19:52 ST
[EVENT] Marcy's Harvest Festival (Oct. 31st - Nov. 9th)

Those are some pretty interesting stats to see – and it’s also interesting to hear that the last tier is basically for ‘those who don’t know when to stop’. Probably says a fair bit about some of us XD

Arintol that’s a great little badge! Mind if I use it?
And Losty, I think it might well be safe to be a little bit of both. Though there was a thing…and the chance element…and the completion element – good reasons to keep going, really~

Posted 11/10/15
KeeperGreymuzzles You’re probably right. I’m mostly embarrassed that I actually missed it when I finally hit Smasher (to be fair, I’d been watching something and doing questions as the timer dinged). Plus the chance for more drops, I couldn’t pass that up!
Posted 11/10/15
To be honest, I’m curious to see how close I was too reaching the 6th stage. I hit the 5th about three days before the event ended and didn’t stop.
Posted 11/10/15

Understandable, though there are probably plenty of other people in the same boat. I’m not really sure when I hit Smasher, either (knowing me I could have got there a couple of hours earlier than I thought XD); easy to just not register the change, especially if you’re multitasking.

Posted 11/10/15

Not reading ahead so this may have been said already but I wouldn’t say the 33 Smashers were 6%

Keep in mind I am not a mathlete, but it seems to me we are misinterpreting the data.

33/599 =  0.05509181969.  I supposed he simply rounded it to 6%.  But that’s not a solid number to go by.

The “6%” is for all people who activated the event.  So on one level, the number does tell a story.  That specific story.  But counting the people who activated and didn’t defeat a single scholarcrow does not tell the story of % of people actually playing the event who reached Rank 6 (note that there are probably a few people who did 1-5 battles and quit, so they too are fudging the numbers but we can’t focus on that for multiple reasons).

599 activators - 543 Pile of Hay or Higher = 56 people we can discard.  So a more accurate number would be 33/543

And that is…  0.06077348066


Glitch y u round before now i look dumb

Posted 11/10/15

That was some major hay kicking we did.  If anyone here is interested I started a thread for those who made it to Smasher a few days ago. I’ve been picking through the thread and think I have about half the names. If I missed anyone and you’d like to be added please stop over and post! Because… there’s been a lot of posts it seems since me and Jacq first made smasher and I’d rather not have to dig too much xD


Posted 11/10/15
Darn, so close to the last tiers. This was fun though!
Posted 11/10/15

Go ahead! I did it in a few minutes, so it’s not very good, but if you want to use it you can! :D

Posted 11/10/15

Arintol  *proudly slaps badge onto profile ^^  thank you for making a badge for us sillies, but as Nephele‘s post pointed out…. There was a Thing and “I need it” *.*

Not gonna lie, it was a real stretch and down to the wire for me to make it to the last tier.  I’m so relieved I made it just in the nick o time!  *feels ridiculously proud =D

Posted 11/10/15

Thanks! I’m pretty fond of the idea / how it looks, even if it was a quick make~

Posted 11/10/15
And of coarse I just had to go out of town for a wedding during the end of this promo. I tried so hard in the spare time I had to get as many questions answered as possible. So close to getting the mushroom but to no avail :( Oh well, I guess there is always next event. That coat was beautiful though. Congrats to all those who worked day in and day out to get to the last tier. Yall were fantastic!! :) (a little envious too hehe)
Posted 11/10/15
I’m genuinely surprised to see 33 people made it to that sixth tier. I mean, I know I could’ve been more active if I didn’t sleep but still… congrats! and all.
Posted 11/10/15


“1 minute ago: Psst! You just got some loot! You should go check your inventory.”

I already claimed my prizes but I just got a notification and I now have an extra Lantern of Enlightenment and Scholarcrow defeat. Did i miss something or was I accidentally awarded these?

im bumb disregard this lol

Posted 11/10/15, edited 11/10/15

Those are prizes from the mini-event forums games: the apple bobbing and recipe ones. :)

Posted 11/10/15, edited 11/10/15
[@courier] those are mini game prizes being awarded provs!
Posted 11/10/15

Kiwi Dove I literally just realized after I posted haha.

