Crocodile - Open
Lucky Crane - Locked to Lord
Shinybipbop~ Open
Shinywoos~ Open
An artist I am not. Q.Q
But I tried. ^.^;;
Oh, And it’s Open, if anyone wants to play with it. o.o
Rainbow Kelph
Pearlescent Snowcat - Locked to [@Espurr]
Nega Wraith - Locked for -Sid
Sunshine Seventies - Open
Frigid - Open
Shineflower~ Open
Citriswirls~ open
Wintrose~ open
Restricted - doragon psssttt….. >>
the second ever thing i’ve done in sai rip
restricted - Kippie! Chrysanthemum Splendor
Regained Crown - Locked to [@Lady Hawkwing]
Heated - Open
i added the white background because otherwise the glow got all messed up orz
Restricted to Foxcat!
Restricted to Vysal
Rose Party