09:02 ST
[Event] The Great Spring Renewal [Sign-ups]

I’d be a solo player looking for a group of size 2-3. ^^

This player has been invited to a group by the Bone Monster.

Posted 04/15/16, edited 04/15/16
All solo participants up to this point should have received an invitation to a group. If you didn’t, or if you’d like to join an additional group, please post again here.
Posted 04/15/16

I am currently a solo player, looking to join a group, anything from size of two people up to four! :)

(Thankyou bone monster ;D )

This player has been invited to a group by the Bone Monster.

Posted 04/15/16, edited 04/17/16

(Yes this is my second group, I am still looking to join another group, as i mentioned in my previous post)

Here to sign me, Jigawatta and kingjamkamikaze up as a group of two, not looking for any more members. :)

Posted 04/15/16

Signing us up!
Arintol Jordii

And in another group
Ashlar Jordii

Posted 04/15/16

I’m going to do a solo sign up too! No group size preference. :) I had fun with a randomized group last time, so even though I have 2 right now I’d love another to meet some new people and I promise I’ll crank out the posts! 8)

This player has been invited to a group by the Bone Monster.

Posted 04/15/16, edited 04/17/16

I’d like to do a solo sign-up!

I’d probably use Kukurbo or Tufo for the prompts. I have no group size preference. I also have very little muse - I’ll try my best to make decent posts, though.

This player has been invited to a group by the Bone Monster.

Posted 04/15/16, edited 04/17/16
[@Reili] and muffler signing up together!
Posted 04/16/16

i would like to be put in a group! the more the merrier, personally. i’m a little low energy lately so just one group for now but i have spring break coming up for the second half of the event so i will do my very best!

This player has been invited to a group by the Bone Monster.

Posted 04/16/16, edited 04/17/16

Looking to join a second group, no preference to size at all ^^

This player has been invited to a group by the Bone Monster.

Posted 04/16/16, edited 04/17/16

I would love to do an RP between your Kukurbo and Springstep.  I was thinking of something along the lines of doing the rare flower and magic gathering spot prompts together. What you have written in Kukurbo makes me think be would be interested in the magic gathering spot and Springstep would love to find that rare flower (and possibly pick it which would probably be a bad idea). I already have an idea on how to start it too if you want me to.

I would also like to join one more group too.

This player has been invited to a group by the Bone Monster.

Posted 04/16/16, edited 04/17/16

I’m looking to join more 2 groups, each with 2 persons, please! :)

This player has been invited to a group by the Bone Monster.

Posted 04/16/16, edited 04/17/16
holly5555 signing up with Neki
Posted 04/16/16
Signing up for Catbee, radio and Arintol! *goes to post a thread*
Posted 04/16/16

I’d like to join an additional group, preferably with 4 people total, but any size is okay.

This player has been invited to a group by the Bone Monster.

Posted 04/16/16, edited 04/17/16

I’m already in a group, but I’d like to be part of multiple, so I’m posting as a Solo as well. Also, I’d be happy to help people newer to RPing and get used to it and have some fun. I’d prefer to stick to just two in a group, but…I can handle more if needed. I just have issues. xD

This player has been invited to a group by the Bone Monster.

Posted 04/16/16, edited 04/17/16

I have the time for at least one more RP, so I’m looking for another group- 2 to 3 people preferred.

This player has been invited to a group by the Bone Monster.

Posted 04/16/16, edited 04/17/16

If it’s not too late I’d like to sign up for a group! Looking for a group,  I mean. Preferably size 3-4 but I’ll take what I’m given!

[edit: I haven’t RP’d in 12 years, so I’m basically completely new to it]

This player has been invited to a group by the Bone Monster.

Posted 04/16/16, edited 04/17/16

I have time for one more RP, so I’m looking for a group! 2-3 members preferred!

Edit:I am now in a group with Insigne

Posted 04/17/16, edited 04/17/16
thewordeater Sent you an echo! ovo
Posted 04/17/16, edited 04/17/16

I would like to join a last group of 2, please!

This player has been invited to a group by the Bone Monster.

Posted 04/17/16, edited 04/17/16

I’m already in one group, but I think I’d like to sign up as a solo participant for a second.

Heavy preference for a group of three!~

This player has been invited to a group by the Bone Monster.

Posted 04/17/16, edited 04/17/16

I’d like to join a group solo! No preference on group size, but 3 would be fun!

This player has been invited to a group by the Bone Monster.

Posted 04/17/16, edited 04/17/16

Here to join another group. 3-4 would be nice, although any size is fine.

This player has been invited to a group by the Bone Monster.

Posted 04/17/16, edited 04/17/16

Campi here, adding to my current story list with a few more Rp groups

Fuzztheif, Kay Mentrae, and I will be doing a thing
Fuzztheif has me for one solo
Kay Mentrae has me for another solo
And [@Shepherd] has snagged me for another two solos as well
And then Kay Mentrae, Guaif, Mythorim, and I have created a pairing monstrosity with a random generator that we intend to follow through. It should prove rather interesting XD

Posted 04/17/16

Solo with Mythorim in group 1

Solo with Campi group 2

Aforementioned group mentioned above.

Posted 04/17/16

I’ll be doing a solo RP with Campi
And another Group RP with Campi and Guaif.

Also Guaif and I are willing to take up to two more random users who don’t yet have an RP partner for a group story. ;D

Posted 04/17/16

Solo player looking for a group of 2-3! Thank you!

This player has been invited to a group by the Bone Monster.

Posted 04/18/16, edited 04/18/16

Well, I tentatively have an rp partner who might want me for the event, but as I’d like to be in two anyway and since she hasn’t gotten back to me, I’d like to sign up as a solo for now, looking for a group!  No preference on size.

This player has been invited to a group by the Bone Monster.

Posted 04/18/16, edited 04/18/16

Back for a second group! Still no preferences on size. :)

This player has been invited to a group by the Bone Monster.

Posted 04/18/16, edited 04/19/16