19:15 ST
Spring Flower Rush! [Spring 2014 event]
Welcome to the 2014 Spring Flower Rush!

And you are cordially invited!


The event will officially begin on February 22nd at 00:01 server time, so get ready!
It will last until March 2nd at 23:59 server time.

We’ll all be congregating near the entrance of the cave. Every year, when spring falls, the Bone Monster becomes weak and distracted, so we’ll be sneaking out! Just outside the cave entrance is a wonderful flower field, where we’ll go, collect flowers and make bouquets for our favorite sweethearts.

All of you! Once the clock strikes February 22, head over to https://www.mycenacave.com/spring, put on your best flower-picking gloves, and get ready!

Because who doesn’t like fresh flowers in the spring?

In his weakened state, you can probably sneak by the Bone Monster once every 15 minutes or so, collect a flower and run back in without it noticing. There’s seven different bouquets you can make, depending on what flowers you have. Whenever you give away a bouquet, you earn little petals. You can use these petals to buy wonderful Spring items from the Secret Garden Shop.

What’s more, Ineki are so invigorated by the act of sending or receiving a bouquet (because they’re so lovely), whenever they do either of those things they’re able to sneak past the bone monster a little sooner.

Extra special:
This event will also feature our very first breedings by way of a raffle at the end. More detail on that soon OuO

Posted 02/20/14, edited 02/20/14
-frolics around, throwing petals everywhere-
Posted 02/20/14

Yessssss. :D

*Prepares her timer and fingers*

*And fixes the bold tag* :D;;;

Posted 02/20/14

LOL! What is it with Feb 22nd and sites picking that day for either the end of events or the beginning? I mean I know it’s the first presidents birthday but, gosh xD.

*takes allergy meds* Ok now I’m ready for the spring event. Will these flowers show up in inventory or are they account bound points?

Posted 02/20/14

LAsDarkFireWolf: 22 is a lovely number :D

The flowers will not be in your inventory, they’ll be on their own page.

Posted 02/20/14

Ahhh I’m excited!
I am also very curious to know what a little baby ineki looks like! I never did manage to win a breeding raffle on digis but perhaps I’ll get a chance here. ^^

Posted 02/20/14
Excited to be a rebel and sneak out. :D Spring is nigh; rejoice!
Posted 02/20/14
Im so excited >w< It sounds fun :D
Posted 02/20/14
Can’t wait :D
Posted 02/20/14
This is so exciting!!! :D
Posted 02/20/14
Yay spring! I’m ready!
Posted 02/20/14
Ooooh, I am so ready for this event. Guess who won’t be getting much sleep this weekend (or next weekend, for that matter)! 8D
Posted 02/20/14

Haha, looks like my phone will be out a lot when I’m out of the house for classes.

Here’s hoping it won’t be soul crushing to get items and event color(s)!

Posted 02/20/14, edited 02/20/14
Yay! Spring! So excited to pick some flowers!
Posted 02/20/14
Waaa I can’t wait >.<
Posted 02/20/14

Looking forward to it :)
Hope the bone monster gets some spring-themed art XD

Posted 02/20/14
8D Omg! Best birthday gift ever! XD An event starting on my b-day ;D hehe!
Posted 02/20/14

Oh dear. I’m gonna lose sooo much sleep. x u x;; Sooo much sleeeep. Unless there will be a cap to how many you can give a day or something. Knowing my not-so-great luck, I’ll probably get the same exact flower every single time and won’t be able to make any bouquets and no one will send me any bouquets, and I’ll get nothing. XD

Oooh guuurrrl, a breeding raffle? That’s exciiiiting! *crosses fingers*

Posted 02/20/14

-hops around happily- I cant wait to get those petals~

Posted 02/20/14

You know glitch, spring event usually implies that there’s rain and flowers and sun outside. Not snow.

I’m actually happy it’s so early since I’m excited, but I do enjoy busting your balls.

Posted 02/20/14, edited 02/20/14
Ooh, yay event! I don’t really hold out much hope for the breeding raffle (which is okay, I don’t have one that has a partner yet anyway) but maybe I’ll manage an event coat or something. I can dream (and since my allergy meds knock me unconscious a dream is likely all it will be).
Posted 02/20/14
Aww, just my luck this would run through the nights while I’m working on the play. I’ll just have to make sure I get every fifteen minutes before I go! And aaaahhhh breeding raffle! I can’t wait to see the baby Ineki! :D
Posted 02/20/14

I have a question… What happens when you receive a bouquet? I understand that you can go collect flowers earlier, but then can you send that bouquet that was sent to you to someone else? Or does it vanish, or what?

Aaalso, is there going to be a limit on how many flowers you can collect, petals you can have, or things you can buy from the special shop? I simply ask because I set high aims for myself and want all the event coats. ._.’ They’re so purty.

Posted 02/20/14

Nyfeaena: when you receive a bouquet it goes on the receiving pet’s profile until the end of the event. It also reduces the amount of time you need to wait until the next time you can go collect another flower.

