10:58 ST
[ACTIVITY] Mycena Cave Secret Santa 2015!
glitch Or Myla Hi I joined 3 days after the sign up but I spend hours a day on site… & I unfortunately just found out today is the last day of sign ups ^-^’ Is it too late to ask for an exception to be made so I can sign up for secret santa?
Posted 11/30/15, edited 11/30/15

Jigawatta:  Sure, Jigawatta!  I’ve seen you being quite active around the site.  I’ll have glitch add you in the next couple of minutes. :)

Edit:  Glitch has added you.  You should update your Secret Santa preferences right away since you don’t have too much time until it closes tonight!

Posted 11/30/15, edited 11/30/15

Myla Just to let you know in a matter of minutes I was able to join the secret santa scheme - thank you a whole big bunch for an incredibly fast response! It is admirable for sure ~ ^_^ ~

Now, I hope I can find just the right gift for my santee :D

Posted 11/30/15

Santas and Santaees have been assigned! Please click the “Secret Santa” button in your navigation bar to access the Santa-mail feature, and don’t forget to check in with your Santa and Santa-ee :)

The numbers in parentheses next to the Secret Santa button indicate how many santa-mail messages you’ve received from your santa-ee (green) and santa (red) respectively

Posted 12/01/15, edited 12/01/15
Dove I know it’s not mentioned in the rules (at least, not that I saw) but is it acceptable to gift or request digital gifts on sites other than Mycena Cave? I know a lot of us also play games like Aywas and Flight Rising, so is that something that I should feel okay gifting if my santa-ee has it on a wishlist?
Posted 12/01/15, edited 12/01/15

Dove i have a question too.  does secret santa allow us to anonymously gift people pets? or do we still have to do it by trade?

ETA: mycena cave pets.  i’m not going to mail someone a puppy, don’t worry.

Posted 12/01/15, edited 12/01/15


I was also curious as to how we send digital items? just anonymously through the gift option on someone’s look up? How will we know it’s from our santa and to check we received it then?

aww…mgrmgr but I wanted a puppy!

Posted 12/01/15
So puuuumped everyone here is so nice I’m excited to see how everything goes this year. Spread cheeeer! :D
Posted 12/01/15
If we have a specific gift in mind but wish to ask our Santa-ee for permission without giving it away explicitly, are we allowed to go ahead and hint at what we want to do or do we have to wait to see if our Santa-ee will give us preferences? Not sure if that makes any sense… >.<
Posted 12/01/15

panglossian In general, I would discourage gifting in other-site currencies or items unless you are absolutely certain that the other party is receptive to such a gift. If your Santa-ee has a Flight Rising account, for example, but does not use it or is not interested in Flight Rising gifts, this would not be an appropriate way to fulfill your Santa duties. Using your anon mail might be a good way to feel this out if necessary. Furthermore, as with physical gifts sent, we as staff have no way of following up or tracking gifts sent outside the confirmation of a Santa-ee’s receiving of them. Please keep this in mind if you choose to go this route!

mgrmgr pisha As of right now, we do not have a way to anonymously gift pets unfortunately! I will look into seeing if this is possible somehow, but can make no promises at this time. :) As for items, you can send them anonymously and then let your Santa-ee know it was you through the anonymous Santa mail so that they can mark it off as received!

raus You may absolutely use Santa mail for that purpose! You can really approach that particular aspect however you like - whether you want to openly ask their opinion, hint at possible gift options, or keep totally quiet. :) Whatever you prefer.

Posted 12/01/15
Dove That helps a lot, thanks!
Posted 12/01/15
*buzzes excitedly* Eee~ Can’t wait to hear back from my Santa-ee, and very curious what my Santa may come up with!
Posted 12/01/15

oops i forgot to sign up last night :( o well

have fun everyone <3

Posted 12/01/15

I figured if I wanted to send a pet anon, the best route to go would be:
a) buying it from a seller and asking if they can send it to them through trade or
b) sending it to a friend to send it for you, considering there is no fee for pet transfers anymore!

