00:01 ST
[SUBMISSIONS] MycenaDeck - Community Deck


Posted 07/05/18
Posted 07/05/18

The Facade is a mask you wear to protect yourself, be it from society or your peers. The Facade is also your strength, it is the “you” you can hope to become or even the “you” that you hope to avoid.

Drawn Upright
Shy naturally, the Upright Facade means that you were able to overcome a fear in yourself and have taken a step towards your true self.

Drawn Reversed
The you that you don’t wish to be has reared its ugly head, you must regain your composure or there will be consequences.

How does your community card represent who you are?

I am shy by nature and have slightly crippling anxiety (I am 24 and work at the same job as my fiance but even though we work different hours, I go into and stay at work until the end of his shift because I cannot travel home on my own. For some reason I can get on a plane by myself though). Most people I know do not learn about this until we have already been friends for a few years because whenever I meet new people, I always say “hi” first as to not miss out on anything in life. But honestly just gathering the courage to say that is a struggle. If I get a positive response, I feel more confident in that moment and can continue talking but if I don’t, I will worry about it for a while and just shut down.
Online it is much easier for me to be myself (spunky, spontaneous, and carefree) because there are no actions to be seen. I can’t as awkward when typing as irl (like stuttering because you talk too fast ^^;) Madara is not only my facade but also my outlet to practice even though I don’t really interact much with people on MC outside of trading…

hope this isn’t too personal but I do feel comfortable enough to mention this to the Mycena community

Posted 07/05/18

This card represents several different aspects of me, though most of them are interconnected. First and foremost, I chose to use a photo in place of art because, with exception of reading/writing, photography is the hobby to which I’ve given the most time in recent years, and also one which has given me a great deal of enjoyment. The perfect holiday / daytrip now almost invariably includes my camera, and recently I’ve been putting more time into developing my photography past simple point-and-shootness; a process that’s proving almost as enjoyable as the photography itself. That said, I do still have a tendency to shoot in continuous mode (a habit that I don’t have any plans to break), and this is reflected by the ‘rapid-shooting’ ability. Its reference to paralysis, meanwhile, is a comment on my early days of photography (back before I’d figured out how to turn flash off), and the many times I accidentally temp-blinded the people around me.

The photo itself represents both my fondness for fluffy critters (and animals in general), and my knowledge/appreciation of the animal kingdom. It combines nicely with the ‘identification’ ability, since a combination of documentaries, lecturer chatter, work experience, and random research have left me with an awareness of a number of ‘obscure’ species – and in many cases the ability to identify such species without any external aids. This particular photo shows a Binturong; one of the many species that, as it turns out, most people have never even heard of.

To round it off, the ‘trivia’ ability represents the repository of random facts rattling around my brain (mostly animal-focused, but also some general science snippets), and the tendency I sometimes have of spouting those same facts off to people who generally have no idea what I’m talking about. It’s generally a harmless quirk – but I’ve noticed that those moments can leave some people looking a bit bewildered, and it’s from this that I drew the ability’s status effect.

Posted 07/05/18
Posted 07/05/18

Kaleidoscope is a two player card game used to perform divinations or meditations. It is oriented towards determining the outcome of conflicts or uncertainty. The card shown above is the Sun Maiden (equivalent to the Jack of Spades in a standard deck).

Each player starts with their own deck. You can play Kaleidoscope with a standard 52 card deck, though people who often have cause to play Kaleidoscope usually have dedicated decks for that purpose. Cards in Kaleidoscope have special names that stem from the game’s ties to Faerie.

Diamonds are mountains.
Clubs are moons.
Hearts are seas.
Spades are suns.

Jacks are maidens or ladies or acolytes.
Queens are mothers or queens or (low) priests.
Kings are crones or empresses or high priests.

Aces are emissaries or assassins or inquisitors.

After shuffling your deck, place it to the side. All cards will be drawn from this pile.

Draw five cards and place them face up, directly in front of you. This is your Vanguard. Ensure that you and the other player can see each others’ Vanguards.

Next, draw seven cards and put them in your hand.

The player with the highest card in their Vanguard goes first. If that’s a tie, ignore the tied cards and look for the highest card again. Repeat as necessary. If all five cards are identical, accept that the gods really don’t want you to play this game right now, and try again later.

On your turn, you make a Push or a Parry or both. When you Push, place a card from your hand face down in the other player’s zone. When you Parry, place a card from your hand face down on top of the other player’s Push.

If you Push and Parry, you must use cards of complementary suits (a mountain and a sea, or a sun and a moon). You cannot use cards from the same pairing of suits as you used on your last turn (so if you played a mountain last turn, you can play only a sun or a moon or both this turn). If this prevents you from playing any card, you lose.