As for the shop, we’re currently torn as to how to do things. Since this is the first time we’re running the event, we have no idea how many petals we can expect you guys to get. One approach is to run through a lot of tests with various different “profiles” (i.e. x% of people are going to do it on average Y times per day, so over the course of the event will likely get Z petals, etc etc), price the shop accordingly and hope for the best. The other would be to decide on prices in the shop after we see how many petals people actually end up with. Getting the numbers right is really important: too high and you don’t get nice things; too low and you get a bunch of worthless things.

Both approaches have their pros and cons, and we haven’t made a final decision on this yet… how do people feel about not setting the event shop prices up until after the event? Or maybe doing it after some percent of the event time has gone by? My hesitation is that if prices end up different than you expect after a bunch of eventing, it can be disheartening… and I don’t want anyone to be disheartened. But on the other hand, given this is the very first time we’re running this event, it’s really very hard to predict. I’d love some input on this :)

Posted 02/20/14, edited 02/20/14

*falls face first, tripping over self, scrambles* First off this event is sounding AMAZING!!!

Secondly, I’m all for the idea of keeping the prices ‘secret’ until you guys see how many petals everyone winds up with. ^.^ Unless you really love the math of variable percents and averages or something… In which case do both and average them perhaps if the variables wind up being ‘too high’ with what is actually seen on the site…. For example instead of ‘hiding’ the numbers, perhaps have them unable to be bought before event end, but listing a higher number, then adjust if there’s too big a difference in actual result from players?

Though I LIKE the idea of prices being a mystery. It’s… Mysterious. o.o
I love love love love the idea of a ‘shop’ type format though, too!!! *squee, resists urge to link to Youtube video of Fluttershy making a happy Squee noise over and over for an hour* This should mean we can pick items we omgomgomg want, right? *stares at the locket item with UTMOST LONGING*

I mean, sadly I know based on the dates, unless it’s something very nicely manageable by way of clicks per day, I’m not going to get much if anything this event. v.v Being forced to move abruptly on VERY short notice sucks bigtime…

Then again, with how the gifting of Bouquets works, it SOUNDS like it might be possible to save my petals and send out bouquets on days I KNOW I have more hours to click, and thereby ‘re-earn’ a few ‘lost’ previous clicks from other days by reducing the next click cooldown when I’ll KNOW I’m there to get full advantage? So hopefully it won’t be as bad as I think for MYSELF… *ready’s mouse clicker for when I’ll have time during the event* :D

Such Anticipate. Much Excite. Such Squee. Woah.

But yes, my ‘vote’... Opinion? Input? Theory? Mystery prices sound fun!!! (And far less mathy! :D Less crazy variable percentage based math is good, yes?)

Edited to add (‘cuz I was too excite): .... Will we be forced to keep breedings between ONLY M/F “Pairs” for the breeding raffle slot thingy, or, like… Do genders not matter…? >.> *crosses fingers that they don’t matter!*

Posted 02/20/14, edited 02/20/14

Yay!!! I like that idea for an event. It should be fun to see how it turns out, and what the prizes are! I’m in the same boat Skye’s in with the moving and busy bee work IRL, but hopefully there will be enough time to accumulate enough petals for everything super shiny must have (though I’m sure that will be all of it).

In addition to Skye’s question about gender for the breeding, will the winner be able to breed with someone else’s ineki (like for RP, if so, would both get a copy of the baby? Or would it only go to the winner?) or just between two of their own?

Posted 02/20/14, edited 02/20/14

Breedings do not need to be between a M/F pair. Any two pets can partner, and any partnership can have babies.

As for the babies, Ineki litters usually consist of two babies (although exceptions can occur, biology is a funny thing), so both users would get a baby on their profiles :)

Posted 02/20/14, edited 02/20/14

((It’s not the one hour squeefest, it’s just a single squee. IT HAD TO BE POSTED AFTER THAT!!! This is my reply. Imagine it for the last few hours over and over…))

Posted 02/20/14, edited 02/20/14

because I’m terrible at waiting….... sneak preview….

Posted 02/20/14

You know glitch, you probably shouldn’t bring biology in this when you’re saying Inekis of any sex can breed. The implications are um.. unfortunate.

Also, I do worry a little bit about the event. I want basically everything, pets and items, except maybe the drasilis, the jury’s still out on that one. But I did just get a job, and I don’t think clicking every fifteen minutes is allowed at the job. XD But I also know it’s much easier if you’re say… in class. And I do know some people get a little passionate about eventing Ama. So I’m worried that even if I put my maximum amount of time in, I still will be on the lower average and thus unable to get everything. And just starting off in January, I won’t have the nuggets to purchase what I missed.

Basically, you’re probably going to have a hard time between trying to figure out the discrepancy between the hardcore players and the regular players.

Also, we obviously are able to get the bouquets as items but what about the flowers?

Posted 02/20/14, edited 02/20/14