18:13 ST
New Year raffle and auction!

Before getting down to business, I just want to say, thanks for such a wonderful 2013. It’s been lovely getting to know you (and if I haven’t yet, plop into chat sometime and lets fix that!). Watching you all taking this website and turning it into something really special has been breathtaking. We’ve been very impressed with what we’ve seen, and I speak for all of the admins when I say we couldn’t wish for a better bunch of members <3

So from all of us here, thank you.

We’re finally reaching the end of the customs recreation effort that we set out on when we first flung open our doors. There’s still just a few left to do, so don’t worry if you’re still waiting, we haven’t forgotten about you! While we’re not quite ready to open up customs orders just yet, we’ve decided that to celebrate the new year, we’ll jump the gun and offer two of them in a raffle and an auction respectively.


We will raffle off a single “anything” Ineki custom, created by your choice of either Myla or Eluii. If you win, you’ll be in direct contact with the artist of your choice to hammer out exactly what you want the pet to look like. You get to choose the gender and coat name, and the resulting pet will be the only pet of this coat. You can have any edits you would like, such as hair, expression, tails, wings, items, etc. (but no huge body modifications — an Ineki will still be an Ineki). If you have any questions about specifics, please feel free to ask in the thread, or send an echo to Myla.

Each ticket will cost just 100 nuggets, and you will be able to buy a maximum of 20 tickets. The tickets will be available from January 1 through midnight (server time) on January 8. After that, the winner will be drawn, and if you win you’ll be receiving an echo from me asking who you’d like in charge of your custom :)



At last, we are ready to unleash the Drasillis, our dragon-like species that you may have seen lurking around in the Cave Exchange. To celebrate the New Year, we’ll be auctioning the very first one off. Similarly to the raffle prize, it will be an “anything” Drasillis custom (again, by your choice of either Myla or Eluii)!

This auction will be USD only, bidding will begin on January 1st and will end on midnight (server time) January 8th. To save people from having to stay up all hours of the night on the last day, we’ll be doing a Vickery AKA “Second Price” auction (similar to how Ebay does it): all bidders submit a private maximum bid, the winner is the bidder with the highest maximum bid, but the winner only pays the value of the second highest bid. At any given time, the holder of the highest bid and the value of the second highest bid are publicly visible.

So for example, lets say I enter $10, then Myla enters $5. I am now the high bidder at $5. Myla thinks about it, changes her mind and ups her maximum bid to $8. I am still the high bidder, but now with a bid of $8. Daemon then comes along and sets a maximum bid of $15, and is now the winning bidder with a bid of $10.

If this isn’t clear to you, or if you have any questions about exactly how it works, do feel free to ask in this thread or via echo :)

P.S. Drasillis look like this: femalemale

Posted 12/29/13

Ooooh, exciting! And the raffle is quite affordable to participate in! Most everyone should be able to join~ n u n

I won’t be able to participate in the auction, but the news about the Drasillis is really exciting as well! ^^

Can’t wait to see how everything plays out. Good luck to everyone! <3


I have a question! Can the same person win both the auction AND the raffle?

Posted 12/29/13, edited 12/29/13
O-oh god. *_____*
Posted 12/29/13
Tamako: technically yes, although given the low cost of the raffle, that will be exceedingly unlikely.
Posted 12/30/13
Oh dear. I need to start saving up again! *wibbles*
Posted 12/30/13
The raffle sounds fun! I do have a question about the Drasillis though: Will they always only be available through real money, or will there be opportunities for getting them with nuggets and gems as well? Excluding person-to-person trades; I imagine that if they are rare like the Fog color no one will want to part with them.
Posted 12/30/13
Oooh, definitely buying raffle tickets ^^ Can’t afford usd, and the drasilis is definitely cute, so can’t wait to see what the winner (looking a bit far ahead now, aren’t I..?) makes of him/her :D (I do definitely prefer the female pose, though o.o)
Posted 12/30/13

Can’t wait to buy raffle tickets!

Great way to start the new year :)

Posted 12/30/13
Roan: Drasilli will be available through non-real-money means :)
Posted 12/30/13
Ohh, exciting! I can’t wait!!
Posted 12/30/13

Oh my god I want to win so bad. I’d love to have my fursona on here. That would entirely make my year ;u;
She’d make a pretty Drasillis if I could give USD

Posted 12/30/13, edited 12/30/13

This is exciting!
Since the raffle tickets are so cheap (and for one with a hair edit, no less) I’ll actually be able to max out.
Fortunately, or maybe unfortunately, I always have a couple backup customs that I want xD

As for the female Drasil: OH MY GOD IT’S SO CUTE. I like it better than the male, actually!
I’m going to guess the auction will go much higher than I’d be willing to bid, but we will see~

Posted 12/30/13
I’m so excited! This is gonna be a great raffle!
Posted 12/30/13
I need to remember to participate! My memory is just awful.
Posted 12/30/13

@Glitch, Yay! That’s a relief! Definitely a good introduction to them then. I have a little red dragon who’s stuck as a Wood Owl. XD

I’ll be jelly at the auction winner. ;)

Posted 12/30/13

Good luck everybody! :D

Posted 12/31/13
Oh my. I excited! Im horrible with luck, but I’ll give it a shot! :3
Posted 12/31/13

Some of you requested the drasillis lines:

I hope that helps. :)

Happy New Year!!

Posted 12/31/13
Thank you SO MUCH for this raffle!!  I’m really dumb with math so for a while I was thinking, hmm, do I want to max out for 20k nuggets or not…  And then actually pulled out the calculator and realized you can get 20 tickets for just 2000!  Man that was an awesome moment. <3 Thank you so much for this opportunity!  Not sure what custom I’m going to get should I happen to have a stroke of luck but hooooo man pretty art possibilities!! c:  Happy New Year and thank you so much to everyone, staff and other members, for making and making up this awesome site.
Posted 12/31/13, edited 12/31/13

Wait, there is a starting price for this? (At least, that’s what the error I’m getting says.)
I was under the impression that this we could determine the “true value” through this type of auction, meaning it technically starts at $0 or maybe something like $5, meaning there would still be a price but retain the buyers value, since I’m sure most people interested would think it’s worth at least that much.I doubt I entered something near the second bid, but I guess I wasn’t expecting a pre-determined baseline. However, maybe the point is moot because I felt this may be more of a strategy type deal focused on the what the buyer feels like the pet is worth.

Posted 01/01/14, edited 01/01/14

Ah sorry this may bear some explanation: the “winning bid” you see is the highest bidder and the second price. I’ve updated the page to clarify that :)

If it helps, you can think about a Vickery auction as a traditional (“English”) auction except the number you enter isn’t your bid, but rather the highest amount you would be willing to bid, and then if someone outbids you, it bids automatically on your behalf until it reaches your maximum price. This lets you just put in the number you feel the item is worth, and not bother having to do anything with it anymore: if you win, you end up paying the least amount that you would have had to pay in order to win in an English auction (slightly less actually, since you don’t need to “beat” the price), and you only lose if the price goes higher than you’d have been willing to pay. Basically, it removes the “strategy” and “auction fever” part of an auction, generally resulting in a lower / fairer price.

Beyond that, yes, there was a starting price of $50. The error message you saw when you tried to bid below that was not very helpful, so I updated it to include the starting price :)

Posted 01/01/14, edited 01/01/14