03:34 ST
March News Discussion
Wheeeeee it’s March!

I hope everyone had a good February, and enjoyed what we had to offer. We had some nifty things come out this month :D

Our first site-wide game-style event! It’s still going on and if you’re joining in late, you should still have time enough to pick up a nifty prize or two :) Also, it’s your, uh, “ticket” into the breeding raffle! Which brings me to the next thing…

Your pets can now propose to each other, and join together into karasses before the Sacred Tree. Only pets in a karass is able to bear young. Most of the time, these will only involve two pets. However, larger groups have been known to form. Note that while you can only propose to finished pets, petrifying a pet does not break the bonds of a karass.

You’ll need to have at least one pet in a karass or duprass in order to enter the breeding raffle. You can buy tickets from the Secret Garden shop, for five petals apiece. Good luck to you! If you win, you may choose any one of your karasses which was formed before the raffle drawing date to bear children.

That other raffle that nobody seems to know anything about

I’ve said here and there that there is a second raffle - where each of your leftover petals counts as a ticket - and that’s coming up too. As for what the prizes will be, I’m not entirely sure yet… It will go one of two ways: either prizes will be a few yellow and a few green bags, or maybe there will be some more valuable things in there but with a ticket cap of just nine petals per player. Basically, if you can spend your petals, you should. The raffle will not be such that you would be better off hoarding your petals for it.

We have a new artist

We recently added Plasma to our team of artists! We made a thread about this a couple days ago, but thought it bore mentioning in the monthly announcement thread too. We’re super excited about this (and she seems to be as well :D)

Daily games nugget limit increased

We were planning on waiting until Mushroom Meals was fully operational before upping the daily nugget winnings limit from 2000 nuggets to 3000 nuggets, but then we figured why not do it now :) So enjoy! You can also continue playing the games after you reach your limit. Rather than showing you an error page, you get a small red banner at the top informing you that you have hit your cap for the day, and your games will not reward you with nuggets or be eligible for highscores.

We’re also organizing a Mycena Cave Meetup!

It turns out a bunch of us are going to be going to Fanime Con this summer in San Jose, California, so we figured we’d go as well :D Myla and I are going for sure, daemon’s a maybe, and anyone else is more than welcome to tag along with us as well. I have a thread going over here to keep track of who’s going. It’s going to be great to meet some of you! We’re also trying to get T-shirts and things organized as a fun souvenier :)


Oh one more thing I forgot to mention last night:

Need Mycena Cave images?

We’ve set up a page with a number of Mycena Cave images that you might find useful. You can find it here. Your’e welcome to use these images on-site, in your RPs, forum posts and in the official Mycena Cave Wiki, but please do not hotlink or re-upload them elsewhere.

Posted 03/01/14, edited 03/03/14

*inhales* :D Smells like awesome.

and flowers.

Posted 03/01/14

Seems like a nice upgrade to the cap.

Is there a group of people to get a chance at the 9 petal raffle or just very select few?

Posted 03/01/14

All, allllll left over petals will be turned into raffle tickets.

So if you have left over tickets —> auto entry in raffle (I believe).

Posted 03/01/14

As far as the leftover petals raffle goes… it looks like I’ll very easily have over 100 flowers that I cannot put into bouquets because I’m just not lucky at all. I would be fairly upset if I was limited to using only 9 of those as tickets.

OH okay I get it. So I’ll still be able to spend them in the shop once they become petals. Cool.

Posted 03/01/14, edited 03/01/14

‘T-shirts and things organized as a fun souvenier :)”

I can’t wait to see you guys there \o/

And yeah- All unspent ones (capping at nine if I understand the post correctly) will be turned into the 2nd raffle tickets.
All flowers that aren’t spent before the shop closes turn into petals as well.

Posted 03/01/14

Auswen, you could still use the other 91 though!

How it works is when the event ends, all your flowers are turned into petals which you can use in the shop and just leave, 10 for the raffle (because the shop is open to March 9th).

