08:12 ST
[SURVEY] Lets talk about CC! Results posted!



We’ve been discussing Custom Credit for a while, and how while it’s nice and helpful in theory, being perpetually closed isn’t nice and doesn’t help anyone. Staff has come up with several ideas for how to solve the problem, but to get an idea of what a “good” solution would entail, we need to hear from you! We’ve set up a form that you can fill out to let us know how you use CC, what you want from it, etc.

Please find this survey here. It will be accepting responses until Dec 1.

Participation Raffle

You can choose to enter your username on the survey, and doing so will enter you into a raffle! The raffle will be drawn on December 1, and you do not have to have interacted with Custom Credit in order to be eligible.

There will be one prize for every 10 participants. The first half of the prizes will be Cave Capsule 2013s, which are openable items each containing a random Out of the Shadows item or mushroom released in 2013. The second half will be Cave Capsule 2014s, which are similarly openable items each containing a random Out of the Shadows item or mushroom released in 2014.

Thank you for sharing your experiences and opinions!

Posted 11/23/15, edited 12/01/15

Please make sure to read the definition of ‘interacting with Custom Credit’ carefully.

Interacting with Custom Credit is defined as any type of interaction that affects an increase or decrease in the Custom Credit balance of either your own or other players’ accounts.

This includes but is not limited to:
- purchasing Custom Credit from other players,
- buying Custom Credit for yourself, or
- buying Custom Credit for another player.

Any usage of Custom Credit means you interact with Custom Credit. If you feel you have erroneously selected ‘no’ in your Survey entry, we kindly ask you to re-submit so we can remove the previous entry.

Posted 11/23/15, edited 11/23/15
Juney If we have plans to interact with CC in the very near future *eyes the percentage* should we put yes or no?
Posted 11/23/15
Malis; Please select ‘yes’ :)
Posted 11/23/15
Will the user base be able to read these solutions & give feedback on them? Very curious to see what you guys on staff have come up with :).
Posted 11/23/15
What should we put for the “How often do you” question if we have custom credit, and intend to use said credit on things on that list, but have not yet done so?
Posted 11/23/15

I just answered with responses in regards to the plans I have for any future CC.

I’d also like to know what we were supposed to do for that bit…even though I already filled out the form…

Posted 11/23/15

Hmmm…so…if we haven’t touched CC yet, but do have plans to use it in the future, were we supposed to select ‘Yes’?

Kind of thought the question was asking if we already have interacted with CC, rather than if we have/have plans to. Unless that is what it was asking… \confused

Posted 11/24/15
polygone For plans to use in the future put yes. For reference see here —> here
Posted 11/24/15

Ally; The solutions we’re thinking of have not yet progressed to a stage where they’re ready for feedback at the moment :) That’s why we’d like the support of the survey results!

Jingles; As often as you intend to be using CC for that purpose in the near/distant future :)

Madara, polygone;

I’m sorry the way the questions were phrased have caused any confusion. For general clarification, if you plan to interact with CC in the near/distant future, we are of course interested in knowing how you’d spend it, and you are therefore welcome to select ‘Yes’ as having interacted with it. If you selected ‘No’, that is also equally fine — you didn’t do anything wrong either way :)

We merely wanted to offer the ‘No’ option to ‘Do you interact with…’ to make sure that everyone who has no plans to interact with CC or currently will not/does not/et cetera to also feel their voice is heard. There may be reasons players are currently not interacting with CC (beyond the obvious ‘the shop is always closed’ ;)) that we are not aware of, and those are the voices we would like to hear from as well.

Posted 11/24/15, edited 11/24/15
Ah, all right. :) Sent in the response & will patiently wait to read the solution(s).
Posted 11/24/15

Juney Hey I don’t know if I made it very clear in my survey response but I have a suggestion I would like to make. Please point me in a different direction if I should have posted this elsewhere!

Being a resident in the UK/ EU, I cannot instantly purchase CC which seems fine at first, however in my head I came up with a fair few questions… Then toiled with what I thought might be solutions so here is what I came up with.

The first thing what I thought would be really helpful would be a 24 hour timer (or however long), before the shop opened. E.g. When shop hit 50%(the minimum threshold?) that would trigger a 24 hour count down timer until opening instead of the shop opening as the minimum threshold was reached.
Benefits of this idea:
It would enable users to make sure they have available time and access to pay for the CC as the shop opens. E.g. I have to pay an invoice via Paypal and initially set that up with Glitch. This would Stop players nervously checking CC shop percentage constantly when it is very close to opening, instead only needing to check once a day. :)
Downsides: All the CC might go really fast as the shop opened up..?

