19:06 ST
Spring Flower Rush! [Spring 2014 event]
Hm that’s a good question… the flowers will stay flowers for at least 24 hours after the gathering ends.
Posted 02/28/14, edited 02/28/14
Alright, thanks :P
Posted 02/28/14
Suggestion for the end: I think it’d be cool to have one, “Pick a mushroom” prize as a sort of grand prize for the second raffle. It wouldn’t really benefit me, since I got the only shroom I wanted, but it would really help out users who joined the event kind of late and have no choice of getting the mushroom they desired.
Posted 02/28/14

“*ponders* another option would be to have some more valuable prizes in there, but cap your tickets at 9 petals… so yeah we’re still undecided. Probably the former though since I feel a cap, if it were to exist, should have been announced before the event. I’m open to suggestions though. ”

I like this option of having more valuable items, myself.
I mean, I think most people would have been able to get their first priority items, if not everything they want, unless they play the event the last day.

But I mean, I can’t speak for them, obviously, so I’d love other people to chime in on the idea c:

Posted 02/28/14

orororor, you could have both raffles! /brick’d

I think either way people would like a chance for bonus things so it comes down to what other people think. ///Useless Ama-opinion.

Posted 02/28/14

This may have already been asked, but I was wondering when the last day to submit tickets to the raffles will be? I’ve heard that pets must be in a duprass to breed and that you have to already have them in a duprass to even participate in the raffle, so I’m just trying to figure out the latest time at which one could put pets into a duprass and enter the raffle. :3
Also, will it be a petal-ticket only raffle? Or will you be able to purchase tickets with nuggets?

Posted 02/28/14

Hi Nyf!

Sorry, this may not have been entirely clear: there will be two raffles. One for a breeding slot, for which you buy tickets using petals. Another for a few random prizes, which will use your leftover petals as tickets. You won’t be able to buy tickets for either one using nuggets.

The breeding raffle tickets are sold in the shop, so you’ll only be able to buy those while the shop is open. As for the other one, you don’t need to buy tickets at all since it just uses your leftover petals.

I hope that clears that up! :)

Posted 02/28/14, edited 02/28/14
How many petals will each flower give you once the grace period for making bouquets has ended, or is that a secret? I’m just trying to see how likely it will be that I’ll have enough petals for that elusive Spring Sprouts xD
Posted 03/01/14
Sharubii, I think they mentioned earlier that you would receive one petal for every leftover flower :)
Posted 03/01/14

Well! That was fun! :D

Good job staff at putting together this wonderful event!!

Posted 03/03/14