Posted 03/01/14

There are two options for the second raffle, either…
a) all leftover petals get entered as tickets for yellow/green bags, or
b) you can buy up to 9 1-petal tickets for a raffle that has a couple more/bigger prizes.

In the first case, you could only win an extra yellow or green bag, but all your leftover tickets would be entered, should you want that (it would probably be more practical to spend the rest, though).

In the second case you would only have use for 9 leftover petals, so you’re best off spending the rest (on yellow/green bags, until you only have max 9 leftover).

Both ways, you have until March 9th to decide what you want to purchase, being bags, tickets for the breeding raffle, or tickets for the regular raffle, with your earned petals + daily petals + leftover petals from flowers.

But the choice for which of the two has not been made, because glitch hasn’t been convinced of either one yet :)

Posted 03/01/14, edited 03/01/14
Good stuffs please. ;; I wants the good stuffs.
Posted 03/01/14

March \o/

I’m so happy the daily nugget winnings cap was increased, haha. I don’t play Cave In as much as I should, but now I can earn an extra 1k on the nights I have the time / inclination to actually max out :D I’m going to need all the advantage I can get for this month’s OotS.

Posted 03/01/14

I’m going to repeat that I concur with the ticket cap in order for a chance for da gud stuffz :D

Also, I can’t WAIT to see who wins the breeding raffle. Uff. And the inevitable babies that I will be, no doubt, beautiful.

And… the first fox OotS! I can’t wait to get my paws on one!

Overall, I’m super impressed on how much Mycena has come for still being under a year old.

Posted 03/01/14, edited 03/01/14

I will echo everyone else saying I’d love a cap with better prizes! :D

Also loving the fox monthly, wish I could let myself get more than one, but I need gems for other things too XD;

So many exciting things are happening already! Can’t wait to see what else the month has in store.

Posted 03/01/14
Shame the con is in San Jose, that’s like 6+ hrs from me xP. So annoying when it’s in my state that a petsite will be at but it’s hours away xD!
Posted 03/01/14
So excited, all good news ! :)
Posted 03/01/14
I am like 3000 miles from the convention.  Photo galley plox :p
Posted 03/01/14

I am to stupid to play Mushroom Meals
I am to stupid to do sudoku…so it’s kinda the same ahaha xD

Wow I would go to the Con as well If I wouldnt be living in Germany xD

Posted 03/01/14
Ahh I’d love to go the Fanime, but it’s much MUCH too far for me. D: Have fun you guys! <3 Take photos and get stuff woo!
Posted 03/01/14, edited 03/01/14
I love the new pet colour. I enjoy it much.
Posted 03/01/14
Fanime sounds amazing, but I’ll most likely be stuck on the other side of the coast D< or I might not even be in the States at all. Oh well. Looking forward to the raffle though :D and babies!! Babies are always exciting.
Posted 03/01/14

I don’t really get Sudoku, but you can’t have too many games. :P

The petal raffle is a good idea for those users who can’t spend that last little bit they have.

I have a question about breeding though. Will the newborn have a viewable family tree, or will they be like the normal, awakened pets?

Posted 03/01/14
In my sleepiness last night there were a couple of things I forgot to include in the announcement, so I’ve added them to the bottom.
Posted 03/01/14, edited 03/01/14
I just noticed something, the linearts for the Drasillis in the graphics area don’t have the Mycena Cave copyright stamp on them… Just figured I’d let you know in case you want to change it XD
Posted 03/01/14, edited 03/01/14

oh god Irefe your avatar / custom is gorgeous @.@

thanks for letting me know about the (c) thing! I’ll get that updated when I can ^^

Posted 03/01/14
Oh, thank you! :D Myla made her incredibly gorgeous, I love her to pieces. And no problem, I just figured I’d bring it to your attention :3
Posted 03/01/14

Oh oops!  I didn’t realize I’d forgotten to put the (c) thing on there.  It’s all fixed now.  I needed to update the male drasillis lineart anyway. :)

I’m glad you like your custom, Irefe!