Well woohoo then! Thanks guys :)

Posted 11/10/15
Aww yis. Got myself an extra tree.
Posted 11/10/15
Thanks for the event! Can’t wait to leave feedback.
Posted 11/10/15
That’s so dumb? We spent hours doing this and only got the ribbon and a single reward? I much preferred the stardust event, where you actually got rewarded for your effort. :/
Posted 11/10/15

You were rewarded if you put effort in though?
Me hitting 5th tier wasn’t because I didn’t put effort in, that’s for sure lmfao
You get rewarded according to how much effort was put in, each tier (until 6 that is) was 25 scholarcrow defeats (correct me if I’m wrong, I think I saw people tracking this and believe they said 25?) So that’s roughly 12.5 hours per tier (assuming you get each one right)

It really didn’t require much effort to gain rewards in my opinion. Honestly I feel this event was a little easier in terms of how you achieved things with a larger payout /shrugs

Posted 11/10/15
well i wouldn’t word it that way but…i reached strawngarm striker and, while i’m satisfied with my prizes, it did feel like a significantly more difficult event than other non-creativity-oriented events, with little assurance that we might enjoy the prizes until the effort was already put in(unlocking items). but i would suggest we hold our criticisms for the after-event survey(which i assume there will be?) since that’s where staff will be looking for feedback in a statistical sense.
Posted 11/10/15

I think I was the only one who was actively counting and posting the results every time, and it was indeed 25 ‘crows per tier. Stawngarm was 50, and I believe the last was ~100, though I didn’t make it to that (close though!) and it’s a guess from other people who had made it.

Perhaps deertush had failed a bunch of the questions? It still takes effort to get on and answer them every 30 minutes, even if you get them wrong. And there doesn’t seem to be any gift given for failed attempts as of yet so that was kind of wasted effort, unless there’s something I’m missing that the mods have planned for it? I remember them being cryptic about it when asked mid-event. Shrug.

It didn’t take that much effort, but it did take a lot of time, which can be problematic with work/school/such. Also the tendency to sleep gets in the way. But ah well, still a really fun event. xD

Posted 11/10/15

Hey everyone!

We appreciate everyone’s opinions and critiques but please make sure to keep them constructive and respectful! Offering feedback now is fine, but we will also be doing our routine official feedback survey for this event (the data of which we use for future events!) soon. :)

Posted 11/10/15

This event was… not good. At least not to me. I spent every waking moment of my free time glued to my computer all week (6 hours a day) and all weekend (15 hours each Sat & Sun), and I only made Tier 5 (so, I put roughly 60 hours into this event, not counting one or two timers I missed while making food). I only failed 4 questions. It makes me feel kind of bummed out about the entire thing because I HAD to participate to even figure out if I wanted to participate? It seems like this event was not intended for people who have jobs, school, and/or families.

It turned out that I only wanted two of the items (lantern and tree, so they didn’t get revealed until days into the event), but I couldn’t risk stopping or I would fall behind too much to make it up if another item was revealed that I liked, or if I wanted the coat. Not even the coat interested me this year, it’s cute but the barbed wire blends in too much with the fur color to be appealing, which the avatar preview didn’t show. I had to wait until it was uploaded to the puddle, so it was already too late to stop clicking by the time I saw the full preview. The retro Halloween bags were a decent touch, and I DID get a couple duplicate items that I wanted, but only duplicates.

During the last two days of the event I was typing in answers spitefully, but if I stopped it would have just reinforced that I wasted my entire week and weekend. Events should not make anyone feel like that.

Not even the “every 15 minutes” or creative games were this demanding of time.

Posted 11/11/15

Aww I feel like only negative reviews are popping up here…

I’ll just start with I didn’t dislike the event. Sure I was literally up all night answering questions (and getting some wrong) but lol I’m still up all night and there’s no event right now.

I liked the trivia bit, I really learned a lot from it but I absolutely hated the guess the image ones because sometimes the image was just black and I’m like “well that could be anything…”

I do suggest that if there’s even an event like this to give a little boost for a wrong answer. Like half wait time or half points. I was always so bitter when I made a mistake since I had wasted my 30 minutes waiting for the timer and would waste another half hour waiting for the next question to redeem myself.

