18:50 ST

“librarian”/knowledge guardian who inherited the position from someone who actually could use magic really well but then went off travelling to spread knowledge like the position wants you to
they couldn’t decide on a journey bc so many people they met just wanted to use the knowledge for weird/creepy/selfish stuff and they wanted to go with someone but also be helpful and good
they’re really good at using magical items and at rearranging magic to make it work differently (?), but they can’t really generate magic by themself?
they have a system where the library automatically transforms to look old and messy and boring when people walk in so they can’t find anything by themselves or use the knowledge wrongly, but they can kinda just clap or tap something and it goes to a really well organized and upkept arrangement

coat wish list

pretty much just a repository for dnd game world backstory


toxicdos status: offline

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Member since Mar 19th, 2015
Last seen Apr 15th, 2023