Posted 03/01/14
o-o That new update must apply to me.
Posted 03/01/14
I gotta say that I’m not a fan of this new rule in place for the recreations. I’ve no intention of selling mine, but should anything happen… well now I can’t. It just seems unnecessary? I doubt anyone is selling their recreations to make a quick buck due to the fact recreations were so cheap. Especially considering a lot of people have probably paid for these pets/characters twice now if you think about all the money people spent back on Digis. The people I know who have were doing it were doing it for personal reasons and would rather see their customs go to someone who would love them rather than just let them sit and rot. Not to mention it seems… hm… in poor taste, for lack of a better term, to add rules after a bargain has been struck. The customs have all been paid for at this point.  I know you guys did us a favor by making them pretty easy to obtain and I thank you for that, but it’s really unfair to add rules after the fact. Is it possible this rule could at least be discussed before it is set into motion? Maybe get a general feel of how those with recreations feel on the matter?
Posted 03/02/14

I’m a little on the fence about the custom rule. Like Siren, I do appreciate you guys making the pets available & cheap in reflection to their current prices. I agree with Siren, to a degree. If a user decides to quit, or no longer wants the pet for any reason, they should be able to sell them. It’s biased opinion, I’ll admit; my favorite aspect of this site are customs & dressing up pets. I would rather see one sold, given a character, role played, admired, than to just sit on an account. Aside from that, I just don’t see the harm in allowing people to do what they wish with their recreations.

I also have no intention on selling any of my recreations, but if I quit the site, I’d want the ability to give away Gloria to Juney. We’ve spent a lot of time roleplaying them, writing about them, developing their stories, etcetera. I know I’m not the only one who feels like this. On Digis (sorry to compare the two), I asked to buy someone’s custom & the person was going to sell me them before the partner of that pet explained that they were attached to the pet. They ended up receiving the custom, & I completely understood. I’d feel the same way if Juney decided to sell Janyne.

Again, my opinion is biased. I’d like the liberty to do with what I want with any of my pets, without having any special restrictions on any of them.

Posted 03/02/14
Thanks Siren and Kris for weighing in. Siren you raise an important point, that adding stipulations to a transaction after it has happened is most certainly an iffy thing (do understand though that what you may or may not have paid for on Digis is not something that will affect our decision-making here). Anyway this is just a note to everyone that that clause is currently under revision, so…  it may not happen, it may happen, or something entirely different may happen, we’re not sure yet. Basically, doing it is problematic, not doing it is problematic, and we’re in a lot of discussion at the moment as to what if anything we can do to minimize problematicness. So *nods* I just want to let you and everyone know that what we do end up doing is going to be the result of a lot of discussion, is not something we’re doing on a whim, is only going to happen if we feel that it is very important, and whatever we do do, you will have plenty of notice. If you feel strongly about this and would like to weigh in with your opinions, I invite you to send me an echo, and we can have a discussion via echo shared between anyone who wants in on it.
Posted 03/02/14

In regards to what was written above in response to the newly added updates…
I suppose I personally felt like it rubbed me the wrong way that you were thinking about locking the pets onto our accounts. But I guess I wasn’t sure how to describe my feelings, so I didn’t say much about the matter until now.
I personally don’t ever forsee me leaving this site or giving away Gyver or Hyzenko for any reason, but if there did come a time I had to leave, I would definitely be giving them away to close friends.

I’d be interested in an echo discussion, when that takes place.

What I do propose, though it would be tricky to mandate, that we can give our pets to other people but not sell them as a type of middle ground.

I’m not sure how hard it would be to write a code for something like this, but is there a way to make sure those particular $10 pets can be traded, but if someone tries to add more than 3 gems to the trade (for one-way trade purposes) it won’t go through?


“If you win, you may choose any one of your karasses which was formed before the raffle drawing date to bear children.”

Ah, I have a question. I just wanted to clarify this before planning.
I have a current karass that I bought tickets for, but another person I know is also interested in forming a karass with a different pet.
I will be using the tickets for the former pair as I promised to my friend, but I was wondering if the second friend could use her tickets towards the second pair?
What I mean is if there is a rule with me “overlapping” two entered pairs.

Posted 03/02/14, edited 03/02/14