After playing your turn, you may choose to take a card from your Vanguard (draw another card to replace it in your Vanguard) or draw a card. If you played two cards, draw an extra card.

When both players have exhausted their deck, the game ends. Flip over all Pushes and Parries.

If a Push is stronger than the Parry that opposes it, that Push succeeds. Royals are of equal strength and stronger than numbered cards. Numbered cards are stronger than numbered cards with smaller numbers and emissaries. Emissaries are stronger than royals only.

The side with more successful Pushes is the winner.

Posted 07/05/18

How does your community card represent who you are?:

As much as I love all of my pets on this site, Cragganmore has been the one that I mentally consider an avatar of myself. He is an August doggo with both muted colors and that sparkly pop of awesomeness.

I like to think that the Magic Surge Meteorite pets are able to turn their sparkles off and on at will. The grey coat may be overlooked at first glance when surrounded by other more colorful coats, but when the bright glowy bits start to shine the Magic Surge Meteorite pets impress the competition.

Cragganmore is also my go-to pet for adventure RPs such as the Quest for the Icy Soul event. He is the explorer, the tryer of new things and all around adventure guide. Perhaps not quite who I am (yet) but certainly who I try to be.

Pretend your card is part of a tarot deck.  What are some possible meanings/interpretations of your card?:

As far as I know, there are no specific “adventure” cards in a Tarot deck. But at the start of every good adventure there is optimism and enthusiasm. In the Hero’s Journey, adventures often start with innocence (or ignorance, depending on your point of view). As an August-based card and “bright, happy” enthusiasm, I would compare this to The Sun in an actual tarot deck.

The reverse, or inverted, meaning of this card could be overconfidence - the warning of too much pride leading to one’s downfall. Another interpretation could be a disconnect from reality - so much enthusiasm for adventure that one overlooks the dangers.

Of course, I am using “adventure” as in an exciting journey rather than the story of a hero needing to run away from something and make a new life for themself in order to survive.

Posted 07/05/18, edited 07/05/18
Posted 07/05/18

Fhwoof, here we go. So this card is a me card. I find my family one of the most near and dear and important things in my life, and my husband is the most wonderful, caring and understanding person I could ever hope to share this crazy thing called life with. I can’t imagine my life without him now that I have him, and this card in the end represents me (and him), as a result. Part of the story here is that these two ineki are two characters of ours from a Rokugan game we played (or it played us, we’re not sure…) that have endured in a sort of timeless fashion, as has their love, which transcended lifetimes in the game. This geness of the two of them is something my that amuses my husband and he puts up with me doing because he’s that sort of wonderful. The long and short of the coat choices is that my birthday is May first, his is March third. Those two are the monthly coats for each of our birth months from 2016 when I got this idea, and each is carved on our birthdays. I remain slightly bemused that those are called Fable and Happily Ever After. A fairy tale ending and a love that transcended time and lifetimes is something that felt was absolutely perfect for the two characters I named them after in the end, and so I feel these two end up representing my feelings for our relationship, and my hope that it will always be the wonderfully imperfect, maddening and amazing thing that it is for as long as both of us are on this planet. It may not be all of me, but this is a part of me that is perhaps the dearest to my heart.

Posted 07/05/18

Awful Dad Joke: Target makes a will saving throw against Swan’s spell DC. If unsuccessful, the target feels insulted and assumes takes 1d4 in facepalm damage.

I almost forgot, I still had to finish this part of the mycanadeck jghebg
Thank you admins for this fun event!

Posted 07/05/18, edited 07/05/18
Posted 07/05/18
Posted 07/05/18, edited 07/05/18
Posted 07/05/18, edited 07/05/18

Art by sakonma. Original design by yukibuns.

Who can’t commiserate with being a sleepy, sleepy creature whose sole wish is to lounge around and read and play video games? That is my soul, okay. To fluff around in the coziest manner, to be warm and comfortable, to sleep when you want to sleep and wake when you want to wake. HEIGHT OF A PERFECT LIFE.

But, really, I love cute things. I love fluffy things. I really do love sleep a lot, even though I don’t get nearly enough of it. I’m also very fond of collecting art of my characters, and this is part of one of my favorite pieces, so I had to include it. It also has some of my favorite colors (I am partial to whites and blues—nothing too elaborate generally as far as design goes when talking about myself), as well as a familiar, lazy stretch that I may or may not have tried out a few times in my life. I may also be a little bit standoffish with strangers, but generally I’m easy to get along with as long as you’re not actively being a jerk. When the mitts come off though, the mitts come off. That said, my memory isn’t the greatest, so I forgive and forget pretty easily too, haha.