And the other thing I was hoping for which could also benefit from my suggestion above, would be…
Basically, to have a designated member of staff/Moderator/Whomever online when the shop opened ready to send out pay pal invoices to those in the EU (and other regions I might not know about?) who cannot instantly pay.
Benefits of this idea:
This would mean even if the CC shop did close quickly there is still a fair change to get however much CC was wanted by those in the affected regions. (Though I am glad you guys at Mycena Cave said no to storing our details for 10 years - a thank you from me!) & it would avoid disappointment - for instance if a Mycena Cave user was online when the CC shop was open but it closed before they could pay an invoice for the CC they wanted.
It could be hard to organise the man-hours to have someone ready to check messages & ready reply. I think even having someone online for the first couple of hours would be helpful, though I appreciate it would be very difficult to give a fast response over the course of a 24 hour period in a day… I can only wish you all luck on that one!
It is also what made me think having a 24 hour warning when the shop would normal open could help here..?

Anyway this is just a couple of suggestions I have been tinkering with in my head, I hope they might be helpful somehow in the long run! :’) & apologies if this was posted in the wrong place.

Jiggah ~

Posted 12/01/15
Not really sure if I should redo my answers because I can’t remember what I answered on it exactly, but it has occurred to me recently that I would possibly also consider using CC as a ‘bank’ to save up with some of my own money…if it were available more reliably. I didn’t even consider that as a possible way I’d use it due to the fact that it’s so rarely available that it’s not likely to be something where I would go ‘well I have fifteen bucks that I don’t need for anything else and I don’t have any plans for. I do still want that sprout so I’ll buy CC with it now so that later I can get it…’ because with it being closed so much, I can’t put that money into that location when I actually have it, and so it probably goes elsewhere instead because of that. IDK. *shrugs*
Posted 12/01/15
Jigawatta; We’ll be taking all comments into consideration :) While I absolutely do not want to encourage anyone to add more comments in this thread (given that the survey was designed to gather feedback with exactly that purpose), we’ll be sure to take your additional thoughts into account. Thank you!
Posted 12/01/15, edited 12/01/15
Raffle Results!

Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey!  We’ve received a whopping 336 responses with names, and so there are 34 winners.  Winners 1 - 17 will receive one Cave Capsule 2013, and winners 18 - 34 will receive one Cave Capsule 2014!

[@Pluto and Drossel]

Edit:  Prizes have been distributed. :)

Posted 12/01/15, edited 12/01/15

I won? :D Yay!

You opened a Cave Capsule 2013 to find a Tanuki Mushroom!

Posted 12/01/15
Got a Flurry of Flowers from my capsule! Couldn’t be happier as I didn’t have this item before :D It looked super great on one of my pets.
Posted 12/01/15

EEEE, thanks so much!

You opened a Cave Capsule 2014 to find a Bleeding Heart Mushroom!

8D Yays~

Posted 12/01/15

Thanks for doing this survey. I really hope we’re given another opportunity to give feedback before major changes, but as it is I’m stoked to see that change is on the horizon. This is my first experience with the CC shop and it’s already been really stressful (and it hasn’t even opened yet!).

“You opened a Cave Capsule 2014 to find a Fungal Growth!”
Hahaha so close <3

Posted 12/01/15, edited 12/01/15
Ahhh found a Kheper Mushroom!!!
Posted 12/01/15
Thank you! I got Enchanted Wings from mine!
Posted 12/01/15
Any chance on getting some data from this, or is it too subjective? :3
Posted 12/01/15
yay ive got stuff !! thank you very much !! uvu
Posted 12/02/15
Chimerical:  I thiiiink Juney might post an analysis once she gets a chance to poke through the data.  I can ask for sure what her plans are though!
Posted 12/02/15

Ooo a Tanuki Mushroom :D

Posted 12/02/15

Ohhh, whoop!
Thank you!

For a second I was like - whoa, my Santa is fast. xD
I got a Magical Streak! <3

Posted 12/02/15

No mushroom for me, but I did get a Golden Headpiece! :)

Thank you!

Posted 12/02/15
Oh my! That certainly surprised me! A trio of pumpkins isn’t bad, they’re certainly cute! Thank you very muchly!
Posted 12/02/15, edited 12/02/15
Oh my goodness! I got a Spirit Dove. It’s so pretty; thank you!
Posted 12/02/15

Chimerical, Myla; Ah! I had actually not thought about writing up a summary. I suppose I was just being greedy for dataz oops~

As I make it through all 336 (!!) responses, I’ll make sure to jot down any common lines of thoughts, pair them up with the quantitative queries & write out some sort of overview!

Keep in mind, however, that even if a suggestion or reply is particularly popular, it may not have any definitive impact on the end solution. We’ll take all of your feedback into account (that’s the whole point of the survey!), but as it’s not solely a design issue but one that involves a lot of real life currency, there are external factors that have to be considered as well :)

Posted 12/02/15