06:24 ST
March News Discussion

Maybe for some items? :O My scarf still covers my katana no matter what I do >_<

Ohh interest things!! Huzzah!~ *goes back to petting Ama’s customs*

Posted 03/14/14, edited 03/14/14
Foxcat, did you go to your pets tab in your inventory, next to your crafting tab? o: When you click on a pet there, it’ll bring up their equipped list, and you can order them by preference.
Posted 03/14/14, edited 03/14/14

I finally had the time to look and watch the bank interest. I was rather shocked that the interest rate goes down instead of up when you have more in the bank o_o;. I get that it helps keep things from over inflating and making the rich richer, it’s just so, counter intuitive to what I’ve had with all the other petsites. Now it’s hard for me to figure out what’s the best way to save up. Oh I know about the games (though the only one I can play is the cave in and I don’t even make near the max daily amount.) and RPing (though I have yet to generate interested people), where as with the banks on the sites it’s allowed me to make a small amount as I set goals to get the highest interest rate.

Oh well, sadness to notice this but, I know it wont matter.

Posted 03/19/14
Trust me, it’s in your best interest to deposit all your money into your bank. Even though the percentage goes down, the amount of nuggets needed to put in to make the percentage go down is worth it. You get an extreme amount of interest payback for it.
Posted 03/19/14

Oh I know Shima c:. It’s the only place to keep them anyway (besides on hand and that doesn’t add/do anything). I guess it’s just sad to see it go down. It, makes me not want to save up cause I want to see it go up not down xD.
My hope is one day they’ll change this and make it so that the percentage goes up when you add more and only down if you take out large amounts

Posted 03/20/14
Seeing as glitch had changed it recently, I don’t think it will be changed again. And as far as I know, glitch will probably never make it so the richer people get higher interest rates. I can’t say for certain, as I’m not an admin or mod, but as you said before, it is unfair.
Posted 03/20/14

The amount of nuggets you get still keeps going up, though, as you can also see in the graph glitch made :3 It’s actually already better than before, where at some point it’d just inflect completely & only go down. On top of that, the actual amount of interest you get here is super high very quickly as is. I mean, it’s hard to have to combat interest rates like these even with a steady economy, already!

(Rather, I’d looooove to have interest rates like there irl, lol xD)

Posted 03/20/14

A quick clarification about the interest rates: as your bank balance grows your interest percentage does go down. However, the change means that as your bank balance grows your daily interest payment will not go down, regardless of how many nuggets you have. We won’t ever have a system where a higher balance results in a higher percentage.

A viable alternative to the reducing percentage would be a fixed interest rate, but it would need to be significantly lower (somewhere between 2% and 3%). We feel would be far less newbie friendly, which is why we chose the reducing percentage system.

I hope that clears things up :)

Posted 03/20/14, edited 03/20/14

Oh I understand Glitch, I guess I should, try and clear up what I’m saying, since I guess I’m not as clear? I’m not trying to argue, just stating why I am sad to see the bank percent change, and discuss it. And just say why, for me the other way of banking percent has been good for players like myself, and show it’s not evil xD.

I understand it’s more friendly for newer players, and that even though the percent goes down, the amount collected still goes up, it’s still something I hope (personally) changes so that the percent goes up. When I see the number go down, I still want to some how reach into the bank and change the number for the grater than lesser. I’m just used to the banks that go:
-Beginner Saver 0-5,000 (depending on the output of site currency), which let’s say earns 2%
-Next level up 5,001-7,000 let’s say this one earns 4.5%
I know it makes it harder for newer players. But, for every site I’ve played with that system I’ve managed to eventually work my way up. I’ve also had players who have an abundance (the richer players) be kind to me on those sites and gift items or currency to me and other players who are new or in need.
Plus for players like myself who get rather busy at times, being able to grow on just interest can really help for when there are items that come out you want to buy but had not had time prior to make the site currency.

I know both systems (on how sites set up their banks) both have their good and bad points, it’s just more gratifying to see both percent and daily payout go up. Just, stating my thoughts is all.

Posted 03/20/14
No. The point is the admins are specifically trying to combat the “rich getting richer” trend. I understand what you’re saying. But I’m saying, no. (Sorry for the bluntness. I don’t like repeating myself.)
Posted 03/20/14

Definitely no. Any and every site I’ve ever been on that has an increasing percentage of interest in the bank based on how much money you have in there has had the most broken of broken economies. It makes it far too worth it to sit on amounts of money that will ultimately increase to ungodly amounts for doing absolutely nothing. Interest is not designed as a form of income, it’s a nice extra that is really completely unnecessary to have anyway.