Posted 07/05/18

(Oops my card ripped. Sorry about that.) (Also art used w/ permission!)

My community card represents who I am by showing what makes me special, as ya do when wandering the wastelands. My strength is at a five since I’m about average strength, and can do a decent amount of heavy lifting when needed. I’m very perceptive, with great hearing and tendency to check my surroundings due to some small amount of paranoia at everything ever. I blame the rise of snake clowns in recent years. My endurance is set to two since I spend the bulk of my time at the computer and thusly have very limited stamina when it comes to running around or otherwise doing things that requires being active. So I’m never going to run a marathon, but I could probably do a sprint just fine.

Moving on to the second column, I’ve a nine in charisma. I am a good talkerer, though my general silly LOLcat style of chatting doesn’t make it seem like it. I’m great at listening and being empathetic to what people’s needs are for conversation, and acting accordingly. I’ll also often be the one doing what I can to cheer up a saddened friend, which can be difficult if you aren’t particularly charismatic. Fortunately for me, I am. So yay. I’m also rather smart, thusly the high intelligence score. I am do smart things! I think in code as often as not, information sorting easily into brackets and sub-brackets, ints and strings. And I know a lot of things! Mostly useless things, but things nonetheless! Agility is another above-average score, though only barely. Honestly this should probably be higher, as when I’m on top of my game I’m quite fast and was recommended to try out for track on more than one occasion. Unfortunately I’m rather lazy, and given my previously mentioned sedentary lifestyle at the moment, my speed has probably suffered in turn.

Final column, the ripped one. Oops. Again, sorry about that. I got distracted. But fear not! I do remember what goes there, probably. And just as well, too! We’re onto the luck stat, which is at an absurd level of 12, only achievable by the most diligent of luck-seekers! I’m the one in the group who constantly rolls doubles, critical hits, and generally good fortunes whenever I play board games. Unfortunately, my ‘luck’ is also skewed highly in the reverse-when I fail, I fail hard. I blame Xom and his chaotic mood swings, and his terrible need to keep life interesting. But hey! It really does keep life interesting, and I welcome the challenge. So with all that said, those are the little letters and numbers listed on the card, and the things that make me special! ^-^

Posted 07/05/18, edited 07/05/18

art by me!


I have a fondness for knowing tidbits of various subjects and binges of research! I once went on a corn research binge for several hours and subjected King to my yelling, which is where this card comes from! Also, “corn” is like ... fairly close to “cien” right?? :‘D

I also really love drawing gold so corn was nice to draw! Corn is nice to eat, too ...

why 22-25%?? that’s the ideal moisture content of corn at harvest!!

Posted 07/05/18


I went with Meimei for my representation because Miranda rhymes with panda and I’ve always been called that by my mom and I like pandas the most. At first when I got Meimei I was going to make a character for her but now she’s just kind of… me as an ineki! Anyway I designed this kind of as a pokemon card in that there are two attacked, but still fitting a dnd kind of game. I guess how it would work is that you yourself as a player have a set of stats, and each card might do something like modify yours or another’s stats like this one does, or has traditional attacks that deal damage, or healing moves, and so on. I imagine the game would be a team against another team, but still a traditional turn-based card game! Think like a pokemon double or triple battle, in card game form.

The two attacks I chose are both support moves because I’m very non confrontational and mousy but I like helping out. “Trying their best” is supposed to be not as powerful as “Encouragement” because I tend to be pretty poor at motivating myself but I put a lot of energy into supporting my friends. These attacks may be totally overpowered or something and if so that’s just because I have no concept of what is appropriate for rolls and stats and stuff, haha! “Encouragement” can only be used once per battle, but it lasts for the entire battle for whichever player it is used on. “Trying their best” can be used every other turn as a modifier on constitution checks/rolls. (Again, I don’t play dnd much but I hope that makes sense!)

Posted 07/05/18
Posted 07/05/18
Posted 07/05/18, edited 07/05/18
Posted 07/05/18, edited 07/05/18

squeaks in under the deadline!!

Posted 07/05/18
Posted 07/05/18

what crazed, illogical part of my brain thought it was a good idea to create a rep of myself with a literal plasma ball for a head and spend the whole night trying to render a realistic freaking plasma ball

Posted 07/05/18, edited 07/05/18
Posted 07/05/18

I didn’t mean to make her look evil, but I decide to roll with it.

Posted 07/05/18