18:29 ST
[Auction] Kelphi Release!
Kelphi Release Auction!
You can place your bids here.

Hi everyone!

Much like when we first discovered Drasilli lurking in our caverns, we’ll be holding an USD auction for custom Kelphi. Next week, we will be auctioning off both of these beauties:

Celestial Chevalier

Parhelion Paladin

These are pre-made custom Kelphi, made by Eluii and King respectively (who also collaborated over several months to bring you the Kelphi species as well!). All proceeds from both of these auctions will go to Eluii and King.

  • The auction for the Celestial Chevalier will begin at 00:01 on Monday morning, and continue until 23:59 on Thursday night.
  • The auction for the Parhelion Paladin will begin at 00:01 on Friday morning and continue until 23:59 on Sunday night.


Well ain’t that a kick in the nuggets?

We like to include non-paying players whenever possible, even in cases when it doesn’t make a lot of sense (e.g. a dollar auction) SO: after the above we will have a third auction, which will be nugget only.


If you win this third auction, you will get to choose a base (river kelph or sea kelph), a coat name and up to three colors for the palette. All proceeds from this nugget auction will also go to Eluii and King (at a rate of $1 per 3,300 nuggets).

While you will have some degree of say in the resulting kelph as described above, it is closer to a pre-made (even if it is technically “post”-made ;] ) than a full-fledged custom in that it will not include specifications, references, or revisions. It will have one minor edit chosen by the artist, unless you prefer unedited lines.  Winner does not get to designate an artist, but the artist will very likely be one of the three sprout-heavy artists (Morgan, Rhyme, or Wren)!

It will begin Monday (the 19th) morning at 00:01 and continue until 23:59 on Wednesday (the 21st).


Final notes:
  • No buying all three :| Winning one of these three auctions will exclude you from the remainder of them
  • Staff are ineligible to bid in these auctions (sorry staff)
Posted 10/10/15, edited 10/16/15
Good luck, everyone :D~!
Posted 10/10/15

Not gonna lie, being ineligible for these is both a huge tragedy and an enormous relief!

I’m excited to see who they go to. :) Good luck, everyone!

Posted 10/10/15

My status as a broke college student once again causes sadness… ;_;

Good luck to everyone who can afford to participate!

Posted 10/10/15

hhhh unfortunately I won’t be able to stand a chance if I choose to participate in these auctions, so I’m out.

Good luck to those who do, though!

Posted 10/10/15
Staff are ineligible to bid in these auctionsglitch

B-but… ; - ;

Posted 10/10/15
*makes sadfaces at the moths that are all that live in her wallet, and the tiny pile of nuggets she has only recently managed to reacquire* Oh well, good luck to everyone who can participate in this! n.n
Posted 10/10/15

-stares at bank account-

-stares at kelphi-

-sighs forlornly-

Posted 10/10/15



Posted 10/10/15
Just got to say that these are both stunning coats; be interesting to see how much they go for (and who manages to win them).
Posted 10/10/15

So THAT’S what they’re for! They’re both so beautiful. *-*

King and Eluii have both outdone themselves. Wow.

Posted 10/10/15
For the nugget auction, will it be against the rules to team up with another user to win? I don’t think I have a chance of bidding, but I just wanted to clarify since it seems unfair if two or more people with millions nuggets ganged up to win, though that might be acceptable if they’re willing to work together?
Posted 10/10/15
Arintol: you’re welcome to donate your nuggets however you see fit to “help someone win”, just be aware that in each of these auctions there is one thing being sold and it will go to whomever places the highest bid.
Posted 10/10/15, edited 10/10/15

Ah well, Good luck to our American users and those who can afford the exchange rates!!

Absolutely stunning coats, the artists deserve to be compensated.

Posted 10/10/15

...Damn it. ;O;

-cries forever-

Posted 10/10/15

:DDD Im super excited!! Cant wait to start bidding!

Eluii and King Wonderful work you’ve done! They’re gorgeous <3

Posted 10/10/15

*Sobs in a corner* ;w;

Good luck to the participants! :)

Posted 10/10/15
Gently pats the Parhelion Paladin ;-;  I will be watching to see what prices these two fetch.  I’m so in love with the colour palette of the Parhelion Paladin, but there’s no way I could buy it *sniffles.  Curse you real life! 
Posted 10/10/15
*Stares forlornly and longingly at the Paladin* My gosh, those colors are everything I love, ever.
Posted 10/10/15, edited 10/10/15

The Parhelion Paladin is just… wow!
But I just recently spent my summer bday money on a custom, so I doubt it will be in my range x)
/ silently hope it is cheaper than I think it will go for, but know this is unlikely

As for nuggets, there is no way. You guys continuously releasing awesome shop items to effectively leave me broke ;P

Posted 10/10/15, edited 10/10/15

...*is so glad the two of them can’t be bought together or else I’d have tried* xP

This is perfect. Now I’m actually not tempted to get either. *grabs some popcorn though!*

Posted 10/10/15
The paladin one is so gorgeous (ෆ ͒•∘̬• ͒)◞
Posted 10/10/15
Love the premade sea one~ I’m broke enough to not be able to afford anything in real life, though, let alone spending on anything like this. The only one I even have a chance at affording is the nugget one, and even then my only shot would be if nobody else bid on it. XD Ah the downside of being a relatively new player…
Posted 10/10/15
Lovely! Whoever gets these babies is super lucky ^^
Posted 10/10/15


Would have fought everyone for one of these beauties <333

Posted 10/10/15
ah rip i’d bid on the nugget one but i only just regained my savings and i highly doubt i’d have enough to compete for it. good luck to everyone though!
Posted 10/10/15
I’ve never seen one of these before so I’m super excited to see how it turns out! The coats are beautiful too O u O
Posted 10/10/15
Where’s a good place to sell your kidney for money?
Posted 10/10/15
Lovely! I am out as well!
Posted 10/11/15
Hurrr… I might buy just one ticket… Maybe… They are stunning. I like them both for different reasons.
Posted 10/11/15