Lullaby – The Meme Queen Type: Support Card Ability: Hey, that’s pretty good! However, if you roll below 15 CHA, The Meme Queen will show you the worst and most cursed pictures from the internet (Usually it’s horrible art of their favorite characters.). Because of that, your allies will cringe so hard that you will be unable to use any card for 3 turns. No item card will be able to stop this effect, so better be sure when you want to use The Meme Queen card. Extras:
Posted 06/30/18, edited 07/01/18
Posted 07/01/18
[Inspiration] [Nap] [Doodle]
Posted 07/02/18, edited 07/02/18
![]() About the Game: This game is meant to be a classic monster vs. monster game, much like pokemon! They were common in my generation and I was raised on them. I love the nostalgia of them. Instead of being attack based, however, it requires much strategy and preparation. Players select ability cards every turn in order to strengthen their own monsters or weaken their opponents. Ability cards are hidden until the end of several rounds, when the monsters finally face off. Instead of setting down their own ability cards each turn, the other player has the option of revealing one of their opponent’s and attacking it to get it off the field. This particular card is meant to be a support card instead of a monster card. It is used in order to weaken the enemy’s opponent and make them easier to take down! The naked mole rat shaves off all their hair (or other defenses the monster might have) and makes them more prone to critical hits! It is a relatively common card and considered of moderate usefulness. How does this card represent me?: While this card does not represent my full personality, it does represent one part of it that I am well known for (my dislike of hair). It is true both of my pets and in reality. I have cut my hair short for years! I do not enjoy the fuss of putting it up or having to brush it in the morning. I started with short hair when I began swimming as a child, which made it easier to put under a swim cap. After a brief period of shoulder length hair, I decided to go back to short hair when I entered college. I haven’t looked back since. I am on the war against hair, and no one can stand in my way! On another note, the quirky humor of this card is another thing that represents me. I’m known for having something of an odd sense of humor. A naked mole rat wielding a razor is enough to make me giggle. I wouldn’t want to be part of a card game if it was too serious. I also see myself as more of a support card, as I do not like to be at the center of things. I would much rather someone else play the monster as it were. I do better on the sidelines and helping those on the attack. Other people may be more of a go-getter than me, but I have my place in the chain! My place is that of moderate usefulness in particular circumstances, such as knowledge of libraries.
Posted 07/04/18, edited 07/04/18
How does your community card represent who you are? I chose this card for my community card because I took the name Nephele comes from a Greek myth in which a woman was created out of the clouds to distract the unwelcome attention of a man from a goddess. After serving the purpose for which she was made none of the gods were quite certain what to do with her and poor Nephele was shuffled around several times until they finally simply set her aside to fill rain clouds with her tears. Not the happiest ending for that Nephele. I also chose the cloud shape because despite being very affectionate verbally and in my writing, I hate being touched physically. Clouds can’t be touched without harming their form, any interactions must be without physical contact which is exactly what I prefer. In addition to all that, I also often feel like I’m little more than a walking anxiety attack. And since my favorite type of card in card games are trap/effect cards, that’s the sort of card I wanted to represent me. So a cloud of anxiety that causes the players to have to discard potentially useful cards seemed perfect. Especially since anxiety attacks often make you feel like no matter what you do it’s going to be the wrong thing.
Posted 07/04/18
![]() Active ability: naptime; take a nap for as long as you like, but timers are still allowed to run down. Why this ability: I really like naps. I was infamous for taking naps at random times. I actually accidentally freaked out most of the testing room/proctors during my AP Stats test by sleeping through more than half of it. We actually had a 25 minute limit on the last question of the AP Stats free response, and the last ones are usually regarded as hellishly hard questions but I spent more than half of the time we were specifically allotted on that one question (because it was a section unto itself apparently for whatever reason) asleep. I finished, got a 5 and everything, but I still fielded a ridiculous number of questions about why I was asleep after that. <w<; Also, I don’t think being super picky with food is a good ability to put on a card? My palette is apparently the best my family has produced in a few generations so I get the dubious honor of a) cooking a lot b) arbitrating recipes c) deciding our restaurant rotations and d) various other food-related decisions.
Posted 07/04/18
Positive attributes:
With a strong play drive, fun is wherever you can find it! And when things are more fun, the determination to do them falls right into place. I try to keep things as fun as possible, whether at work or play, which makes the desire to do them, and to try to do them well, so much easier! Fluffpower is in relation to how I’ve been described in mafia games, heh—fluffy, or generally just nice, with a positive attitude. But I’ve found that this applies to just about every aspect of life: being as nice as you can, and trying to stay positive, is a boon for both yourself and others around you, wherever and whenever you can manage it. Lore, whether making stuff up in my own head, or enjoying the head-contents of others, has been a staple of my existence, my whole life.As far back as I can remember, I’ve been making up characters and their stories (before I ever even knew what rp was xD), and happily engorging myself on others’ headcanons.
Negative attributes:
The more I want to stay awake, it feels like, the worse I am at it. My sleep patterns are the worst, and especially so if I’m tired from work. I really, really want to figure out how to do something better about this. However long I think something should probably take me, it’s probably best to add additional units of time to the estimate. Especially if I get distracted. Forcing myself to focus, and try to do certain things faster, is something I’m trying to work on. I don’t deal well with unnecessary meanness, like, at all. Though I do try to get back out of those negative feelings as fast as I can manage.
Posted 07/05/18, edited 07/05/18
My card represents me specifically as I exist this week – curled up in a blanket by the fire, drinking some coffee and reading a book about queer linguistics. Well I’m not technically a bird, the toy pukeko stands in for me. Pukeko (also known as swamphens) are ungainly birds, with a lurky, awkward gait. They don’t fly often, and when they do, it looks like they’ve forgotten how. Half of them looks too big for the other half, and they let out an awful WONK instead of a song. So, the physical connection is obvious ;) As for the other stuff, well… I live in New Zealand, so it’s currently winter. Warm drinks and blankets to curl up in are a must during these months. The coffee cup has a cat on it because I like cats, though a few seconds after I took this picture my real cat crashed the party.
The book is a recent purchase that I admit I haven’t had a chance to read yet (but I’m looking forward to it!). I’m not personally a fan of the word “queer” as its used in academia, and much prefer the term “Lavender Linguistics”, but publishers gonna publish, I guess. I’m a linguist, and I work specifically in lgbt+ topics, so this reading is right up my alley. I hope my own work is published in a volume like this some day. The card effect represents the way I sometime get lost writing, especially if I’m upset. I have a tendency to TLDR, and it can not only be emotionally exhausting, but means I often spend way too long editing and cutting things down afterword. The whole photo represents something I FINALLY have a chance to do – relax!! I’m taking a break from my studies for a while, which means I finally have a chance to just sit and do things for FUN. It’s only been about 1.5 days so far since my break actually started, and I’m looking forward to a few more weeks to myself. (Before I inevitable start getting anxious and go back to work haha).
Posted 07/05/18