I definitely would have like to see more rewards given for the amount of clicking, perhaps an increased bag drop rate for every click a bag didn’t drop. I was one of those unlucky ones who almost made it to the final tier and only got a single bag while I know my friend got like 7…

It was fun but thinking about it now while typing this does make me feel like I had wasted time where I didn’t have to but I’m glad I made it for the coat at least ^^

...I still want scholarcrow inekis becoming a thing…with college graduation hats…and diplomas. And scarfs because everyone likes scarfs :) I also wish that maybe there were some live scholarcrow items? I’m sorry I solved your puzzle but no need to lob your heads off… Let’s be friends ^^ *drags the ‘crow creeping in my inventory and puts him next to me on my profile page “....I love you..”

Edit: I’m probably just over tired but the want for scarecrow babies is so real right now…

Posted 11/11/15, edited 11/11/15

Madara ‘Crow friends and inekis would be adorable, I absolutely agree! I got the defeated item from the Bobbing for Apples thing and I just have this vision of one of my inekis proudly carrying home a scholarcrow head from one of their battles. Admittedly Niko almost certainly WOULD but that’s still…

Anyway. Yes to live scholarcrows, please!

Posted 11/11/15
Well they work on the farm now and we might be getting an event on that farm next year…. who knows?
Posted 11/11/15

i agree with both roan and phage. i really liked the format of the event and the story, it was cute and fun, i just think it was balanced poorly. it’s not an event for people who have busy lives, and it’s DEFINITELY not an event for people who don’t have data on their cellphones. :/ if i’m recalling correctly, someone calculated that in order to be able to get both the items and (aka reach strawngarm striker), you would have to put six hours in each day, and that’s only if you don’t miss any questions. which is suuuuper not feasible if you school and/or a job, and practically impossible if you don’t have data (which i didn’t have for part of the event).

i think my major problem was that once it got later into the event, you got to the point where it was literally impossible to get to the next tier, because there weren’t that many hours left. but if you hadn’t been keeping track, you would have no way of knowing if you could actually make it or were completely wasting your time. and if you didn’t make it, it felt like a complete waste of time, especially if you didn’t get any bags out of it. in other events we could use up all of the points we worked for and if we had a few left over you’d be entered in a raffle. in this event, you could defeat 99 scholarcrows and get literally nothing out of it. which was super frustrating. i spent the last three days of the event trying to get to the last tier and it feels like i totally wasted the time, and also the data i used to check in every half hour.

Posted 11/11/15
Posted 11/11/15, edited 11/11/15

I agree that th event could have been structured better. I wasn’t sure if I even wanted to participate, what was I going for? this may have been a simple question for older players, but I’m fairly new so I wasn’t sure what I was expecting. maybe if a new item was revealed for each TIER achieved, that would have been better than going by morale. I can say, with the amount of effort I had to put in, the prizes were kind of underwhelming?

I only participated because I’m pretty competitive at heart and will put out the effort if it means I get better prizes (doesn’t mean i like to do it tho lol). when I heard there was a coat (days in?), I shifted into high gear to make up the days I kind of ignored mycena; but I was a bit reluctant because I wasn’t sure if I will like the coat. and, like the others said, this was a very time consuming event. half the week, I’m stuck in classes (literally morning to night), with two breks in between (4 crows worth); and the half of the week I’m dogsitting. I don’t have the luxury of beinf tied to the computer to hear the ding, I’m lucky enough to have a good plan to use my phone, but I’m too busy to constantly check in to keep up with the event. even with being diligent for the most part (mix of sacrificing sleep, answering during class, etc)  my last crow of the event was THE crow to put me at tier 5

so, I also think that this disregarded the people who are actually busy with lives and can’t be on their phones or on the internet. also 30min is still a bit strapping. yea, I could leave it on and just swing by when I hear a ding, but when I’m studying, a ding is the last thing I need. if there are click time activities, I usually prefer at least an hour gap. at least, that time frame, you can get a decent amount of something in before getting a little break

but I may be bias because I dislike timed events that require to constantly check in on the site to have a better prize selection. I liked shimmering waters because I could swing by any time and complete what I needed to complete and still get the same prizes as the rest, given our effort was the same. maybe if this event had modifiers (like lesser time for wrong answers) or if the numbers were reasonablt fudged (1 >> 25 >> 50 >> 100? why not 75? why the sudden steep to get to tier 2? i’ll admit, it was really disheatening to be a pile of hay for a long time), I wouldn’t be so critical of this event

but that’s not to say I don’t appreciate the effort in creating this event. it’s a learning process to find which is a good event and which isn’t

Posted 11/11/15