Interest in IRL banks is because the bank itself is investing the money you’ve deposited (though perhaps not you specifically, they’re just investing money they have at the time) and then getting a return on those investments. (At least to the best of my understanding. Perhaps I’m wrong need and someone to clarify.) Thus, getting interest in a bank is to encourage you to deposit money there and then in return, thank you for depositing that money. That’s how banks make their money: investments.

On Mycena, there are no investments the site is making with our virtual currency. (Unless they suddenly institute some sort of investment system but please, no. Please.) Thus the interest given from the bank is free. Absolutely free. Upping interest value based on amount of Nuggets in the bank will fracture the economy. Things will slow down to the point that there is little buying going on because it’s more worthwhile to hoard pure instead of making temporary investments in the form of items and pets. It’s the equivalent of printing money. And we can look back at history and other websites *coughgaiacough* to see why a constant inflow with little to no outflow of currency is a bad thing.

Messymessy post. *goes to eat dinner*

Posted 03/20/14, edited 03/20/14

Quick disclaimer: we have no intention of changing the interest rates. The “viable alternatives” below are presented as discussion points only, and not as possible alternatives for the Mycena Cave bank.

Insigne: IRL banks have fixed interest rates - you don’t get a higher interest rate if you deposit more money into your savings account. A system like that would work here, too (albeit at a rate of 2-3%), but when we were discussing the bank before launching we decided that giving low-balance accounts a little boost would help get people started, hence the higher interest rates for lower-balance accounts.

Yet a third option would be a hybrid approach: have a lower starting interest rate (~4%), increase until it reaches the point where it would intersect the decreasing rate we have now, and then change direction and decrease back down again (I think we did this on Digis for a while?). This would let people see their rate increase as they deposited more money, and then start decreasing again if it reached the point where the amount of interest they were earning started to become a problem. However, the system we have in place now is essentially exactly the same thing but with more interest for people with smaller accounts, which is why we chose it.

Posted 03/20/14, edited 03/20/14
I didn’t know interest rates were static. I haven’t done a ton of banking IRL myself, so that’s good to know. I just know that interest is a thing. XD I’m perfectly pleased with the system we have now. I prefer it to any of the possible alternatives thus far, so I’m personally against changing it at all.
Posted 03/20/14

I just noticed the awesome new settings in the forum history! Thank you for this!! :D

On interest rates, the current one sounds perfect to me. It’s good to have control of site-generated currency so the economy doesn’t explode, and it still helps newbies out. The other day I was just thinking about how frustrating it seemed to max out and not be able to get anything more from the games, but I realized that I’ve been earning…a lot of nuggets, compared to when I didn’t max out every day(I only just recently figured out a strategy for cave in, lol). And if there wasn’t a limit, I would have to play cave in much longer than I already do just to keep up with people who have more time on their hands, because nuggets would start to devalue like crazy.

Posted 03/21/14
What’s this? A little batty in the leeetle companions shop?! How exciting!
Posted 03/23/14, edited 03/23/14
*GASP!* ACK!!! BAT!!! *scoops one up, snuggles it mercilessly* :D :D :D :D
Posted 03/23/14
Ooooh, another cuddly thing goes into Virith’s collection! :D
Posted 03/23/14
can’t wait for more animals xD
Posted 03/23/14

Wheeee! Karasses now have their own pages!

We replaced the “anniversary” box on the pet profiles to be a link to the karass page instead, so you can celebrate your pets’ love for each other and have a convenient place to write about their union / put their lovely art :)

Posted 03/26/14


Posted 03/26/14, edited 03/26/14
Oh, this is brilliant :D
Posted 03/26/14
Oh gosh. What a cute idea. Thanks! :D
Posted 03/26/14

*grins all over the place*


Posted 03/26/14
Have we mentioned lately just how awesome you guys are?
Posted 03/26/14

I don’t think we have…



Posted 03/26/14, edited 03/26/14

Oooohh, how lovely~ <3
Makes me want to put something on that page now. @u@

Posted 03/26/14
*screams* I love this update that is so so so cuuuuuteeee!!!
Posted 03/26/14

This is a super nifty idea, I absolutely love it.
It’s also cool to see the pair with their children in one place :D

Posted 03/26/14
I’ve never even thought of having something like this! It’s a wonderful concept that I’m already excited to use. You guys are full of surprises, thanks for all these updates!
Posted 03/26/14

Guys, chapter 2 is up! :D

And it is so good, and I am full of many feelings now ;______;

Posted 04/01/14