14:10 ST

and even if in your eyes you starve, i know you’ll never hunger
status: baby baby baby baby

about me

Hi! I’m Stanari, but I also respond to Stan, “nerd”, and “hey you”. I cannot confirm or deny allegations that I may also be three birds in a trench coat. I’m not very active on MC outside of events, but I enjoy the time I do spend here very much!

I do not bite people (as birds do not have teeth), so please feel free to echo me for any reason! I am happy to chat about pretty much anything and everything; if you are wondering whether I would enjoy talking to you, the answer is probably yes. (Unsolicited trade offers are welcome.) If I’m not responding, I might be low on energy or I might just have forgotten; please do remind me if it’s been a few days.

I like making things - these days that’s mostly writing. My other interests include game design, edgy backstories, interactive fiction, and hating on JavaScript. In my misbegotten youth, I was a minesweeper fiend, but these days I mostly play Celeste (2018) the best game of all time, gacha trash I seriously do not recommend this as a life decision, whack-a-mole with msbuild.exe please help me, and of course, Echolocation my beloved <3.

notes and links

short stories | wayfarer setting thread | your next character is named “echo from a time of war”


Stanari status: offline

User ID 657
Forum posts 862
Member since Nov 5th, 2013
Last seen Feb 22nd, 2025