07:52 ST
March News Discussion
Ahhh I’m so happy, I’ve been waiting for the Spellweaver edits to become toggleable.
Posted 03/11/16

Ahh, yay~ I’m happy about the Spell Weaver, and I think I like the new eyes on the Spidurrrr more now! Gahhhh <3

I had a question, Myla. Are the glowy coats eventually gonna get their edits, uhh… turn-off-able? XD

Posted 03/11/16

Rhyme  Monarchs are on my list to be fixed!  I’m not sure about dras hair and wings yet — I need to do a lot of other work/fixes on them first. :)  Turning off hair/wings would make them less item compatible, but more flexible for character-making.

Tamako Yep, GCS coats are just lower on my priority list since not as many people have them.  I think almost all of their edits will be able to turned off with the exception of some of the Witch’s Brew edits!

Posted 03/11/16, edited 03/11/16

Aw, yeah. That makes sense. Still tho!! Yay~~ I shall patiently wait, then. o u o

The GCS coats I wanna shut edits off on are both the coats I’ve made, lmao.

Posted 03/11/16

Monarch butterfly & Love Bird have been touched up so you can now turn their wings off.  The weird monarch wing hole is gone now too!

Crowned Crane active body shading has been cleaned up that so it’ll look better with wing replacements.

Edit:  Astral Wraith wings can be turned off too.  *clips all the wings in the wraith army* >:D

Posted 03/11/16, edited 03/11/16

[Wraith Army sobbing in the distance]

naked monarchs make me uncomfortable ono

Posted 03/11/16

The Wraith Army shall be avenged. >:[

Though Col. Spacetrace seems to have escaped with one wing intact?

Posted 03/11/16
Watches the Col flying in circles….
Posted 03/11/16

Hi everyone!

If you have a sprout order and you want to convert it to use the new system, you can switch it over youself: just edit your order and select an edit tier, and you’ll be good to go! If your parent geness is unedited you should definitely do this, because for the same price you can get a lightly edited sprout, or if you want an unedited sprout you’ll get it for 2PP cheaper :)

Posted 03/11/16

Fogs can be nakey now too. #OuO#

*pewpewpews at Col. Spacetrace’s wing*

Posted 03/11/16

*quietly laments selling her fog*

Nooo, run for it Col. S! *gives her some Wing armor*

Posted 03/11/16

i am excited about the edit toggling! it really helps to make the pets unique without turning them into different colorations entirely. i have to admit that when ever there is a site pet with edits from now on i will toggle them just to see if there are any surprises.

kinda makes me wish there was an option for that in the magic puddle! since some pets could look mighty different now without their edits. not sure how it would be implemented though.

Posted 03/11/16

As spring spreads its warm light across the Cave, an unusual, never before seen flower unfurls its delicate petals!

(Perhaps we should take a peek at the sprouts…?!)

Posted 03/15/16, edited 03/15/16
SCREECHES its so pretty
Posted 03/15/16

*.*  oh my ~ is lost for words ~ SOOOO PRETTTTY!!!!!  *.* 

...editing to say it’s literally taking my breath away it’s so stunningly beautiful!  *.*  whomever the artist is/are ~ take a well deserved bow!

Posted 03/15/16, edited 03/15/16
Ohhh! What a pretty sprout..! *Drools* ; O ;
Posted 03/15/16

-steals sprout while no one is looking-

It’s sooooooooo pretty

Posted 03/15/16
That’s such a gorgeous sprout, oh gosh. It’s fantastic.
Posted 03/15/16

We’re having a small uploading issue (shy sproot is shy! ;O;), but in the meantime…

/nudges people over here for a bigger peek! :D

Posted 03/15/16
Will sprout flower lines ever be released?
Posted 03/15/16
[@Espurr] If you mean for mockups and stuff, we don’t plan on releasing the flower lines any time soon! The baby lines will most likely be released once the baby is revealed, though ;)
Posted 03/15/16
Is the sudden increase in mushroom prices in Fungimental accidental or on purpose? :o White Wind is 162k nuggets and Frazil is 108k nuggets.
Posted 03/19/16

[@espurr] i think it’s an error but idk if the prices will be fixed before the i go to bed… too bad, i was hoping to buy a frazil shroom before they switched out :<

hopeful ping glitch Myla just in case?

Posted 03/19/16, edited 03/19/16
[@espurr] Pigeon That was a mistake on my part. Things are normal’d again, sorry about that!
Posted 03/19/16

Prices need fixing again.
I bought a fawn shroom to see if it would let me (graphical mistype) but it did go through. Want me to send it back since it wasn’t the right price?

Posted 03/20/16
Ignore the derpy Lost, I forgot seasons are a thing.
Posted 03/20/16, edited 03/20/16

Zero that was a mistake on my part.

But — in the interest of keeping things fair — the flowering fawn will be explicitly priced at 72k for two days (until Monday night at midnight server time). So to anyone who explicitly didn’t purchase one because the price was wrong, feel free to go ahead and grab one now :)

The price will revert to 108k on March 22.

Posted 03/20/16
Omg the temporary price on the flowering faun is too perfect!! I want to make one my bday pet (my birthday is tomorrow) and I only had 80k so far. I was gonna carve the pet then keep saving but now I can carve AND use the shroom on my birthday!!! What a nice surprise!!! :)
Posted 03/20/16
A couple of chat updates!

glitch has been hard at work implementing a couple of new Live Chat features!

  • It’s now possible to send private chat messages to another player via the whisper command. This can be done by typing /whisper [Player ID#] or /w [Player ID#] followed by your message.
  • The chat room tabs will now display a different color depending on what type of new message is received while you are in another tab.
    • Red for normal chatter
    • Green if someone new enters the room
    • Pink if you’ve received a whisper
Posted 03/22/16, edited 03/22/16

This is… totally random, and not at all important, but I’ve thought about it a couple times and… then forget to ask, then then forget, rinse repeat. Is there ever going to be a a… ‘random event’ sort of mechanic on MC? Like… ‘A slobbering buffalo runs past and leaves XX in her wake! How fortuitous!’ sort of things. And then you get something… either a random ‘fish’ from the lake, or some sum of nuggets or… something?

Posted 03/23/16, edited 03/23/16