Potions Master is now out of playtesting! The final payout has been set to 20 nuggets a win, which is double the testing rate. We want to thank all of you who contributed data and feedback, and hope you continue to enjoy the game! If you’re really fortunate, you might even walk away with some potions of your own…
Posted 10/08/15
Got a lovely on my 56th successful game! Also, I’m so excited that the nugget reward has been doubled! Thank you :D Tarot Just so you know, the game actually continues dropping potions after you’ve maxed out, so you still have a chance to win one if you keep playing!
Posted 10/08/15
Kiwi: Argh, so many edge cases to consider. OK, my goal for this weekend is to get everything geness-image-related sorted out :) Zhar: Yeah some browsers do weird stuff with the text, and I have no idea why :( Anyway the game is fully released for people who can play it properly, and if/when I find a way to fix the text for everyone for whom it’s messed up, I’ll push the update then :) Arintol: this tends to happen when you open Cave In in e.g. more than one tab: the second time you load the game, you get a new board, and then if you complete the first one, your moves that you made against the first board are checked against the second (which usually results in 0 or 1 nuggets). We’ve come up with some ideas to alleviate this annoyance, but as of yet have had too many other things to work on to really devote time to solving it.
Posted 10/09/15
Posted 10/10/15
Arintol I have thought about it quite a bit. These are my personal thoughts, but I don’t think we could straight up put a large (~4 month) wait time on the custom queue, because currently, it takes ~3 months to get a custom from the time you enter the queue, so it’d be a /really/ long wait put together. There are a number of people who are drawn to Mycena Cave because of the ability to get customs, so I know it would be very disappointing to be faced with ~7 months of waiting. I do wish the wait time was after you got your custom rather than before so when you entered the queue, you’d be waiting a relatively short amount of time. I really like the Sprout queue in that regard, and slowly trying to accomplish the same thing with the custom queue would be ideal!
Posted 10/11/15
A much shorter cool down *for customs had been suggested during the voting on certain issues a few months ago before the sprout shop opened. It was only 3-4 weeks instead of months but it met with a lot of resistance from the community. A cool down for the custom queue of that length now might better sync with the sprout queue, as well as gradually start letting up the back log. But people were pretty vocal about it last time and probably would be again *edited for clarity
Posted 10/11/15, edited 10/11/15
I think a cool down would really be ideal and something to think about again. Considering I just got my custom and the custom queue will most likely stay consistent, it would coincide with Christmas… and I never know what to do with money besides try to hoard, pay off loans or get myself something nice on MC /shot (Normally this process takes longer too because I tend to get a mockup ready before submission but ~100 days gives me enough time to just edit the form as I go, especially when it’s just a sprout edit ^^;)
Posted 10/11/15, edited 10/11/15
Akira (Normally this process takes longer too because I tend to get a mockup ready before submission but ~100 days gives me enough time to just edit the form as I go, especially when it’s just a sprout edit ^^;) I’m pretty sure sprouts can’t get edits. It’s kind of the nature of the sprout to be random.
Posted 10/11/15
Posted 10/11/15, edited 10/11/15
Yup, yup, that’s what I’m doing~
Posted 10/11/15
I can’t remember if I was one of the people who vocalized against cool downs, but it personally doesn’t make sense to me. If you’re on a cool down, you’re still waiting for a longer period? :P I don’t really see the difference, but I could be missing something here. I think training in more green artists (instead of having just two artists) would benefit the queue more, personally. Then again, after playing Aywas for years, I don’t mind waiting ~3 months in order to receive my custom. That’s around 4 customs a year (assuming you stay in queue), which I think isn’t bad at all. On the topic of sprouts, I’m glad we’re able to edit them. I do have a quick suggestion on that. I remember reading that someone was confused on the sprouts & USD thing. I think that staff should add in CC can be accepted to pay for your order. Even adding in this would help: Fine print: any combination of custom credit and USD from a credit or debit card can be used for payment. Custom Shop Edit: The glitch where all pages aren’t shown is happening to me currently.
Posted 10/11/15, edited 10/11/15
Kelph lines are now up on the misc. images page! You can find them here, or if you’re lazy like me, you can find them right in this post. :D They’re still not available to be ordered as customs yet, but at least now you guys can make some pretty mockups!
Posted 10/13/15
Arintol That’s because glitch is a silly face and forgot an ‘s’. (Sneakily ninja edited his post for him >>;; )
Posted 10/13/15, edited 10/13/15