19:42 ST
February News Discussion

Eep! I’m sorry Glitch, I didn’t want to make more work for anyone >>’. But, thank you for the audio option. And it seems people are enjoying this blooper reel? I shall have to make sure to find that and listen xD.

I deem next time we make paper cut outs, glue them to Popsicle sticks and make a YouTube show of a chapter xD! I can just picture a little paper cut out on a stick going across the screen, all color-scribbled with crayon x3.

Ok I’mma shush up now so. I’ll go hide outside the cave xD.

*listens* Oh yush smexy voice xD. And does thou have an accent Glitch c:?

Posted 02/04/14, edited 02/04/14
YEEEEEEESSSSSSS!!!! Totally psyched for this now. Just think, in a couple years, we could all be getting this on our kindles. XD
Posted 02/04/14
In other news, a couple more forums (musings, cave discussions) are now paid forums as well :)
Posted 02/04/14
I think it’d be fun to have a spin-off or two that were made by the community. -hinthintnudgenudge-
Posted 02/06/14

:D Chapter 1 was actually inspired by entries into the Halloween contest/event by the community. So in a sense.. It kinda is one, but all official n stuff. >w<

XD you weren’t too far off the mark there!

Posted 02/06/14

Hi everyone!

Just a quick layout update to pet profiles: the bio now wraps around the “stats” box on bios that get long enough. This means that if your pet’s bio extends beyond the bottom of the stats table, it isn’t constrained to the narrow column on the right but can take up the entire page. If you have long bios on your pets, you may want to reformat it slightly to make it look good again :)

Posted 02/10/14


-goes to format things all giggly-

Posted 02/10/14
Thanks for the increase on the forums that have nuggets. I guess the surveys paid off since that was pretty much my main suggestion.
Posted 02/10/14
The surveys were really useful, yes! We’ll be starting a discussion thread about it soon :)
Posted 02/10/14
Ooh yay. I loved those surveys, and I would like to see them in the future. (ALSO MONETARY INCENTIVE TO DO STUFF IS GREAT.)
Posted 02/11/14

Check out our new game! It has its own thread here

Also, as of today, you can now continue playing games after you max out — you just won’t earn nuggets or get highscores :)

Edit: oh and we also got rid of the Cave In frame cap - so you can play as many times as you like!

Posted 02/14/14, edited 02/14/14
I was going to wait until Mushroom Meals was out of playtesting to raise the daily nugget cap. But, from your feedback it looks like it’s going to need some work to really be good, and we’re so busy with the event and… seekret things… right now, so we’re raising the nugget cap to 3000 now instead :)
Posted 02/26/14, edited 02/26/14

Oh wow! That’ll be amazing, thanks so much!

time to earn ALL the nuggets!

Posted 02/26/14



Posted 02/26/14
who is proposing what
Posted 02/26/14
I love the terms at the Sacred Tree.  I want to see baby mycenians.
Posted 02/26/14
Omg, “pool-pah” XD
Posted 02/26/14
Does this mean we can have babies with more than two parents?! *reading the terms*
Posted 02/26/14



Posted 02/26/14

(feeding off what Shima said)

Or can they add “children”/“family” to their union? :O

Posted 02/26/14

Hoping there can be ot3’s

Posted 02/26/14


I swear I didn’t feel up anyone’s pets! D8 If anyone feels brokenhearted from my accidental rejection, please feel free to smack Gaib. /I’m sure he deserves it anyway/

Posted 02/26/14

^ There can be more than three, that’s why the glitch is happening.

Solori: -smacks Gaib-

Posted 02/26/14, edited 02/26/14
Where is it listed who’s in what duprass? My pet and another just performed a boko-maru but it’s not listed anywhere
Posted 02/26/14
Can someone explain to me where to find this Sacred Tree stuff…? D:
Posted 02/26/14
Meesh - the Tree isn’t officially ‘released’ yet. I’m sure once glitch is done with everything we’ll be able to see that stuff on the pet’s profiles. :]
Posted 02/26/14
It’s technically not supposed to be open yet…we kind of just…fumbled into it XD
Posted 02/26/14
Oh! Silly me xD I hope we didn’t bug anything up, then!
Posted 02/26/14

*screams* We can have ot3 and ot4s!? Ahhh poly-ships are a thing?? THANK YOU.

I’m very, very curious to see how this all pans out! I like all the terms and info about proposals and the Sacred Tree. This is the kind of canon stuff I wanted to see expanded upon. Very cool!

*flees to go clean some more*

Posted 02/26/14
omg, I’d totally dig ot3’s, Lycan.
Posted 02/26/14