aaaa I WANT SOME LOL. -steals the little abandoned lineset and gives it a home atop my head- :|
Posted 10/03/15
[@Frey]: Yes, for more variety! We won’t necessarily go the sleek route for future species, but we will add variety in other ways. It’s also in part why we only did one pose: creating one pose instead of two will allow us to add more species (and thus more variety) than we would be able to otherwise since converting items to new poses is a huge pain in the butt, haha. Edit: Oh, I missed your other questions. They will be available to select as customs! We need to work out a couple of details before we pop them in, but they should be available for selection in a few weeks.
Posted 10/03/15, edited 10/03/15
Thank you for explaining that, that makes a lot of since now! I can understand how that would be a pain to convert all the items already to just one pose alone, not to mention two. I am excited to see what you guys have planned for us in the future for potential new species! (I hope there is a bird thing!) And that error message is oddly adorable. xD
Posted 10/03/15
I can so see that baby as a hat, like some of the frogs and birds that pose on top of our pets’ heads. Myla I’ve already seen that the Pondshroom and Moveshroom won’t work for the Kelphi, but will a Driftshroom work on them?
Posted 10/03/15, edited 10/03/15