14:48 ST
[ACTIVITY] Mycena Cave Secret Santa 2015!

This was so much fun last year I’m glad to be doing it again.

Posted 11/15/15
I had a lot of fun with this last year so I definitely want to join again! I’m going to start setting aside gems now, just in case I get a Santa-ee who prefers digital gifts.
Posted 11/15/15
this looks so fun I am so participating! Sending real life presents? Yes please omg I’ve got money put away for this
Posted 11/15/15

Gosh I’d like to do this but I doubt I could make anyone happy, all I can really spend is 10$ round that time, and worse, I can only do something digital ;  ;

I hope everyone else has fun though!!! This looks great, truly!!!

Posted 11/15/15
BearHeart Digital is a perfectly fine avenue should you change your mind and choose to join! There are a lot of users who’d love to get a little something extra on Mycena. :3
Posted 11/15/15


Oh man, I’d be afraid to upset someone…!  ;  ;
You don’t think anyone would be upset with something so small?

Posted 11/15/15
BearHeart Certainly not! It is the thought that counts and we just want to pass around a little holiday cheer. :)
Posted 11/15/15
Firkasa O-okay..! I’ll give it a shot!!! Maybe by then I can put away a little more…!  Thank you for the positivism, I need it. ; w;
Posted 11/15/15, edited 11/15/15

Edit: You know what, that was pretty self-entitled. I can’t expect a website to cater to me just because our postal service is ridiculous.

Thank you guys or hosting such a wonderful event! Have fun, everyone! \(^o^)/

Posted 11/15/15, edited 11/15/15
Awww I was hoping that there would be an Ineki Santa. :c And 8 shroom reindeer!
Posted 11/15/15
aaaa first time joining something like this i’m looking forward to it!!!
Posted 11/15/15

I just want to say I think the staff deserves kudos for giving newbies the chance to participate if they show they’re willing. That spirit of inclusion and good faith is really impressive and it makes me feel really proud to be part of this community.

Don’t be shy newbies! We love you! :D

Posted 11/15/15

Ooh, this sounds so exiting~
Definitely want to join in.
I hope I can get think of a present my Santa-ee will like.

Posted 11/15/15, edited 11/15/15
I liked doing this last year and I enjoyed getting the gifts I had received even if they were a little late and giving out a few things that I could spare.
Posted 11/16/15

Yeee this is gonna be fun! Last year was super great and I had a blast with online shopping. :‘3 (And Myla was a rad Santa to have hehe ;3)


Looking forward to gifting whoever I get matched with!! *prepares present cannons*

Posted 11/16/15

I wish I could join, but Ups and stuff is not a good thing for me X( Good luck everyone else! ;D
Edit: such a derp.  I realized I could be a Sant-ee ;D IM GONNA DO IT!

Posted 11/16/15, edited 11/16/15

Hi Pasta! Unfortunately, due to the nature of Secret Santa, you’re unable to participate as just a santa-ee. If you sign up for the activity, you will have a santa assigned to you as well as be assigned your own santa-ee. If you’re unable to provide a physical gift, though, you are more than welcome to participate with a digital gift - which can be anything from MC pets/items to art or gems/CC. :)

Posted 11/16/15

Psst, you guys should open the CC shop for 24 hours on the 24th

Posted 11/16/15
I’m so excited to take part in this again! Gonna try and be better this year though, since life kept getting in the way last year which resulted in the gift I was drawing to be sent later than intended. But this year will be better, I can guarantee that! (I’m in a better situation financially and my stress levels are a lot lower than around this time last year, so, things should go a lot smoother.)
Posted 11/16/15

Crow i just realized that, thanks for making it clear.

Posted 11/16/15
I suppose I should have asked this before I signed up, haha, but I’m wondering if you have to send a physical gift if your santa-ee provides their physical address, or can you choose to send a digital gift regardless? From what I’m reading of the rules you have the choice of physical or digital, but I wanted to make sure.
Posted 11/16/15
radio You will ALWAYS have the option of sending a digital gift! :) Never fear, while someone can select a preference for physical gifts, it does not in any way guarantee or require that a Santa send a physical gift!
Posted 11/16/15
Ahh, thanks Dove! I figured that was how it was working, but I wanted to make sure before I signed up for something I wouldn’t be able to accomplish. I can’t wait to figure out a cool gift for my santa-ee, this is such a neat little event. ^3^
Posted 11/16/15
Question: will we get echoes from staff and stuff specifically on the Second of December? Just making sure. Or will they be on a random day?
Posted 11/17/15
[@Past-tato] The way it worked last year is we were all assigned our secret santa and santa-ee on the first day of the event. So yes, looks like that would be the 2nd of Dec. They’ll also add links to the Secret Santa page so we can talk anonymously with our Santa-ee and find out what they’d like as a gift c:
Posted 11/19/15
I am not OMG ACTIVE!! because I don’t like to socialize, but please mark me down as both a Santa and a Super Santa. I am an Official Grown Up Adult Person Thing, so I’d be happy to (and can afford to) pick up additional Santa-ee(s) in case any Santas flake/simply can’t send anything due to unforeseen circumstances. :)
Posted 11/22/15
Yay! I didnt participate last year for fear of not making the deadline to send stuff, but this year im confident ill be able to. I love making stuff so hopefully my Santa-ee accepts physical gifts
Posted 11/22/15


If someone signs up and is unable to send a gift, can that person message a moderator about why without being a ‘flake’? Just inquiring.

Posted 11/25/15
[@Assassin] Staff will definitely investigate further in such a situation. In the case that its something truly out of that Santa’s control, they may not be disqualified for future years. However, we do ask that you carefully consider your ability to be a Santa prior to signing up! Since this is something you have plenty of time to plan for, circumstances such as not budgeting correctly, forgetting, or being out of town would not be excusable reasons to neglect your Santa responsibility.
Posted 11/25/15, edited 11/25/15
Quick reminder that signups end at 23:59 server time TONIGHT! That’s in about six hours and change, so if you’re planning on signing up then don’t delay any longer :)
Posted 11/30/15