It’s a bit of a round-about way, but I think it could work out!
(And if you don’t have a friend to help you out, message me and I’d be happy to be Santa’s messenger :D)

Posted 12/01/15

Oh my gosh, my Santa sent me such a cute little poem I’m!! so excited. ;w;

and now I feel woefully unprepared as an SS myself because I cannot think of anything half as cute for an introductory message! haha.

Posted 12/01/15
I got Santa mail!!!! (and sent some too) But I felt way too greedy asking for big things like a custom or secret pet….I hope that’s not a greedy thing to ask for, since it’s harder to find!
Posted 12/02/15


[BBCode accepted]

this seems to be a lie, as i attempted to use bbcode and was told “the action you have requested is not allowed” and had to remove the code ;p

Posted 12/02/15

mgrmgr pisha Akira:
We’re happy to proxy your pet-trades through the bone monster if you want to send a pet!

All of our forms time out with this error if you leave the page open for several hours before submitting it. When you removed the bbcode you also refreshed the page, which is why your submission worked the second time :)

Posted 12/02/15, edited 12/02/15


ah i see. then your name has been cleared :p

Posted 12/02/15

/ whispers
My Santa talked to me. I’m so excited :DDD

I’m also raring to go for my Santa-ee!

Posted 12/02/15
glitch What symbols are supposed to be next to the numbers next to the Secret Santa link on the top bar? I thought they were check boxes (for when we receive our presents and when our Santa-ee marks theirs as received) until I saw they looked like… things, on my phone browser and not the empty squares I see on the computer. I don’t know what they are and I have no idea what symbols my computer won’t show because I thought I was rather up-to-date on my computer’s unicode sets?
Posted 12/02/15

raus: They are indeed little squares. Like the message counts, the green one relates to your santa-ee, the red one relates to your santa. A blank box (☐) means no present status has been set, a checkmark in the box (☑) means that the present has been marked as received, an X in the box (☒) means that the present has been marked as flaked.

So for example, lets say you received two messages from your santa-ee and three messages from your santa, that your santa-ee marked that they received your present, and you never received your present so you marked that your santa as a flake. Your link would look like this: Secret Santa (2☑, 3☒)

Posted 12/02/15, edited 12/02/15
glitch Thanks for the clarification. I was right at first then! Ah, then that means it’s my mobile browser that’s doing really funky things to the little boxes. Anyway I rather like the check box idea. :D
Posted 12/02/15
raus Don’t worry, you aren’t alone. My phone turns the check boxes into cupcakes for some strange reason.
Posted 12/02/15
Nephele Aha, mine seem to resemble small rainclouds maybe. It’s weird but cute.
Posted 12/02/15

Nephele raus: hah, yes, I have noticed similar things on some phones. Everyone wants fancy emoji in text messages, but SMS text messages only support text, so some phones make do by “repurposing” some Unicode codepoints they think you’re unlikely to see or use in order to display whatever images or smileys it wants. It means you can text a cupcake to someone else with the same phone, but someone with a different phone may see a raincloud instead… and in this case, it seems that you may get random cupcakes or rainclouds in your secret santa button.

I always love these odd corner-cases that seem to come up from time to time :D they’re a good reminder to me not to take things too seriously ^^

Posted 12/03/15, edited 12/03/15
Akira XD last year i bought extra gems to be super sneaky and shipped the pet to my friend and sent her gems to send the pet to my santee
Posted 12/03/15
glitch Haha that’s great. It’s quite interesting to me what companies think people might be more likely to want to use over other things. ...not that I’d choose a square over a cupcake, or even text a cupcake emoji ever, but I can see how others might.
Posted 12/03/15
Is there an earliest date we can send our gifts? I know they have to be sent before the 24th, but is there a limit to how early we can send them?
Posted 12/03/15

I do believe you are good to send your gift whenever you would like to. :)

Posted 12/03/15