05:04 ST
March News Discussion
Welcome to March!

This month’s OotS is Eluii’s Fable, along with its Shining Glaive and Immortal Mask. Be sure to pick them up in the Out of the Shadows shop before the month is over!


New spring seasonal

Finally, the end of winter is in sight! The Frazil and White Wind mushrooms will be leaving Fungimental Magic on the first day of spring. They will be replaced by the returning Flowering Fawn as well as a new spring seasonal on March 20th. Keep an eye out for previews as we get closer to spring!

New Mycenaissance

With a new month comes a new Mycenaissance prompt! March’s prompt is titled ‘Short and Sweet’ and challenges you to explore minimalism by telling as complete of a story as possible while focusing on a single detail.

Additionally, February’s raffle has been drawn and the spotlight posted! Congratulations to all of last month’s winners!

Winter Holiday Fun Book Wrap-up

Our Winter Holiday Fun Book event has drawn to a close. The Creativity Awards have been awarded and the rest of the event prizes should be distributed soon. We hope that everyone had a great time!

Celebration of Love

Thanks to a lot of help from Peent, we held a Celebration of Love! We hope that everyone enjoyed the cute holiday items — and if you missed out, don’t worry! Peent rather enjoyed playing shopkeeper and will be back someday, though any returning items will likely see a bit of a price increase.

Recently voted ‘Best Shopkeeper’ by Nuggets Monthly, Mycena Cave’s finest, totally real* financial magazine.

In addition to the opening of Peent de Amor, we held our annual spring sprout raffle! This time, we added the option for the winners to receive a semi-custom instead of a sprout. The new sprouts and semi-customs from this raffle should be arriving sometime around March 5th, so keep your eyes peeled!
(*It’s definitely not.)

New Encyclopedia Entries

A couple of new encyclopedia entries covering magic and Mycena Cave were added! They also touch on several interesting subtopics, such as how a Mycenian’s coat is determined. Thanks again to our loremaster Prose for all of her hard work!

Sullie Sells Class

Sullie has recently stocked her shop with a number of top hats and canes for fancy fellows and dames. There are also a number of monocles available for our extra fancy denizens.

Everything you need to attend a black tie event! Except for, you know, the tie.

Item Survey

We launched a survey to see what types of items you, as a community, would like to see in the future! You may submit and vote on suggestions until March 13th, as well as view the current top 15 suggestions here.

Kelph Item Compatibility

Updates to Kelph item compatibility are still ongoing! Some of the newest items that have been fitted to them are the Royal Crown, Silverwoods Circlet, Star Sphere, Stitched Ribbon, Hugtopus, and the Enchanted Gazes.

I’m a fashionista! :D

Upcoming Spring Event

As spring draws closer, so does the promise of our spring event! The format will be similar to that of years past, but with a sweet new theme! We’re still a little ways out from it, but we’ll be sure to give you more information as we draw closer to release.

Don’t worry — you won’t have to touch any bug poop this year.

Posted 03/01/16, edited 03/01/16

Bounces in excitement for Spring event

March is going to be an exciting month. Very much looking forward to the event and the new seasonal!

Posted 03/01/16

Spring event! I hope to once again send lots of bug poop as a sign of affection!

Also preemptively excited for spring seasonal previews. It’s not easy to be patient.

Posted 03/01/16

Spring event! Spring event! Spring event!
/ continues to chant

I’m hoping this happens when spring actually starts during my Spring Break!
Midterms are this week for me, so I should be free, I think? OvO

Posted 03/01/16

I just want to clarify a bit — I realized after posting that I definitely made it sound like the spring event is closer than it actually is. :D’ Event is currently slated for April! So still coming up, just not… not this month!

But you should still be excited. >:|

Posted 03/01/16
:o!!! ooooh new seasonal! that’s so exciting!!
Posted 03/01/16

So excited for the spring event—bring it on!!

I also need to add that I adore the new coloration for this month!

Posted 03/01/16

Glad to hear I’ll get some breathing space before the Spring event =)  Life might be kinder and be slower for it. 

Oh!  I didn’t realize that was the Sprout event last month.  It will be fun to see the new sproutlings though, and to watch them grow <3

I loved seeing Peent as a shopkeeper ^.^

Posted 03/01/16
:D Can’t wait for the new event!
Posted 03/01/16

The spring event will be my first event here, so I’m excited! (But April… Ahhh, my poor April schedule…)

I also can’t wait to see the new spring seasonal! I love Flowering Fawn and think I might save up for one of those, but new seasonal sounds exciting.

Posted 03/01/16
LOL! I wasn’t against toughing bug poo xD!! Don’t worry, bring on da bugs :D!
Posted 03/02/16
Soooo pretty -makes grabby hands at the Fables and their items-
Posted 03/02/16

Ooh, I’m excited for my first event on mycena. *O*
Also, mycenaissance! Awesome prompt. Must enter. /ponders

Posted 03/02/16

I have question about season coats. When White Wind comes back next year will it increase in price again or in it stay at 108k nuggets?

Posted 03/06/16
Will the frazil be back next year?
Posted 03/06/16
ClearBright Yes, it will, but the cost will be increased to 108,000 nuggets, like the White Wind is now, and the new pet for that winter season will be 72,000 nuggets. I…think they don’t increase again beyond the 108k after that, but that’s a question I’ll leave to staff or someone who knows for sure because I don’t. n.n;
Posted 03/06/16

This is something that we’re still discussing, since none of our seasonal coats have made it into their third round yet. I’m sorry that I can’t provide a more solid answer for you!

Posted 03/06/16

Oh, thanks!

Posted 03/06/16, edited 03/06/16
Not sure if this is the place to ask but how’s the toggling coat edits thing coming along? I’ve been checking my Spellweaver every few days to see if I can mess with his items. If its been put on a backburner I understand, I’m just curious! :D
Posted 03/07/16
[@courier] me too :“0
Posted 03/07/16

Are you in need of a fashion upgrade? Tired of your worn-out wardrobe? Desperate for some flashy new frills?

If you answered yes to any of the above, have we got some swell news for you! Come on down to Sullie’s Closet to try on Ruori‘s new line of Tail Bows!

Naturally, we have plenty of fitting rooms available for each Mycenian to find their perfect match. Don’t be late to board Mycena Cave’s newest trend train — pick up one (or ten) of these fabulous items today!

Posted 03/10/16
*.*  sooo pretty!!!!
Posted 03/10/16

How exciting!!

Posted 03/10/16

*runs off to the puddle* Oooh, Alice is gonna need one of those iridescent ones *-*

Posted 03/10/16, edited 03/10/16
I feel like putting a ribbon on everything now. 8D
Posted 03/10/16
Those are so adorable. I can think of so many uses.
Posted 03/10/16



Peacock spider’s legs/mouth feelers/eyes can be turned off too now. ;O; *pats spider gently*

Edit: Flowering faun and Crowned Crane has undergone some refinement too, but probably not noticeable to the majority of you!

Posted 03/10/16, edited 03/11/16

Speaking of hiding edits, are there any plans on making dras hair hide-able?
Also, my monarch has a hole in his wing. XD

Posted 03/11/16
Myla yasss thank you for the update! i love the toggle ability on stuff!! it makes all the pets with options so much more special and adds some extra individuality! thank you! now the third eye can shine!! (maybe i have a thing for pets with 3rd eyes… looks at witche’s brew and spellweaver)
Posted 03/11/16

Ooo I think my spider looks even spookier with the eye edit turned off! Plus, my spellweaver matches her character a lot more now! Thanks so much for working on these editing options, it’s super cool being able to customise our pets even further <3.

Posted 03/11/16